I voted 9 because I would be very very sad if quebec separated and 'was not' part of canada
quebec is canada just like all others who were born here and consider canada 'their own' country.
The differences should be embraced and also controlled by both the english and the french canadians
so that neither party 'hurts' their country.
I rode by train from halifax to prince rupert a few years ago, and the massiveness of our country is
amazing, and the ride thru quebec was exciting for me, as I had never set foot in that part of the
country before.
In the middle of the night,in quebec, as we zoomed along, I caught sight of a small lit up christmas tree,
set up close by, all by itself, where the train would pass,
put there by someone to say hello to all on the train, such a warm greeting indeed from a quebecer to
a bc er like myself, certainly nothing unfriendly about that, just the opposite, much more like an
outstretched hand.