You havent got past the first million so I suggest you leave the billions alone for a bit.
Geologically speaking that is.
For the illiterately challenged that have nothing to do but nitpick yes,water freezes at zero,at minus 50 everything freezes,at minus 80 it's a life and death situation.
You always get the summer melting, in some years more than others. The main thing to keep your eyes on is the much thicker and stable multi-year ice pack which provides a base for the yearly sea ice to form on.
In recent decades the multi-year ice has declined in average thickness and overall extent to the point where it will at some point in not to many years down the road all be gone by the height of summer warming. After which you no longer have the stable base to build the yearly sea ice on and you have a totally different ecology and climate.
There's several decades of warming coming based on the extra CO2 we've added to the atmosphere most likely so debating whether the Arctic ice pack is going to be around in the future is probably pointless.
It's going to be a much different Arctic most likely before 2020. Ice conditions and weather is already much different now according to people who live on the Arctic ocean coast.
No shi*,it melts every summer.
Nice fearmongering though.
Let me know guys if you want to go to the arctic to see this warming and ice melting for yourself,I can arrange a flight with calm air to north of hudsons bay,You can then see for yourself because the amount of bs I see on here is just unreal.
The ignorance is astounding.