Somalian crisis


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I just don't get it. We feed them, so they breed. They breed and have more children they can't feed, so we feed them.
We see these horrific images of Somalian women coming to the camps with their large brood of kids. Why would they bring all these children to the world if they can't support them? What are their mating practices? Do they have ritualistic orgies?
The men disappear as soon as they got the women pregnant, to give birth to boys who will grow up to be like the men their mother had sex with to get pregnant.
The population growth is out of control. They cut down the trees for fire, then they don't have trees for ecological balance. Figure that.

Sounds like a lot of Canadians to me. Maybe you haven't heard the phrase, "a stiff pr*ck has no conscience" :lol:


Electoral Member
Feb 10, 2009
Apparently we're kicking $50 million for food. Who are we buying it from?
Who is getting this money/food?? From the looks of some of the pictures, it's not the women and children


Let's get a few things straight.....

It doesn't matter that they are Muslim.

It doesn't matter that they hate our guts.

It doesn't matter that they are in the same nation as pirates.

All that matters is that tens of thousands of people are dying from starvation, and that makes it our duty, and our responsibility, to try and help in any way we can.

Plainly put, STFU and get out your chequebooks......

It's the Christian thing to do.... :)
From the worldvision website: Are the funds given to World Vision handled responsibly?
Yes. World Vision accounts for every dollar. Of the funds given to World Vision in 2010, 81.1 per cent went directly into programs that help children, 13.9 per cent went to fundraising services, 5.0 per cent was allocated to administration. Audits are conducted regularly by external firms to verify the accuracy of World Vision's financial reporting.
These percentages seem a lot better than some of the other agencies. You can either just donate or you can sponsor children.I would like to know how much of the sponsor money actually goes to the child


Electoral Member
Feb 8, 2010
I just don't get it. We feed them, so they breed. They breed and have more children they can't feed, so we feed them.
We see these horrific images of Somalian women coming to the camps with their large brood of kids. Why would they bring all these children to the world if they can't support them? What are their mating practices? Do they have ritualistic orgies?
The men disappear as soon as they got the women pregnant, to give birth to boys who will grow up to be like the men their mother had sex with to get pregnant.
The population growth is out of control. They cut down the trees for fire, then they don't have trees for ecological balance. Figure that.

I appreciate Canada for welcoming them and i don't think that not so problem to your country
however ,in my opinion ,your problem is to be too prejudiced towards them , not like to host or take care about anybody in help and not to accept these refugees as human beings.
1-We feed them.
2-We see these horrific images of Somalian women coming to the camps with their large brood of kids.
3-Do they have ritualistic orgies?

Why would they bring all these children to the world if they can't support them?

Because , they weren't informed about intrauterine device or condom in their modern and civilized country but as far as i see, you haven't educated them on such an important issue, either.

They cut down the trees for fire

Then you only feed but not provide enough fuel and firewoods for them.

They get logistic supports thanks to your taxes but they need you or us to provide protection and assistance for them-we owe universe a life...
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Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Canada hasn't done all that badly per capita. So far we have given 123 million and that does not include the public donations the government has pledged to match. So get out and give.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
I guess God didn't account for this, but I guess he tried.



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
You do realize we have 34 Million people to your 311 Million people, or perhaps you really don't. We really are more than a wee bit less populated that the US. Oh geez, not per capita, as a country. We still did pretty good.

Yes and you do realize the Nation/village of Luxemburg gives more than anyone. Heck they have a Sunday Bake Sale at the local high school and they raise more money than any country in the world... PER CAPITA.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Yes and you do realize the Nation/village of Luxemburg gives more than anyone. Heck they have a Sunday Bake Sale at the local high school and they raise more money than any country in the world... PER CAPITA.

EagleSmack, you're off base with this.

The USA is doing good work in providing relief for Somalia, as I pointed out.

Canada is doing good work in providing relief for Somalia........

But each nation has only their population base from which to raise money, be it voluntary or taxes. So any (silly) comparative judgement of the generosity of a nation must be made on a per capita basis........because that is the character of the nation, how much the individual has sacrificed.........


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
You make comparisons on a per capita basis to "normalize" the data. If the US and Canada both contribute $150 million, that total value is equal, but the value to the two nations is far different.


Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
This would be a wonderful site for our next Ground Zero for a blooper. Imagine the humanitarian effects. No more hunger, no more disease, no more territorial fights, an end to high seas piracy as we know it. All could happen with one B-52 and the 25 megaton device programmed to go off at 8,000 ft. And we could end tourism to that part of the Indian Ocean for 25 years too. The staving millions would be at peace.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
This would be a wonderful site for our next Ground Zero for a blooper. Imagine the humanitarian effects. No more hunger, no more disease, no more territorial fights, an end to high seas piracy as we know it. All could happen with one B-52 and the 25 megaton device programmed to go off at 8,000 ft. And we could end tourism to that part of the Indian Ocean for 25 years too. The staving millions would be at peace.

And here I was thinking that the OP was the most heartless, inhumane drivel in the entire thread. Guess I was wrong.

So any (silly) comparative judgement of the generosity of a nation must be made on a per capita basis........because that is the character of the nation, how much the individual has sacrificed.........


The only response one should have regarding the generosity of another is gratitude. It is not a signal to begin some sort of ridiculous pissing contest.