This act is unprecedented and it is fallacious to downplay criticism just because it is not liked by the Canadian Right. What should be done is to examine the case without bringing in the Red Herring that it has been done before by others.
First, it has not happened before in anything like this consequence, and, lesser cases have, as Coyne states, met with great protest. It is, an egregious undermining of democracy and of Parliament, the defender of democracy, that should concern anyone of any political persuasion. Genuine Conservatives as much as any.
The reference to the Senate is apt and I am surprised that Coyne did not refer to it. It is little understood in Canada that the real committe work of examining Bills, correcting and proposing amendments, has been the main function of the Senate. The Commons has never had the committee time for that in depth consideration. This Senate is not just a rubber stamp: it's new members are there with the explicit understanding that not only do they not oppose Bills, but that they approve them without debate when ordered to.
This Bill is a large step in the process of making a Canada that none of us who have grown up in the one that used to be a leader in progressive and humane traditions and practises, will recognise.
I quite liked the Canada of the recent past. I don't like this vision.