Ron is a loose cannon and his son is even worse. No he does not have a chance of
winning, when the final rounds of the primaries are done. If they are smart they will
go with Mit Romney and lose. Rick is not a broad enough based candidate to win and
neither is Newt.
Vice President Biden said it best, don't compare us to the Almighty, compare us to the
alternative. The last time the Republicans held office they set in motion the biggest and
I mean the biggest financial disaster since the Great Depression. W screwed the whole
nation up, and it will take five or six years just to get things sitting right again.
Most people look at the field and and understand none of these people are capable of
controlling the fringe group the Tea Party, which is still a minority in the GOP. If they
can't control this radical fringe group how can they pull the nation together? In short they
can't, and that is why no one can break through the pack and establish themselves as a
clear leader. By the time enough drop out, their rising forces will be off set by the
damage they are doing to each other.
Paul is not the main stream of the party, and he is a voice of the old confederacy not the
voice of a modern nation. The problem for these people is they dream of a simpler time in
the past the never existed. If we were to elect the Republicans under Paul or Rick
Sanchez we would see America return to a difficult time like the era of Charles Dickens.