I don't think absolute proof is possible, that obtains only in mathematics and it's still subject to assumptions and axioms--which are always specified--also being true. But we do have pretty good evidence that the Abrahamic religions are false. It has changed some things significantly, like the secular power the churches once had in the West. Much of the history of the last few centuries can be read as the churches retreating from making empirical claims about the nature of reality in the face of the scientific revolution, and that I would say comes mainly from an evidence-based improvement in our understanding of reality....the absolute proof that the whole of the basis of Abrahamism is a fraud, could the world handle the news?
But fundamentally, I think the short answer to your question is that it really wouldn't make any difference. Religion is never going to go away. Mormonism, for instance, is clearly a transparent fraud, its origins are recent enough that we have documentary proof of that, yet there are still lots of Mormons, and I think their numbers are growing. I've personally seen people presented with utterly convincing evidence that something they believe to be true is not, but they continue to believe it, and not just on religious matters. People will believe what they want to believe, evidence will convince very few people to change their minds. There is, for instance, demonstrably absolutely no substance to astrology, homeopathy, dowsing, telepathy, telekinesis, Ouija boards, psi, tarot cards..ach, the list is endless, but you can find believers in all those things and more. As H. L. Mencken once remarked, the chief occupation of mankind is believing in the palpably untrue.
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