Looks like JT will self-destruct


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
the problem with that drawing is taht all the mudslinging is unidirectional. Unless you're proposing that they wait their turn to sling?


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Turdeau is a rose? wow, I remember his old man WEARING one all the time. Musta bin Justin.:D
Yeah, a breath of fresh air alright. As one of my previous posts shows, he still says two different things from both his faces just like other politicians. Well, at least he's pretty.

Gilbert your posts, like all our posts, don't show anything but our opinions.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I, at least criticize my political party for its actions, while you re-brand yours instead of acknowledging the obvious. You surprise me. I didn't peg you for the A-Typical Kool Aid Drinker.

Where did I "rebrand" my party? Provincially, I voted NDP for most of my life. I voted liberal when Wilson was leader of the Provincial Liberals and went back to the NDP when the socreds took over the Provincial Liberal party through Campbell and his band of crooks.

Anyone that thinks that this tard has any future needs their head examined.

anyone that pulls quotes out of context to try and make points needs a brain to make their head worth examining.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I think it takes bravery to look at the world in dimensions that go beyond the old "them versus us" nonsense that has fed into the seemingly never ending cycle of violence.
I agree, I just don't see that bravery in JT. So far his double talk has been the same old same old from all sides.

Not to mention, sometimes it really does boil down to us v them.

The bulk of your posts are just that.

We can accept the pablum that passes for insight that's constantly fed to us by some politicians and commentators or we can learn to think for ourselves again(or for the first time).
Is that why JT, with no clear vision that he himself hasn't been shown to be 100% double talk, is make head way?

It may seem appealing to have a leader that has all the simple answers, but I think Justin Trudeau in asking some tough questions lives far more in the real world than a man like Harper who seems much more comfortable hiding inside faith and ideology.
Ummm, I don't think you can actually back up the opinion with any reality.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I'm not the one with comprehension problems. Obviously you and the sun staff do have that problem.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Anybody that disagrees with the statement made by Trudeau is a tard and needs their head examined.

So go and chat with some of these hard core terrorists. See if you come back with your head on your shoulders.

At times this is the only solution. No I do not like it but that is reality.
Dress it up anyway you want.
A pig in a dress is still a pig.



Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I'm not sure what concerns me more about the Conservative Party, their horrible track record and fiscal irresponsibility under Harper or the nonsensical rubbish spewed by their supporters. Clearly both are bad for Canada.

If CPC supporters actually believed that Harper was doing a good job and given the relative inexperience and upheavals in both the Liberal Party and New Democratic Party, one would think that running on the CPCs track record should be enough. Clearly it isn't enough for them. Obviously they are more than just a little scared of Justin.

So go and chat with some of these hard core terrorists. See if you come back with your head on your shoulders.

Clearly the statements from Justin were a little over your head. I find that when I don't understand something, asking questions is often very helpful. You should try it sometime.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I'm not sure what concerns me more about the Conservative Party, their horrible track record and fiscal irresponsibility under Harper or the nonsensical rubbish spewed by their supporters. Clearly both are bad for Canada.

If CPC supporters actually believed that Harper was doing a good job and given the relative inexperience and upheavals in both the Liberal Party and New Democratic Party, one would think that running on the CPCs track record should be enough. Clearly it isn't enough for them. Obviously they are more than just a little scared of Justin.

Perhaps a comparison of promises made and broken along with corruption scandals- Left column Libs - right column Cons.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Obviously they are more than just a little scared of Justin.
That's just like that silly comment you made about people taking shots at JB's behavior.

That one was weak and based on emotion too.

Maybe you should take a little time to compose yourself and try reading what is actually posted.

Maybe even ask a question or two, for clarity or whatnot, since what people have said seems to be going well over your head.

I find that when I don't understand something, asking questions is often very helpful.

You should try it sometime.
LOL, you should take your own advice.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Perhaps a comparison of promises made and broken along with corruption scandals- Left column Libs - right column Cons.

Yes, if all you want to do is compare the history of the parties. Unlike you, I don't assume Harper, Mulroney, Clark and Diefenbaker are all the same just because they were Conservatives. Just like I don't believe Justin, Pearson and King are all the same. I guess you're the type of person that looks backwards and I am a forward thinker.