more stupidity from the terminally stupid.
You have such a suave way of putting things, Gerry- Bet you could sell deep freezers to Eskimos!
more stupidity from the terminally stupid.
You will notice that his "Generic" statement is not necessarily aimed at the poster: could be meant for the source.;-)You have such a suave way of putting things, Gerry- Bet you could sell deep freezers to Eskimos!
With leaders like him, who needs attack ads? I haven't heard anything from him to impress me yet, but I'm a conservative.
Looks like JT will self-destruct
If the Harper government wants to sock away some extra war-room cash, it should spend not a dime more on attack ads and just let Justin Trudeau do himself in.
So far he is doing a superb job.
The newly-anointed Liberal Leader's terrorists-have-feelings-too response to the Boston Marathon bombings was hardly a shining moment when it comes to showing spine or reflecting the political stance of true leaders.
Seems young Trudeau's a group-therapy "why-can't-we-all-get-along" kind of guy more concerned about understanding a terrorist's psychological circuitry and early-childhood abuses than hunting the coward down.
In this case, he's certainly not his daddy's boy.
Looks like JT will self-destruct | Editorial | Opinion | Toronto Sun
:roll: it really is surprising sometimes that you are able to put pen to paper.
I think it takes bravery to look at the world in dimensions that go beyond the old "them versus us" nonsense that has fed into the seemingly never ending cycle of violence.
We can accept the pablum that passes for insight that's constantly fed to us by some politicians and commentators or we can learn to think for ourselves again(or for the first time).
It may seem appealing to have a leader that has all the simple answers, but I think Justin Trudeau in asking some tough questions lives far more in the real world than a man like Harper who seems much more comfortable hiding inside faith and ideology.
Justin Trudeau is an idiot.
The response of one who has just been intellectually out-manoevered.
Oh they must have felt so "excluded".
Uh huh.
THAT statement by the fairy prince of never-never land is pablum.
Participation in the "cycle of violence" was CHOSEN by two young men who had been saved from a life in the chaos and violence of their birthplace by American open-hearted generosity.
It was chosen because of their participation in a religious philosophy of hatred, murder, and war on the innocent.
So they declared war on the very society that had saved them.
Justin Trudeau is an idiot.
Yep- Quebecker's are the Guiding Light for the ROC. Why did we not realize this before. Why????hhmmm On one hand, T. Junior can say stuff such as, "My entire campaign has been about bringing people together, about not pitting region against region and about being a strong representative and a voice that says the same thing in Chicoutimi as we say in downtown Calgary as I'll say in Toronto as I'll say in B.C. That's the kind of politics that I am trying to do here."
And yet in November, 2010, "Canada isn't doing well right now because it's Albertans who control our community and socio-democratic agenda. It doesn't work,"
So someone asked him if he thought Canada was "better served when there are more Quebecers in charge than Albertans?"
Trudeau's response; "I'm a Liberal, so of course I think so, yes. Certainly when we look at the great prime ministers of the 20th century, those that really stood the test of time, they were MPs from Quebec... This country - Canada - it belongs to us."
Trudeau specifically named prime ministers T. Senior, Chretien, Martin, and Mulroney as the great prime ministers from QC in the last century. (And Canada was in such a wonderful state because of those jacka$$es before Harpy got in and totally made Canada the mess it is now, right?)
Then, in a francophone interview; "I always say that if, some time, I believed that Canada was really the Canada of Stephen Harper, and it was going against abortion, and it was going against same-sex marriage, and that it was moving backwards in 10,000 different ways, maybe I would think about making Quebec a country"
and in a CBC interview; "When Quebec is not involved in the governance of this country, this country moves too much toward the right," he said in the radio interview. "It’s not necessarily that Canadians don’t have the same values as us Quebecers. It’s that there’s a way of seeing social responsibility, openness toward others, a cultural pride here in Quebec that’s necessary for Canada and it saddens me a great deal (to see what’s happening now)."
And a little later in defense of that; "The question is not why does Justin Trudeau suddenly not love this country because the question is ridiculous. I live this country in my bones in every breath I take, and I’m not going to stand here and somehow defend that I actually do love Canada because we know I love Canada.”
And yet, when he visits AB, we see this
more fu cking fear mongering by the mentally inept.
Well, truthfully, I hadn't thought of T Junior as being a fear-monger. I pretty much thought of him as just another two-faced politician.more fu cking fear mongering by the mentally inept.
dense just doesn't cover it.
You wouldn't know intellectuality if it beat you over the head. Go back to playing with your guns little boy.
The idiot is yourself and those that can't see beyond reaction. With that reaction being violence only. Your simplistic mindset has gotten us no where and it is past time to move past the simplistic.
Yes Dear....go play with the other children now....and don't fight over the Ponies.
dense just doesn't cover it.