Looks like JT will self-destruct


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Cons and Liberal haters are character assassinating him and making sure nobody will ever replace their anti-democratic form of governance. All hail Big Brother and the Holding Company.

Well not as bad as the Libs did with Harper- Fear & hate mongering at its best.

The root causes of root causes | Full Comment | National Post

Appears President Obama that the Boston Bombers were their own root cause- self radicalization

Mr. Obama has matured, evidently. He now prefers in the case of the Boston bombers that they were “self-radicalized.” Let’s halt a moment on the main stem word here — radical. The Oxford English Dictionary, in all its 20 mighty volumes, tells us the meaning of radical is “pertaining to root or roots.” So what is self-radicalization but the supplying of one’s own roots?

Problem is a Conservative arrived at that self same conclusion prior to Obama- And oh the press - Oh my

Mr. Poilievre quickened the attention of most people when he opined that “the root cause of terrorism is terrorists. ” A collective shudder ran through the high-domed halls of Twitter. The illuminati of that terse medium gave vent, retweeting furiously that Mr. Poilievre’s assertion was intellectually less strenuous than the musings of a tree stump on aspects of the late Reformation.

“The root cause of terrorism is terrorists.” Tautology, they cried. Vapid redundancy!

They forgot in their abuse of the form (tautologies are the storehouse of much of our common wisdom) that it was a grand, sublime series of tautologies that stayed our participation in the Iraq War. Who has forgotten Mr. Chrétien’s disquisition on the nature of “proof.” I believe it to be the finest working of axioms since the labours of Euclid.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
It's good, but you would have thought the shinny pony by himself would raise more....
The Trudeau Brazeau fight raised $230,000 for cancer research ;-)

Ah yes, the Brazeau fight. Something else the "silver pony" was way over his head with. Another thing he was going to get trounced at.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Ah yes, the Brazeau fight. Something else the "silver pony" was way over his head with. Another thing he was going to get trounced at.

Naw....his old man was pretty good with his fists too.

Did not make him a decent politician.

Pierre managed to do irreparable damage to the nation even with a good education and an excellent brain.

Justin has neither.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Naw....his old man was pretty good with his fists too.

Did not make him a decent politician.

Pierre managed to do irreparable damage to the nation even with a good education and an excellent brain.

Justin has neither.
Only to the Cons. Mulberry made a bigger mess but it is all Pierre's fault. Seems there is a whole faction on here with compartmentalized brains. In the end, this whole thread is a bunch of partisan BS.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Trudeau has an ace in the hole in Beijing, a very good friend of his oldman. A very powerful man who kicked of the oil sands that are putting food on the table for all of us, Mr. Maurice Strong.

Who do you think it was who told the ideologue, closet Leftard Harper to STFU and get a grip before he plopped his fat asss in a public park and protested over Human Rights in China?

The Leftards from Botswana?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Conservative attack ads aren’t doing much damage to Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, poll finds

Conservative attack ads aren’t doing much damage to Justin Trudeau’s
Liberals, poll finds

OTTAWA — New Conservative advertisements attacking Liberal Leader Justin
Trudeau aren’t being well received by Canadians and appear to have had little to
no effect in swaying voters to the Tories, according to a new poll.

The Ipsos Reid survey conducted exclusively for Postmedia News and Global
Television found that despite the attack ads, Trudeau and the Liberals continue
to lead all federal parties with support from 35 per cent of Canadians, up three
points from the beginning of April.


Wright says the numbers indicate the ads may have actually helped the
Liberals by having a handful of New Democrats “switch their soft support from
the NDP to soft support for Justin Trudeau.”


Fifty-nine per cent said they “disliked” the ads after seeing them, as
compared to 18 per cent who “liked” them.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Good news... Maybe the Libs ought to thank the Cons for helping out baby-t

Yep, maybe Stephen should tell Justin to rosin up his bow and play that fiddle hard.
Cus Hell's broke loose in Ottawa and the Conservatives deals the cards.
And if he wins he gets shiny Prime Minister Crown all made of gold.
But if he loses the Conservatives get his soooooooooooooooooooooooooooul...........

Sorry, I had a Charlie Daniels moment there. :)