Why British Columbia is Such a Fabulous Place


Electoral Member
Jun 11, 2012
I always thought that BC meant Beautiful Country! Nope means Bring Cash ...

Over priced, over crowded.. wet, damp.. baaagh!! BC Sucks!!

Here now, You're just talking about Vancouver about which they say it's the most beautiful place in the world to build a city, it's just too fdamn bad they did.

Break the mold and venture into some of the other areas. And without sounding too much lke a tourism enthusiast it will surprise. It does me.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
b.c. is a wonderful place to live, I was born near vancouver, have travelled the province many times,

and wouldn't move out of b.c. for anything.

Enough rain to keep everything beautiful and green, and the different climates within our province
is amazing.

Those who rant about rain, is overkill. The North Coast and north vancouver island,
do get lots of rain, but the rest of the lower mainland get enough rain to keep
everything as it should be, green and luscous and beautiful, with lots of sunshine
as well.

Even a small desert (Osoyoos).

I love the ocean, have thought of moving elsewhere in b.c. but don't want to leave the ocean, the
clean air, the ocean breezes, and the beauty all round us.

Vancouver is very beautiful, a lovely city geographically, hard to find better, and Victoria, I
travel there for a few days, a couple of times a year just to walk, take in the sites and shop,
its beautiful.

I came to Vancouver Island in l980, and I love it here, we have everything at our fingertips, and
the best climate in canada.

I feel very priviledged to have been born on the west coast, and have spent my lifetime here, and
continue to do so.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Here now, You're just talking about Vancouver about which they say it's the most beautiful place in the world to build a city, it's just too fdamn bad they did.

Break the mold and venture into some of the other areas. And without sounding too much lke a tourism enthusiast it will surprise. It does me.

You forgot I am a truck driver.. I have driven all over BC.. sure it's pretty.. but just my thing. 3 years in Langley BC and happy to have escaped.

Most places in BC are to remote and to expensive to be using the ferry, gas, road ways congested with idiot drivers.

I only like Osoyoos...

BTW, here's a little BC humor for you..

Do you know the name of the river that separates China from India??

The Fraser River.. (Richmond from Surrey) LOL



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
You forgot I am a truck driver.. I have driven all over BC.. sure it's pretty.. but just my thing. 3 years in Langley BC and happy to have escaped.

Most places in BC are to remote and to expensive to be using the ferry, gas, road ways congested with idiot drivers.

I only like Osoyoos...

BTW, here's a little BC humor for you..

Do you know the name of the river that separates China from India??

The Fraser River.. (Richmond from Surrey) LOL


My husband grew up on lulu island close to richmond, the only chinese that were there then, were
the farmers, had great farms, which dissapeared over the years.

I always say, b.c. has nothing to fear from china, they would never attack their own. lol

There is something in b.c. for everyone, a little bit of everything, take your pick, including weather.

I was travelling near hazelton many years ago, went into a first nations shop where they had many
beautifully made jewellry and such, but I exclaimed that I couldn't afford such prices, and as
soon as the lovely young lady realized I was a native bcer, she put the price down considerably,
and quietly explained that 'those ' prices were for the german tourists, who buy everything. lol

Love it.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The immense beauty, the varying landscapes, the mountains, crystal clear rivers and streams, the wildlife, the absolute profound beauty...

Ya, I could retire there.

If it wasn't for the fact that the whole province is held captive by a portion of the populace that brought new meaning to the term "The Left Coast".

Pity that.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
The immense beauty, the varying landscapes, the mountains, crystal clear rivers and streams, the wildlife, the absolute profound beauty...

Ya, I could retire there.

If it wasn't for the fact that the whole province is held captive by a portion of the populace that brought new meaning to the term "The Left Coast".

Pity that.

However, if one only enters large urban areas to shop on occasion and remains rural, that is not a factor for a retiree like myself. The "new lefties" mostly keep their own counsel in our rural areas, they are abject cowards who aspire to create their own peer groups then enable lawfare when common sense is put forward as arguing with success is their hallmark.
They are still way outnumbered here in the hinterland by those who have an ethic and actual work to do, much like Ontario.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I would love to live in BC. If I could get a descent job there I would.

exactly, for a Province that is pro-Union.. it seems the people are getting scammed.

Example of Union job, Save-On-Food $9.50hr. Really that's a Union job? You need a Union get fight for that incredible wage? Yet that take $40 a month from your pay cheque.

When I think Union, I think $30/hr.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
exactly, for a Province that is pro-Union.. it seems the people are getting scammed.

Example of Union job, Save-On-Food $9.50hr. Really that's a Union job? You need a Union get fight for that incredible wage? Yet that take $40 a month from your pay cheque.

When I think Union, I think $30/hr.
$9.50 is better than $8 but there is no way in hell I'd work for Jimmy to begin with.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I always thought that BC meant Beautiful Country! Nope means Bring Cash ...

Over priced, over crowded.. wet, damp.. baaagh!! BC Sucks!!

Thats OK that is how we keep the riff raff out. Our part of BC isn't crowded. Although the East side of the Island is getting infested with rich retirees from elsewhere. We are just waiting for them to die off so life can go back to normal.
My favorite parts of the coast have less than 1 person/sq.km.and you never have to worry about sunburn. Also almost never have to shovel snow.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
$9.50 is better than $8 but there is no way in hell I'd work for Jimmy to begin with.

Yeah, well I'm non-Union and I get $23/hr for just sitting on my ass for 10 hrs a day. Never touch the load, just hook and drop once, back into a door and wait, days done.

Oh yeah, another thing about BC, best of luck finding a family doctor.. you just end up at a clinic with a different doctor each time.

Also almost never have to shovel snow.

I take the snow, as long as I don't have to spend a month under dull, dingy DEPRESSING cloud cover for 30 day stretches, in the spring, fall and winter..


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The immense beauty, the varying landscapes, the mountains, crystal clear rivers and streams, the wildlife, the absolute profound beauty...

Ya, I could retire there.

If it wasn't for the fact that the whole province is held captive by a portion of the populace that brought new meaning to the term "The Left Coast".

Pity that.

Just one of the crosses we have to bear to live in paradise. The freeloaders also found it is a nice place with lots of free government money.

Yeah, well I'm non-Union and I get $23/hr for just sitting on my ass for 10 hrs a day. Never touch the load, just hook and drop once, back into a door and wait, days done.

Oh yeah, another thing about BC, best of luck finding a family doctor.. you just end up at a clinic with a different doctor each time.

I take the snow, as long as I don't have to spend a month under dull, dingy DEPRESSING cloud cover for 30 day stretches, in the spring, fall and winter..

Clouds are nature's sunscreen. Also another method of keeping lowlifes out.

White sided Dolphins-not my vid but I have fished those same waters countless times-just off the west coast of Vancouver Island.

I have pics of dolphins taken from laying on the bow of a crewboat like that. Harder to do than you would think.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Oh now, now.. be nice.. I'm not insulting you personally.. just BC.

I didn't disagree that BC wasn't a beautiful province... it just has crappy weather, traffic, infrastructure, drivers, health services, and so on.

BTW, awesome video.

Vancouver E-Cards – Send Free Vancouver E-Cards with VancouverBiz.ca!
(one of my web sites)


The drivers that make me laugh are from the prairies, so scared of a mountain they practically stop
their cars and push them around, those licence plates are plentiful and the driving is pitiful.

The weather is marvelous here, unless you like being either way too hot or way too cold, moderate with
rain, sun and everything mother nature loves to supply, except too much cold and too much heat, and
not too much rain, and not too little.

Politics don't change the geography, and I don't give a crap what people's politics are, and the
hourly wage will go as low as any 'non' union company can get away with, without being arrested.
I notice 'those' owners of companies live in mansions, just like the owners of union companies do.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I always thought that BC meant Beautiful Country! Nope means Bring Cash ...

Over priced, over crowded.. wet, damp.. baaagh!! BC Sucks!!

Obviously you have limited your time in BC to the Coast............maybe you should journey to our 'heartland' where you will find lots of wide open spaces, room to breathe, down-to-earth people and the opportunity to judge our province with a more educated eye..........and hopefully, mind.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Obviously you have limited your time in BC to the Coast............maybe you should journey to our 'heartland' where you will find lots of wide open spaces, room to breathe, down-to-earth people and the opportunity to judge our province with a more educated eye..........and hopefully, mind.

eh, Kamloops daily, Kelowna to often (they have a new Carl's Jr.) and as I said I only like Osoyoos.. it's hot in the summer.. Love the heat.

Nevertheless, 3 years I maintained a residence in Langley, BC and just bailed to Alberta.. I used to live in a small town in Alberta.. no traffic, hospital not crowded, people friendly, and for me the best time in my life (next to Texas).



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island

eh, Kamloops daily, Kelowna to often (they have a new Carl's Jr.) and as I said I only like Osoyoos.. it's hot in the summer.. Love the heat.

Nevertheless, 3 years I maintained a residence in Langley, BC and just bailed to Alberta.. I used to live in a small town in Alberta.. no traffic, hospital not crowded, people friendly, and for me the best time in my life (next to Texas).


BC has so much rural area it is amazing, so much open country, so many forests, and yes a few big
cities, but they are the minority compared to the amount of vacant land and rural living.

One can get away from the masses quite easily in BC, even here on vancouver island, miles and miles of
rural living along with a few cities, I always pinch myself realizing what we have compared to
many other countries where they are stacked up like firewood in their countries without much room
to spread out at all.
We are priviledged.