N.D.P. drops bitch


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Politics is a blood sport.

The guys running the war rooms during an election be they Con, Dip or Lib know their stuff pretty well, as far as they are concerned you are either a net liability or a net benfit to the party.
Liabilities go under the bus ASAP.

Look at how a couple of right wing, pro lifers derailed the Wild Rose party during the last Alberta election.
At the time the Wild Rose was polling a majority sweep.

Look at how Harpo controls his caucus.
And no wonder, all it takes is a few nut-bar statments to the media from the far back benches and viola,
the hidden agenda emerges.

Chretien BTW was even more controlling of his caucus than Harper.
During Chretien's terms he punted far more MP's out of the party than Harper has to date.

Muzzling or for that matter eliminating people who can talk faster than they can think is pretty much a full time job
in all the parties backrooms.

And yet without fail they miss a few here and there.
And the media has them up on the 6 o'clock news as the lead quicker than a hen on a June bug.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Why not let her cnstituents handle her.
1. Can you be sure that her past beliefs are her current beliefs?
2. do you not trust her constituents?

That's the way I'd prefer to see it done, but I think the head honchos of the party want to see a winable candidate run. No I can not be sure that her past beliefs are her present beliefs, but unless you are 100% sure they are not why take the chance? Trust her constituents? In a Hollywood minute, but I don't think the party leader does!

Don't you mean bitches? :lol:

Early in my career I was accused of F...ing the dog, but gave that up many years ago.-:)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
That's the way I'd prefer to see it done, but I think the head honchos of the party want to see a winable candidate run. No I can not be sure that her past beliefs are her present beliefs, but unless you are 100% sure they are not why take the chance? Trust her constituents? In a Hollywood minute, but I don't think the party leader does!

It's pretty easy to find out if her current beliefs are the same or not: ask her. And laso judge by the policies she proposes.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
How exactly is this a free speech issue?
Who said it was a free speech issue?

I just said it was another example of how the NDP doesn't like it.

She was free to make her comments, and she did. As always, free speech doesn't mean free of consequence for making your opinions known. Sometimes that means people won't choose to associate with you, and sometimes it means you'll be fired. That's exactly how it should be.
That doesn't sound very free does it?

Basic failure to understand that one's speech is free vis a vis the government. Pretty standard.

Yes. She was stating opinions not in accordance with the party line.

Your freedom of speech is vis-a-vis the government, not private parties like employers, clubs, or political parties.

No, political parties aren't part of the government.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
she was not jailed for her comments, or beaten with a club, or stoned in the square, she can say almost whatever she wants without being handcuffed and dragged into jail, I actually think the wests freedom
of speech is much more than most of us would want, but we accept that because it is 'free'.

If the NDP had not taken steps to oust her, the lash back to them would have been huge, they can't
do either without some criticism, I agree with their action.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
she was not jailed for her comments, or beaten with a club, or stoned in the square, she can say almost whatever she wants without being handcuffed and dragged into jail...
That's not the only way to stifle someone's speech.

I actually think the wests freedom of speech is much more than most of us would want, but we accept that because it is 'free'.
No it isn't, many a good man and woman, have laid down their lives so you can have it, give it a work out before it's gone. The NDP hates it.

If the NDP had not taken steps to oust her, the lash back to them would have been huge, they can't
do either without some criticism, I agree with their action.
I get that, the party is more important. This isn't the first time an NDP party has managed to or attempted to stifle freedoms.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Yes. She was stating opinions not in accordance with the party line.

Your freedom of speech is vis-a-vis the government, not private parties like employers, clubs, or political parties.

No, that is not what I asked.

You went into a diatribe about racism and hate and rolling back womens rights.

Here's the quote:
So, the Conservative Party shouldn't be able to "discriminate against" a dedicated Marxist? Or a bloodthirsty racist? Or a candidate who promises that he will work to take the vote away from women?

I'll ask again.

Is that what she was doing?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
No, that is not what I asked.

You went into a diatribe about racism and hate and rolling back womens rights.

Here's the quote:

I'll ask again.

Is that what she was doing?

Sigh. OK, I'll play. No, it's not what she was doing. She was criticising what she perceived as the expectation on the part of First Nations for payment.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Sigh. OK, I'll play. No, it's not what she was doing. She was criticising what she perceived as the expectation on the part of First Nations for payment.

Seems like a reasonable thing to do. Whether one agrees with her or not, she has the right to that opinion.

So why did the NDP dump her?

Are their members not allowed to criticize aboriginal expectations?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Seems like a reasonable thing to do. Whether one agrees with her or not, she has the right to that opinion.

So why did the NDP dump her?

Are their members not allowed to criticize aboriginal expectations?

Ah, for just one time
I will take the Northwest Passage
To try to get a f**cking point across
It's harder than what Franklin tried

It's not about whether her comment was reasonable or not. It is about whether the NDP, a private organisation, had the right to dump her. And it did. Ah, for just one MORE time. . . you have no free speech rights vis-a-vis private parties. Your boss can fire you for saying his wife looks like the south end of a north-bound horse, however true or reasonable the comment might be. The Boy Scouts have the right to dump you for saying you believe in the freedom of men to love little boys. Your local macrame club has the right to dump you for saying macrame is f*cking stupid.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
... you have no free speech rights vis-a-vis private parties.
Who said rights?

Your boss can fire you for saying his wife looks like the south end of a north-bound horse, however true or reasonable the comment might be. The Boy Scouts have the right to dump you for saying you believe in the freedom of men to love little boys. Your local macrame club has the right to dump you for saying macrame is f*cking stupid.
No one said you couldn't.

Maybe if you guys stuck to what's actually said, you wouldn't author so many silly posts.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Ah, for just one time
I will take the Northwest Passage
To try to get a f**cking point across
It's harder than what Franklin tried

It's not about whether her comment was reasonable or not. It is about whether the NDP, a private organisation, had the right to dump her. And it did. Ah, for just one MORE time. . . you have no free speech rights vis-a-vis private parties. Your boss can fire you for saying his wife looks like the south end of a north-bound horse, however true or reasonable the comment might be. The Boy Scouts have the right to dump you for saying you believe in the freedom of men to love little boys. Your local macrame club has the right to dump you for saying macrame is f*cking stupid.

She didn't say the NDP was stupid. She didn't endorse the Man Boy Love Association.

Is it unacceptable to criticize aboriginal expectations in the NDP?

If it is not. And I believe that is the point CDNBear was trying to make. Why?

If your Boss dumped you regarding a stance on government spending or expectation you could sue.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
She didn't say the NDP was stupid. She didn't endorse the Man Boy Love Association.
I think we already covered that.

Is it unacceptable to criticize aboriginal expectations in the NDP?
Apparently, given the NDP's reaction, the way she criticised them, yes it is.

If it is not. And I believe that is the point CDNBear was trying to make. Why?
I don't talk to CDNBear, I won't talk about him.

If your Boss dumped you regarding a stance on government spending or expectation you could sue.
And you might win. In Canada. Not down here in South Canada.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006