Why British Columbia is Such a Fabulous Place


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
We are priviledged.

Until you have a 9.5 Earthquake offshore and a Tsunami washing the coastal towns away.. every 200 years.. your past the expiration date.

Monster earthquake threat looms over B.C. coastal communities

YES!! it's a pretty Province..



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
obviously, not enough to stay.. ;-)

dammit, thought I left all the hippies behind.

Sorry, bad wording.

Though I did choose to leave, it was mainly over personal reasons, plus the fact that I had no family there (I moved there as a kid as my father was transfered with the military, then when he was transfered back I stayed behind as an adult), plus the fact that I had gotten a good job offer in Quebec. Nothing to do with BC though. Good friends and good weather.

Nothing there but crack heads and debutants.

Strange that. I never did drugs in highschool nor drunk nor smoked. I did know some students who seems to have fried their brains on it, or at least one that comes to mind, but for the most part, no. I guess it depends on the company one keeps.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
exactly, for a Province that is pro-Union.. it seems the people are getting scammed.

Example of Union job, Save-On-Food $9.50hr. Really that's a Union job? You need a Union get fight for that incredible wage? Yet that take $40 a month from your pay cheque.

When I think Union, I think $30/hr.

30? I make more than that non union, but then again, I had to get the hell outa BC to get it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
So when can we have our clouds back?
That is much the same view as sitting on a boat except without the allergies kicking in.

just what my sky looks like, only I have beautiful mountains and ocean in my picture, but that is
a pretty picture as well.

when my daughter was about 16 she went to 'spiritwood, sask. to play in a hockey tournament.
It was a very eye opening experience for her, as she had never seen anything other than lots
of b.c.and parts of washington.
When she got off the airplane in vancouver on return, the first thing she said is "I didn't realize
how beautiful my home is", spiritwood looked like an x's and o's game, two streets going one way
and two the other, and absolutely nothing beyond that.

We forced longjons into her suitcase when she left, she didn't want them, said she wouldn't need them,
then on returning she said she never took them off all tournament. lol

I love all of our country, loved going thru the prairies by train, but arriving home in b.c., then on
the island, I just smiled and took it all in, wonderful, but I would love that train trip across the
prairies again, very enjoyable, not thru the boreal forests of ontario though, very boring.

Enjoyed train trip from halifax to montreal, then the short train trip after a few days to toronto,
too bad it is dark from toronto when leaving, missed everything, haven't a clue till the next morning,
but that boreal forest, no thanks.

When sitting on the train its enjoyable to see far, and the prairies allow that.

Riding the train from jasper to prince george is very picturesque, then from prince george to prince rupert
is great, nice scenery the whole way, then the inside passege ferry to port hardy, wonderful.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Yeah.. in Alberta I'm guessing?? Making over $30, er $40 hr was easy, working as a Rig Pig.

have never worked on a rig. I make my money workin in the city. See my wife and kids every night.