You are incredibly ignorant (retarded?) if you think that their Quoran does not tell them exactly that.
since you know so much about the Quraan can you tell me where in the Quraan this is said.
oh and it is Quraan and not Quoran
You are incredibly ignorant (retarded?) if you think that their Quoran does not tell them exactly that.
That's a no brainer. Jesus was a man thus born in sin.
Only one species on this planet is evil and knows they are evil and takes pleasure in it.
JLM said:
"Yet they get aborted without having a say. Hyprocrisy runs rampant."
I would like to rephrase that - hopefully with JLM's approval: Yet they get executed, even before birth, in their mother's womb, without a trial.
Feels good to quote (at least partially) the KING of all hypocrites, SirJosephPorter, wherever he might be.
Does anyone think that he bailed here, because he did not want to eat crow seeing the results of the American Elections on November 2nd?
Original sin is unknown in Judaism. Jesus was first and foremost a Jew and was emphatic on that point. The concept of Original sin appears to come from Paul the Apostle, who in my opinion was a woman hater. (He certainly was jealous of Jesus's relationship with Mary Magdelaine) It then developed further in the 2nd century in opposition to Gnostic dualism.
It describes the lack of the "state of holiness & perfect charity" into which humans are born.
How odd that inspite of trying for the stars, discovering the beginning of the formation of the Universe, steadily finding more and more clues to how life begins, we still need our fairy tales. When do you suppose, humanity will start researching the universal life/death/evolution cycle of which all existence is composed instead of forming yet more religions??
I noticed somewhere in here the claim that the bible states life begins at conception. Wrong. The bible states quite the opposite right from Genesis 2.7. Life begins with the first breath. See Job 33.4 or Ezekial 37: 5 & 6. Before that a fetus is merely tissue. A man may be obliged to pay a price to a husband or father, for taking the life of a woman but not for the loss of the unborn.
In this modern law as it is many other areas, much less contemptuous of life than the bible. Much better than some of the practices back then of limiting one's family.
What is this about Elections in a thread about Original sin??
I think what the Bible says is largely irrelevant, in a book the size of the Bible, if a person looks hard enough he can find a quote saying just about anything he wants. It preaches mercy, it preaches hell and brimstone, it's a damn good story book.
Yes, it is a fairy tale, so I ask why use it as a basis for judging such things as women's abortion rights, or whether babies are born sinful or innocent??
It was meant (the bible) as a guide (allegorical) for tribal barbarians so, why use it to justify gender, religious or racial prejudice?.? It was a fairy tale back then, and nothing has changed over two centuries. It has served as a divisive force and an excuse for vicious behaviour since it saw the light of day.
The original sin - in my opinion - came the first time man felt remorse then found someone else to blame for his error
Ya talkin' two milleniums?
You been nosin' around in the depths of the Archives, Goph!original sin
a depravity, or tendency to evil, held to be innate in humankind and transmitted from Adam to the race in consequence of his sin.
inclination to evil, inherent in human nature.
Roman Catholic Theology. the privation of sanctifying grace in consequence of the sin of Adam.
Original sin | Define Original sin at
The original sin was Satan telling a lie, Adam did die on the same day he ate, back then a day was considered to be 1,000 years long.