Annexation of Canada to the United States of America.

51% of Canadians voted YES to join USA.

  • Would ou fight for Canadian Sovereignty, by any means..

    Votes: 18 58.1%
  • Leave Canada

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Nope, join the USA and spread butt cheeks

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • other..

    Votes: 9 29.0%

  • Total voters

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Union with the US might be acceptable if it was done properly. First of all Canada should not become part of a North American Union as a single state. If Rhode Island and Wyoming can claim statehood, then all Canadian provinces should qualify. That would mean ten hew states, not one and give Canada a bit of punch in the new government.

Second Canada should not be the only entrant. Mexico should be allowed in as well and that would put an end to all of this illegal alien crap the US is so terrified about. Also Mexico's large population would help to balance out the 300 million Americans.

Third, the US congressional system is absolutely hopeless as a means of government. The numerous checks and balances and the rigid two-party system make it almost impossible to get anything done, resulting in legislative paralysis.

I believe union will come, but it may not come the way many Americans have envisioned it with Canada joining as a very junior partner to the US. The US already has a disproportionate influence in Canadian culture, politics, and economics. I would hope that future Canadians would not be stupid enough to hand over the rest of the country on a platter.


New Member
Jun 7, 2012
as an american living in canada, i find canadian's constant comparison of themselves to us rather odd. i don't understand why so many of you find it so necessary to do so. do you hate jingoism so much that you cannot recognize that you are, in your own right, a valuable asset to the world? are you all so blind to the fact that your country has it's own identity? i'll tell you what alot of americans think. we think that you are all so busy trying to be mr. nice guy that you have a hard time standing up for yourselves. canadians seem to have little idea of what you actually believe in. we are baffled at your lack of national pride, and your constant kowtowing to anyone who cries foul and points in your direction.
the thing that makes americans different from you is, we all know that we are who we are. love us or hate us, we don't really care in the end. we'd like to be everyone's friend, but we're going to do it on our terms, and screw who ever doesn't like it. as for america annexing canada? truth is, we're not stupid enough to want you.
you're a far bigger political mess than we are. however, we are well on our way to devolving into the same chaos you've plagued yourselves with. we don't need you to screw things up for us. we're doing that just fine without anyone else's help, thank you very much.

lastly i want to adress this:

sorry pal, I see to many similarities to the two below flags, not a big believer of any kind of peaceful succession.... ;-)

those of you who find similarities between those flags can do so because you are completely clueless as to why the american civil war actually happened in the first place. i could explain it to you, but it is really beyond the scope of this thread.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I don't know if any hear has heard of a small island country called the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI).

This small country is a territory of the United States in the south Pacific. It's citizens are born as US Citizens and have all the rights of a US mainland born national.

CNMI have their own Immigration laws separate of those in the mainland.

CNMI citizens can own land in the mainland USA, however the reciprocal is not allowed.

This island nation has the USA by the short hairs and offers nothing to the USA, other than strategic location, next to Guam, it's where the Enola Gay was launched from to bomb Japan.

I would hope that if Canada ever did join the USA, the Canadian Gov't can do a better job that NAFTA.

those of you who find similarities between those flags can do so because you are completely clueless as to why the american civil war actually happened in the first place. i could explain it to you, but it is really beyond the scope of this thread.

Really would it have anything to do with the attack on Fort Sumter, in NM??

The similarities are the political, cultural, and social doctrines in both societies, the US Southern States and Quebec.

Remember, Louisiana has a strong french culture and surrounding states.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Really would it have anything to do with the attack on Fort Sumter, in NM??

Yeah, right!!!!!!!!!!! Ya really might want to take a gander at an atlas! :lol::lol::lol:

Ya, well, he's been living in the states for 14 years.
Fort Sumter was/is in South Carolina. No where near New Mexico.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
well anyway, y'all seem to be on some other level right now. I would fight to the death

to keep canada on its own, we have nothing to do with the u.s., just neighbours, and we are very

similar because of our freedoms, but it ends there.

They are our friends, nothing more. We would be totally insane to become part of the u.s.

Why on earth would 'anyone' want to do that, the thought of 300 million people all of a sudden

surging into our country, where we have all the room, wonderful open spaces, that would end

in no time.

no thanks.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
well anyway, y'all seem to be on some other level right now. I would fight to the death

to keep canada on its own, we have nothing to do with the u.s., just neighbours, and we are very

similar because of our freedoms, but it ends there.

They are our friends, nothing more. We would be totally insane to become part of the u.s.

Why on earth would 'anyone' want to do that, the thought of 300 million people all of a sudden

surging into our country, where we have all the room, wonderful open spaces, that would end

in no time.

no thanks.

They're only our friends for as long as they can have access to our natural resources.

Whether we wished to join them would be a moot point if they really got serious about taking us over.

Friends don't close factories, (buy American), etc..............well, same old same old.

Given choices, I would never want to be an American.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Ya, well, he's been living in the states for 14 years.
Fort Sumter was/is in South Carolina. No where near New Mexico.

Yeah sorry JLM, I meant to say South Carolina..

There is Fort Sumner as well, Jesse James spent some time there.. I just had this place in my head, thinking of passing by Fort Sumner, NM early one morning..

Just going through a bit of a rough patch.... bit off to much lately, wishing I was back on the road in the USA, a simpler time. Sleep deprivation and on a prescription..

They seem to cause depression... later.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Can't see how I would call you anything else, considering during the last election I made it perfectly clear that I would NOT be voting for Harper, even he was the only one running in my riding. It's pretty obvious through my posts concerning the Monarchy that I am a Monarchist.

I can understand that, Lizzy has never done us any harm, and may have even brought a few bucks into the country.
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New Member
Jun 7, 2012
the reason they are so different is because of the reasons for secession. the reason the south wanted to secede is not even remotely similar to the reason quebec wants to secede. thing is, history books have convinced people that the american civil war was basically about rich white plantation owners throwing a hissy fit over the abolition movement. however, that's completely not the case. the short form is that the south realized they didn't really need the north. they were tired of financing a government that served their interests less and less. the south had most of the land and raw materials, so their agrarian based economy was capable of operating without assistance from the north. the north was just beginning the industrial revolution.
this is what they based their economy on. they were not so independent of the south because of their greater need for raw materials, food and land. it wasn't about abolitionists at all. slavery had to end, whether anyone liked it or not. the world was growing less tolerant of it every day. however, the north only wanted to end slavery in name only. when slavery was abolished there were huge riots in the north, especially in new york city. hundreds of blacks were beaten to death over it. the north, being flooded by irish immigrants, had a steady stream of men to fight their war for them. many of them stepped right off the boat at ellis island, and right into a union army uniform. the south, not so much. people like to tell happy tales of the underground railroad, and how all these white folks above the mason dixon line wanted to help the black man escape the opression of the southern plantation owner. what they actually wanted was cheap labor. look how long it took america to garantee basic human rights to the black man. it literally took another hundred years (almost exactly) before racial equality began to be more uniformly enforced and accepted. and still from there, another 15+ years before total desegregation in every state was made into law. so there ya go. now you have the cliff notes for what really happened. oh, and one thing worth pointing out. unlike quebec, when the confederacy wanted to secede, they had money. lots of it. the country as a whole was not in deficit, and the south was not trying to dodge their share of the national debt. no one, north or south swore allegiance to a foreign power. in the end, the states would not be what they are had they allowed to confederacy to continue.
both sides are the better for it.


Time Out
Jun 1, 2012
St Calixte Quebec Canada
Those of you that don't know what that flag has come to represent in the present, are completely clueless.
I think two things that flag represent slavery and apparently racism.

"If you hate someone from another race,you are a racist
But if you hate someone from another nation,does that make you a nationalist?"
;) :lol:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I think two things that flag represent slavery and apparently racism.
The Confederate flag represents a failed ideology. From racism and segregation, to the use of violence and murder as a form of forwarding an agenda.

I won't go so far as to say the collective that is Quebec embodies those ideals. But gov'ts of Quebec have managed to enact legislation, and act or speak, in a manner not dissimilar to them.

The blaming of the ethnic vote for a failed referendum, the belief that only Quebec separatism be taken seriously, while the gov't of the day largely ignored and marginalized the overwhelming and almost unanimous vote against separation, by the First Nations.

Quebec has changed a lot over the years. I still have bad memories of my life on the res in Maniwaki. I actually support Quebec's right to self determination in principle. But the collective view from it's leadership needs to straighten itself out before it comes to fruition.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
If the majority of Canadians suddenly became brain dead and voted to join the united sl*ts of america..... I would be heading for NZ or Australia.

Sounds like a bit of hatred for the Yanks there. I can see presenting rational arguments against unification, but what you presented there is just an emotional and irrational aversion to the USA.

If I wanted to be an american...I'd move to the states. I like being a subject of Her Royal Majesty.

I don't mind it, but don't feel so strongly about it either. Mind you, she does live in the UK. Nothing against the UK, but just saying worsre comes to worse, you can always move there.