Man Who Urinated on Alamo Could Face Felony


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Another quality douchebag. :lol:

A 21 year old El Paso man who is charged with urinating on the wall of the Alamo may end up wetting his pants in court, 1200 WOAI news reports.

Alamo Rangers arrested Daniel Athens after they spotting him ducking under a fence and then relieving himself on the walls of the Shrine of Texas Liberty.

Athens is free on bond after being charged with public drunkenness and for urinating in public.

The District Attorney could decide to charge Athens with the felony of damaging a public monument. That is a state jail felony which carries a prison term of up to two years.

The Alamo Curator and a preservationist will try to determine how serious the damage from the acids in the urine was to the wall of the Alamo, and to decide how best to remove the visible stain.

The Alamo is one of the most instantly recognizable buildings in the world, and is the largest tourist attraction in Texas, attracting an estimated 2.5 million visitors annually.

Back in the eighties, shock rocker Ozzy Osborne was formally 'banned' from San Antonio after urinating on the Cenotaph, the 1936 monument that stands on Alamo Plaza. The 'ban' was later rescinded and Osborne apologized.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
We can't have people desecrating the place where they killed all those Mexicans so they could steal their land.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
We can't have people desecrating the place where they killed all those Mexicans so they could steal their land.

Oh, you said it right man. Too bad you aren't blindly right wing so you could blindly think this was a serious offense.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
For God's sake you are going to make this a federal case, what nonsense.
If this is the only way to have enough criminals to fill those private prisons
the nation is in trouble. Everything in a crime, down there, what the hell
happened to liberty and the pursuit of justice and all those lofty dreams
the people once had? I can't believe how insane these people have become.


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
Everything in a crime, down there, what the hell happened to liberty and the pursuit of justice and all those lofty dreams the people once had?

Its "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". If you want to spout off, at least get it right...

I can't believe how insane these people have become.

Coming from a person who lives in a province where a large segment believe they need a provincial constitution... Seriously, we live in the land of kangaroo courts administered by the HRC that don't follow the due processes of our justice or civil legal systems and you want to talk about the insanity of American justice?


Council Member
Nov 29, 2009
Nova Scotia
Won't miss him ? Sounds like you want to hang him for taking a piss on a movie prop.Oh wait,you believe all that John Wayne bull squishy.
Canadian Content Forum.Sure are a lot of yank wanna beez.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005



Colpy the base of that statue of Huston appears to be leaning to the left. This could cause many Texans to throw themselves off buildings and worse......8O
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
We can't have people desecrating the place where they killed all those Mexicans so they could steal their land.

Well you can add this to your "DUH" column.

Won't miss him ? Sounds like you want to hang him for taking a piss on a movie prop.Oh wait,you believe all that John Wayne bull squishy.
Canadian Content Forum.Sure are a lot of yank wanna beez.

So... nothing happened at the Alamo?

Everything in a crime, down there, what the hell
happened to liberty and the pursuit of justice and all those lofty dreams
the people once had?.

Pizzing on a national monument is a lofty dream?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Colpy the base of that statue of Huston appears to be leaning to the left. This could cause many Texans to throw themselves of buildings and worse......8O

He is looking to the south.. heart of Texas off I45 facing west. Not leaning left.

Many Mexicans believe that Santa Anna made one mistake when he signed the Treaty of Velasco and gave up what is now known as Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.. - is that he should have conceded all the land of Mexico to the borders of Honduras and Nicaragua.



Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Yup, sumpin' happened and I think Juan summed it up correctly, but some seem to have a problem with the truth.

and Juan's an idiot that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to what happened at the Alamo. Obviously neither do you if you support his contentions.

The majority of Mexicans shot, killed and wounded at the Alamo were shot, killed and wounded by their fellow Mexicans.

But don't take my word for it.

Our loss was very heavy. Colonel Francisco Duque was mortally wounded at the very beginning, as he lay dying on the ground where he was being trampled by his own men, he still ordered them on to the slaughter. This attack was extremely injudicious and in opposition to military rules, for our own men were exposed not only to the fire of the enemy but also to that of our own columns attacking the other fronts; and our soldiers being formed in close columns, all shots that were aimed too low, struck the backs of our foremost men. The greatest number of our casualties took place in that manner; it may even be affirmed that not one fourth of our wounded were struck by the enemy's fire, because their cannon, owing to their elevated position, could not be sufficiently lowered to injure our troops after they had reached the foot of the walls. Nor could the defenders use their muskets with accuracy, because the wall having no inner banquette, they had, in order to deliver their fire, to stand on top where they could not live one second.
The official list of casualties, made by General Juan de Andrade, shows: officers 8 killed, 18 wounded; enlisted men 52 killed, 233 wounded. Total 311 killed and wounded. A great many of the wounded died for want of medical attention, beds, shelter, and surgical instruments.

Fight to the Death at the Alamo, 1836