Muslim paedophile who groomed victim on FB walks...


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I had already registered on that site, to see what I could find out and when I came back to the forum I found out you had already been there:smile:
You must have found out too, that that particular judge is a pretty busy fellow...I went back after and couldn't figure out how to get an email alert,....didn't look too hard because I figured that by the time it comes out this whole thing will be old news and forgotten :lol:
I've been a member there for a while. Ever since the first time I heard about the EDL.

I'll still be interested in and read the transcripts, even if it is next year. That's why I'm able to trump the meat heads that think they know the law so often.

I do not support this 18 year old being treated differently than any other 18 year old boy regarding a sexual relationship with 13 year old... taking into consideration the dynamics of their relationship. That's why judge's should be allowed to use judgement.
That's why there's grumbling about lenient sentencing of Muslims in England.
Words in the title of this thread (pedophile, Muslim "groomed on facebook") are probably deliberately misleading and likely do not accurately describe the judge's decision.
Misleading, and sensational. Target demographics and circulation numbers are important.

You may note though, no one interested in discussion really took the title verbatim. Except you. But in your defense, you really aren't here for discussion.

I also do not support treating nations that commit ethnic cleansing differently either.
Yes you do. You do it all the time.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun

and the muslims make fun of the hindus because the hindus are polytheists.


I was educated at the "Honky Tonk University" and they the law wouldnt let me scream ignorance when im chasing down non whites in my beat up pick up truck

I doubt it.

The UK is full of people like EAO

I dont know whats scariers the fact that there are other people in the world like EAO, or the fact that people like him congregate


Jan 6, 2007
In Haredi 13 is adult and sexually treated as such. This isn't just a Muzzie thing.

Even in Canada, we arbitrarily changed the age of consent not terribly long ago. 14 used to be just fine. Thank god hubby and I met when the laws were what they were, and not now.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
even way back when, when I was a teen. There were 13 year olds that could pass for 18 and get into the bars. I knew one, she was a drop dead gorgeous blonde. 30-40 years ago this would not have been news and the guys religious inclinations would not have been considered. They are BOTH kids, and there sure as hell isn't any pedophile in this damn article.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I still haven't seen a link to the judge's decision. Most likely your opinion is based solely on a report from a news source with an anti-Islam, anti-immigrant agenda.

If the 18 year old boy was white and Christian and the 13 year old girl was brown and Muslim, while all the other facts in this case remained the same, would you want to see the 18 year old white Christian boy do jail time for having sex with a 13 year old brown Muslim girl?
If only changing race and religion while all the other facts remain the same, changes your opinion, then you just proved to yourself that you are an Islamaphobic racist.

IMO, I doubt this news source would have reported this story if it didn't involve a Muslim boy and a white girl... But labeling the accused as a Muslim pedophile and an abuser (without mentioning his age until further down in the fine print) preying on an innocent 13 year old white girl, sells newspapers and promotes their anti-Islam, anti-immigrant editorial slant. So they ran the story and it pushed your racist anti-Islam hot button.

BTW, I don't know that the above is true as I haven't read the judge's decision. All I have to go on is the same story referenced in the OP... which appears to be deliberately misleading and deceptive.

But I'm not so willing to accept the story at face value as the perception created by the news source defies common sense.

A more likely scenario, based solely on the leniency of the sentence and an assumption that the judge is neither insane nor incompetent:

The judge, after reviewing the evidence (including months of online correspondence), decided that these two teenagers were close enough in intellectual and sexual maturity to not warrant a jail sentence for the 18 year old boy. The judge must have decided the 18 year old boy was sexually naive to the point of being close to the 13 year old girl's peer. The 13 year old girl must have played a leadership or equal role in the relationship, rather than a passive or submissive role. The 18 year old boy must not have manipulated the 13 year old. Religion and education may have contributed to the boy's sexual naivety. The boy's ignorance of the law did not influence the judge's decision. The 18 year old is not a threat to society or young girls and would be harmed by prison time. >>> Only then would the judge's decision to give the boy to nine months youth custody, suspended for two years, along with a two-year probation supervision order make sense.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Why would a judge be lenient just because the boy was Muslim?

IMO, the 18 year old boy would have been jailed regardless of religion if he manipulated the 13 year old girl into a sexual relationship or used physical force... Since he didn't get jail time, the judge must have decided that these two had a peer or close to peer relationship despite the age difference.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
But labeling the accused as a Muslim pedophile and an abuser (without
mentioning his age until further down in the fine print)

When it did mention his age it said he is 18.

He broke British law by being in the 18 or over category and having sex with a child under the age of 16. Therefore he should have been jailed for a maximum of 14 years.

The judge should also have ignored this guy's claims that he "didn't know she was under 16" because, as we all know, that's what most paedophiles say. The judge is too gullible and this guy is now laughing.

Why would a judge be lenient just because the boy was Muslim?

Political correctnes. We mustn't upset the Muslims.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Why would a judge be lenient just because the boy was Muslim?

IMO, the 18 year old boy would have been jailed regardless of religion if he manipulated the 13 year old girl into a sexual relationship or used physical force... Since he didn't get jail time, the judge must have decided that these two had a peer or close to peer relationship despite the age difference.
Of course....why would you change your M.O. of defending muslims and denigrating Jews and Christians......8O


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Is he a pedophile? No. She was a willing participant so was it rape? No. Did she disclose her age? Apparently no. Was it spontaneous? No.

He's a Muzzie so he's instantly guuilty? Yes?

Spastics law is hilarious.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
When it did mention his age it said he is 18.

He broke British law by being in the 18 or over category and having sex with a child under the age of 16. Therefore he should have been jailed for a maximum of 14 years.

The judge should also have ignored this guy's claims that he "didn't know she was under 16" because, as we all know, that's what most paedophiles say. The judge is too gullible and this guy is now laughing.

Political correctnes. We mustn't upset the Muslims.

What you described is the maximum sentence, not the only possible sentence.

Judges use their judgement to determine what is appropriate and just. They can't exceed the maximum penalty, but they can reduce the penalty based on the evidence, facts and circumstances. If age was the only factor to determine what is appropriate and just, then we wouldn't need judges.

If this judge cut the 18 year old boy any slack based on religion, ignorance of the law or political correctness, then he's incompetent. I would expect that his ruling would be appealed and the judge's previous rulings should be peer reviewed by other judges to determine competence.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What you described is the maximum sentence, not the only possible sentence.

Judges use their judgement to determine what is appropriate and just. They can't exceed the maximum penalty, but they can reduce the penalty based on the evidence, facts and circumstances. If age was the only factors to determine what is appropriate and just, then we wouldn't need judges.

If this judge cut the 18 year old boy any slack based on religion, ignorance of the law or political correctness, then he's incompetent. I would expect that his ruling would be appealed and the judge's previous rulings should be peer reviewed by other judges to determine competence.
Apparently he judged by the evidence before him.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Is he a pedophile? No. She was a willing participant so was it rape? No. Did she disclose her age? Apparently no. Was it spontaneous? No.

He's a Muzzie so he's instantly guuilty? Yes?

Spastics law is hilarious.

In the US... an 18 year old having sex with a 13 year old even consensual, her lying about her age, etc... is going down. No doubt.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Of course....why would you change your M.O. of defending muslims and denigrating Jews and Christians......8O

I have no problems speaking out against all forms of discrimination, including religious discrimination against Jews and Christians. I've never said a negative thing about any religion including Jews and Christians. I stick up more for Muslims, because Islamaphobia is more of a problem here in Canada and in Europe than other forms of discrimination or media demonization, not because I am pro-Islam. If Jews or Christians were as demonized as Muslims, then I'd write more about that discrimination too.

The OP of this thread is a good example of demonizing Muslims and many posts here display Islamaphobic attitudes. The news report in the OP isn't demonizing Christians or Jews, therefore I don't need to defend Jews or Christians in this thread.

If you start a thread regarding an example of discrimination or media demonization of Christians or Jews in Canada or the UK, then I'll write against that discrimination or media demonization too.
Last edited:


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
In the US... an 18 year old having sex with a 13 year old even consensual, her lying about her age, etc... is going down. No doubt.
The 18 year old was sentenced to nine months youth custody, (suspended for two years), along with a two-year probation supervision order. I suspect that a similar case here in Canada, would have resulted in the same sentence.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
In the US... an 18 year old having sex with a 13 year old even consensual, her lying about her age, etc... is going down. No doubt.
Not like that here or the UK either apparently.

You wouldn't believe some of the crap that I've seen living on "the kiddie stroll". The sh*t that cops and others turn a blind eye to is mind blowing.

The 18 year old was sentenced to nine months youth custody, (suspended for two years), along with a two-year probation supervision order. I suspect that a similar case here in Canada, would have resulted in the same sentence.
Yup, or less.