What's Your New-year's Resolution?


Nominee Member
Dec 29, 2012
I haven't eaten chocolate or a fast food hamburger since August and have lost about 45 pounds. Without that junk I don't feel like I'm on a diet. It feels very natural and I don't crave the stuff. I'm not rummaging through the fridge and never really think to do so. Plus I've been doing moderate exercise. I am finally under 30 BMI again and I feel 100% better. I'd like to lose another 25. My goal is to get there by spring.

However, I feel like my body never recuperates properly from workouts. I know I have calcific teninitus in the shoulders and some spinal arthritis. I will be seeing my doc on the 9th for a good review. Not sure what to do about that stuff. Nevertheless my primary resolution is to stay the course on eating reasonably well and regular exercise.

Dark chocolate in small quantities is really quite good for you.
Fast food hamburger is wretched . I would say it's toxic, to the body.

If one eats nourishing foods then the body has no need to crave for want of nourishment.
Excess weight is dangerous and from experience makes one feel lousy on so many levels ,physically and mentally .

Exercise is the only way to actually lose weight and change your body to keep it off.Dieting on it's own has been proven to be fruitless .

I have been over weight and it is not an issue anymore.

Good work Kreskin, hope you continue to enjoy your success.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Dark chocolate in small quantities is really quite good for you.
Fast food hamburger is wretched . I would say it's toxic, to the body.

If one eats nourishing foods then the body has no need to crave for want of nourishment.
Excess weight is dangerous and from experience makes one feel lousy on so many levels ,physically and mentally .

Exercise is the only way to actually lose weight and change your body to keep it off.Dieting on it's own has been proven to be fruitless .

I have been over weight and it is not an issue anymore.

Good work Kreskin, hope you continue to enjoy your success.


Your wisdom comes through loud and clear. The only thing I would add is if you are getting lots and I mean LOTS of exercise a little junk food now then won't hurt if you enjoy it. As you say dieting alone is fruitless and another good reason not to do it is you have a harder time getting ALL the nutrients and vitamins you need.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Starting tomorrow or the next day, I'm going to stop procrastinating.

" Procrastination is my sin. It brings me naught but sorrow. I know that I should stop it. In fact, I will--tomorrow!"

Happy New Year to you too.

And to you, Petros- keep up the good sensible posts!


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Dark chocolate in small quantities is really quite good for you.

For normal people it probably is. But I'm a full blown chocoholic. If I touch the stuff I'll be chowing down an entire box of Purdy's for breakfast. Best for me to stay away from it entirely.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
For normal people it probably is. But I'm a full blown chocoholic. If I touch the stuff I'll be chowing down an entire box of Purdy's for breakfast. Best for me to stay away from it entirely.
Try smoking. It might help with the cravings.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
This year I am cancelling my satellite TV service in favor of signing up for Xplornet. I realized a while ago that I spend more of the time that matters to me on the net, then I do watching TV. And too, the programs that I am most interested in are available on the net..........as long as I have high-speed internet. The chances of any towers coming to my neighborhood - which have been promised to us by oh so many different governments - are nil to none.

I spent December house-sitting for friends who have the latest Xplornet and it was a revelation. Being able to come here, watch and post videos; load the pages heavy with graphics in half the time or less than on dial-up, running several sights at once.......and so much more - that convinced me. So high speed here I come.

For normal people it probably is. But I'm a full blown chocoholic. If I touch the stuff I'll be chowing down an entire box of Purdy's for breakfast. Best for me to stay away from it entirely.

Don't let me near a box of chocolates............ever. It has taken me awhile but I've finally disciplined myself to ignore chocolate though during the holidays.............I am sorely tested. I know all about consuming an entire box of chocolates in one day, Kreskin. In my case, abstinence is the best policy.........tough though it may be.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
To live thru the next year.

Tried quitting the cigs- failed again- going to try Champix- after vacation.

Me too! Back on the patch today!

Be nicer to stupid people. Probably last until the next idiot driver cuts in front of my truck.

What in heavens name for? How are they ever going to learn anything if we keep giving them a pass?

Starting tomorrow or the next day, I'm going to stop procrastinating.

I did that last year.
Try smoking. It might help with the cravings.

Won't work, then you just end up a smoking choco-holic puffing away in between candy bar binges. It's not pretty!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You are cruel!!!!
Yes, I am.


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Maybe I'm not so cruel after all?