I don't know if inducing hypoxia by shrink wrap would be humane at all. is it even possible? seems more like strangulation. this however seems like the most euphoric way to die ever
hypoxia - YouTube
I wonder if the victims were murdered and raped in a humane and respectful manner.
I imagine Ol' Sparky could give him a bit of a glow too!
Here is another thing for you....someone murders or rapes one of my family members and there won't even be the cost of the trial let alone 18 appeals and a lifetime of free food & entertainment.
Hypoxia would be the best method but it's humane.I don't know if inducing hypoxia by shrink wrap would be humane at all. is it even possible? seems more like strangulation. this however seems like the most euphoric way to die ever
hypoxia - YouTube
So do I but I don't havelimited amounts of sympathy.
Wow, Cannuck...............you must be the most sympathetic person I've ever heard of.
Nice to see you agree.
wow, cannuck...............you must be the most sympathetic person i've ever heard of.
Civilized people don't murder others either. Those that do should be permanently removed to protect the rest of society.
That is why we execute those that do murder. Because they are not civilized and we don't want repeat offenders
Have you ever seen one of those thieves steal again?Oddly enough, that is the same justification used by those that cut the hands off of thieves.
Have you ever seen one of those thieves steal again?
That is why we execute those that do murder. Because they are not civilized and we don't want repeat offenders
Have you ever seen one of those thieves steal again?
Hypoxia would be the best method but it's humane.
. Personally id prefer being hanged or shot to being slowly cooked to death.
No but, how could I? Thankfully I don't live in a barbaric country that believes in an eye for an eye. Do you dream of the day when Canada becomes another Iran?
No, but I do dream of a Canada without bleeding heart liberals like you.:roll:
No, but I do dream of a Canada without bleeding heart liberals like you.:roll:
We just spend $100 million a year housing and feeding the mass murderers and rapists and giving them satellite TV & pool tables. I support the death penalty for premeditated murder and multiple rape counts and I don't see the point in being namby-pamby about it. $2.50 a piece for a hollow point .45 shell and $12 for a crappy tire shovel so they can dig their own grave.
Hope that isn't to much of a left-wing attitude for Teddy.
Death gets the murderer off the hook. I'd rather be dead than not being able to be with those I love.