Corporate tax cuts are not working


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Caterpillar owns EMD.

Caterpillar was given tax breaks.

Should a company pay back tax breaks or have financial penalties if they decide to give away the business to the U.S.?

A lot of people who voted here seem to think so.

You have to find out what the cause of the deficit was first and make your decision from there.

If you have productive workers, cutting their salaries might actually make them less productive.

Don't matter how productive they are. If the company is loosing money it will soon go bankrupt and there will be no jobs. Unless you favor corporate bailouts.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
All I am saying is that this Conservative federal government should treat the corporations that want government handouts with a bigger magnifying glass to make sure that they don’t take the money and run.


Government should have the freedom to regulate these businesses or provide them incentives, but needs to be transparent to the taxpayers and general public that making a decision either way is in our interest, fiscally.

Don't matter how productive they are. If the company is loosing money it will soon go bankrupt and there will be no jobs.

We're talking about Caterpillar here.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
All I am saying is that this Conservative federal government should treat the corporations that want government handouts with a bigger magnifying glass to make sure that they don’t take the money and run.

Funny. That is exactly what we said about previous Liberal governments.


Government should have the freedom to regulate these businesses or provide them incentives, but needs to be transparent to the taxpayers and general public that making a decision either way is in our interest, fiscally.


We're talking about Caterpillar here.

So you're saying Caterpillar is too big to go bankrupt? Just like GM? And I forget the name of the one in Germany in the early 80s. How about Goldman Sachts?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
We're talking about Caterpillar here.
I'm sure you'd like it to be, just like the CAW talking heads would like it to be about Cat, but we aren't and it isn't. We're talking about EMD. Because it's about EMD and it's parent Progress Rail.

Cat is a completely separate entity. That had no ties to EMD when EMD's customers were given a tax break.



Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
My neighbour Henry thought he'd spur on the Canadian economy by giving his wife a larger allowance. Didn't work; she spent the increase on costume jewellry from Target stores in the States.
Giving corporate tax breaks is analogous.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
So you're saying Caterpillar is too big to go bankrupt? Just like GM? And I forget the name of the one in Germany in the early 80s. How about Goldman Sachts?

What he's saying is that Canada should have a 'special' set of rules for companies that are big... A set of rules probably along the lines that legislate that they be a virtual ATM for any national issues to kick in cash above and beyond what anyone should pay.

Ya know, something that will really encourage the big guys to invest billions of hard cash into the economy.
(note to MF: This is sarcasm in case you're confused)

My neighbour Henry thought he'd spur on the Canadian economy by giving his wife a larger allowance. Didn't work; she spent the increase on costume jewellry from Target stores in the States.
Giving corporate tax breaks is analogous.

... Unless Henry's wife was prepared to actually build the Target store in Canada and hire a few hundred people.

Then again, by MF's logic; Henry's wife should be punished for traveling to the US and spending money.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
All I am saying is that this Conservative federal government should treat the corporations that want government handouts with a bigger magnifying glass to make sure that they don’t take the money and run.

Caterpillar did not own EMD at the time the tax breaks were handed out.

My neighbour Henry thought he'd spur on the Canadian economy by giving his wife a larger allowance. Didn't work; she spent the increase on costume jewellry from Target stores in the States.
Giving corporate tax breaks is analogous.

Wouldn't that depend on how the tax breaks are structured?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Mark's Work Wearhouse pulls Caterpillar-brand boots from London, Ont. stores

A national clothing chain has pulled Caterpillar-brand boots from its London, Ontario stores, after the heavy-equipment giant shut down their electro-motive facility in the city.

Mark's Work Wearhouse says it is showing support for the hundreds of workers who have lost their jobs at Caterpillar's electro-motive facility

The retailer announced the move on its Facebook page Saturday, just shortly after the U.S.-based company revealed its plans to close the plant following a labour dispute.

Mark's Work Wearhouse pulls Caterpillar-brand boots from London, Ont. stores - 680News


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Next thing you know, Canadian Tire will pull all Chinese-made goods off their shelves in favour of Canadian-made items.

Right. Like that would ever happen.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Mark's Work Wearhouse pulls Caterpillar-brand boots from London, Ont. stores

A national clothing chain has pulled Caterpillar-brand boots from its London, Ontario stores, after the heavy-equipment giant shut down their electro-motive facility in the city.

Mark's Work Wearhouse says it is showing support for the hundreds of workers who have lost their jobs at Caterpillar's electro-motive facility

The retailer announced the move on its Facebook page Saturday, just shortly after the U.S.-based company revealed its plans to close the plant following a labour dispute.

Mark's Work Wearhouse pulls Caterpillar-brand boots from London, Ont. stores - 680News

That's either really funny or down right stupid. Caterpillar does not manufacture boots. The boots are made in CHina or Vietnam and just pay a royalty for the trademark.
Mow if they quit carrying the boots to protest child labor in China I could understand it.


Nominee Member
Of course.

And the government knew that they would take the tax breaks and run.
Really, how so... (what money actually)

Me neither, but I heard it was in the neighbourhood of $5 million delivered in 2008, by none other than Harper himself.
The 5 million was a tax break for the purchasers of the equipment, not the company. The company got tax breaks implmented in the 2008 budget for capital investments which effected other companies, not just EMD.

Caterpillar didn't own the company when the capital investment tax breaks (which all parties voted for) were implemented, and besides (and sorry if this is repetition) EMD was never a Canadian owned company. Maybe the Canada investment act needs to be revisited in order to determine how Canadian gov't can stop the sale of one U.S., company to another.

The U.S. gov't is replacing it's old engines but under Obama's law, they must be made in the U.S. If Caterpillar knew this before they bought EMD, it would explain why they bought it with the express purpose of moving. I'm not sure when the made in U.S. requirement was passed.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Sorry Flossy, I forgot.

You're still in the habit of using liquid paper on the screen, eh?.. Intuition and interpretation have never been your strong suit.

You just stick to bumping my threads and we'll all have a good time, lol


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Atta boy MF... You keep on finding that silver lining!
If nobody posts on his multiple threads...he bumps them himself...
I seem to recall he was the one complaining about Locutus posting all these threads about the OWS ...

But it's OK for him to post a lot more on Harper:roll:

Since he loves picture messages.....