Nycole Turmel’s flirtation with sovereignty was not a secret.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
That, plus the fact the CONS WON THE ****ING ELECTION. It might be hoped they'd GIVE IT A REST, ALREADY. They must be pretty insecure.

Clearly, they're all suffering the sour grapes syndrome, lol


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
""""Your kidding right. Check the link of this editorial. It comes from none other than the Toronto Star which I assure you is not the periodical of right wing hackery. """QUOTE CDN. SOLDIER.

Just shows ta go ya, the ol' TO Star ain't afraid to report or speak on both sides of the equation................GOTTA LOVEM.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
That, plus the fact the CONS WON THE ****ING ELECTION. It might be hoped they'd GIVE IT A REST, ALREADY. They must be pretty insecure.

Yes insecure, that is why the Conservative party of Canada and it's zombie army attacked the Toronto Star and forced a columnist to write a revealing piece filled with facts.

Given your use of caps and bold text and asterisking Bitter might be a better a better word.:smile:

""""Your kidding right. Check the link of this editorial. It comes from none other than the Toronto Star which I assure you is not the periodical of right wing hackery. """QUOTE CDN. SOLDIER.

Just shows ta go ya, the ol' TO Star ain't afraid to report or speak on both sides of the equation................GOTTA LOVEM.

So what is the issue again?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I love how the last leg is now: "Well The Star wrote it so it must be valid."

It appears this is an Op-Ed. Huh.. Well that's interesting now, isn't it?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Can you dispute what is in the piece? I'm all ears.

Her past does not mean the downfall of the NDP as official opposition. It's political theater that will last no more than a few months if she holds beyond the interim period.

She will be judged based on her actions and her current federalist mantra, not her past.

My evidence (if you flip back a page) is that she is already pushing for the demands of Newfoundland for federal support - which flies in the face of the sovereigntist position.

The fact that the hard right have shown their hand so early weakens their credibility on this issue.

"I represent Canada. I am a federalist," said Turmel, sticking to a series of answers about what she called "a mistake."

Earlier in the day, Turmel said she backs the NDP position on federal support for the Lower Churchill hydroelectric megaproject, despite opposition from the Quebec government and many Quebec politicians.

"I support the request of Newfoundland on this issue. This is clear to me," said Turmel, referring to the Newfoundland and Labrador government's application for a federal loan guarantee to develop power at Muskrat Falls, on Labrador's Churchill River.

Turmel said she will put pressure on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to follow through with an election pledge to support the project. "At this point nothing is signed, so we need to make sure this [happens]," she said.

Turmel's Bloc ties questioned at Regatta - Politics - CBC News

You can add this to the pile of shame along with the rest of the knee jerk reactions of the right:

Layton's housing scandal - successfully rebutted.
Layton's rub n' tug - lack of evidence/no one cares anyway
Rookie NDP MP - forgotten and irrelevent after a month
Turmel - political theater; no evidence that she currently supports Quebec sovereignty
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
""""Your kidding right. Check the link of this editorial. It comes from none other than the Toronto Star which I assure you is not the periodical of right wing hackery. """QUOTE CDN. SOLDIER.

Just shows ta go ya, the ol' TO Star ain't afraid to report or speak on both sides of the equation................GOTTA LOVEM.

Ahhhh...the TO Star has long been a Liberal rag.....both sides????

Both sides that they think will aid the Liberal Party. :)

And in this case they are quite correct.

And Yes, I think that is the Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition has recently been a member of a federal separatist party, and is still a member of a provincial party that sprang in large part from the Communist Party of Quebec, and that party also promotes sovereignty......well, I think that just MIGHT be of interest to the people of Canada.

Geez Guys, GET REAL!!!!!


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Ahhhh...the TO Star has long been a Liberal rag.....both sides????

Both sides that they think will aid the Liberal Party. :)

And in this case they are quite correct.

And Yes, I think that is the Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition has recently been a member of a federal separatist party, and is still a member of a provincial party that sprang in large part from the Communist Party of Quebec, and that party also promotes sovereignty......well, I think that just MIGHT be of interest to the people of Canada.

Geez Guys, GET REAL!!!!!

You know, just because you list a bunch of things and follow it up with "like duh", doesn't make the case that this is doom and gloom here. It's interesting that you will bring up everything about this woman's past, but fail to acknowledge the fact that she has repeatedly committed to being a federalist.

If she's committing to federal actions like supporting the maritime provinces in contradiction to Quebec policy (see example above), then it doesn't matter if she was formerly a member of the Pagan cult, Joe Friday.

Take it a notch down and enjoy some of Nonna's poutine..

‪Nonna Maria and the Poutine‬‏ - YouTube


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
You know, just because you list a bunch of things and follow it up with "like duh", doesn't make the case that this is doom and gloom here. It's interesting that you will bring up everything about this woman's past, but fail to acknowledge the fact that she has repeatedly committed to being a federalist.

If she's committing to federal actions like supporting the maritime provinces in contradiction to Quebec policy (see example above), then it doesn't matter if she was formerly a member of the Pagan cult, Joe Friday.

Here, have some poutine and take a chill pill:

‪Nonna Maria and the Poutine‬‏ - YouTube

I could claim to be a blue-crested parrot, that doesn't make it so!

especially if I weigh two pounds, sit on a perch, have feathers, and love crackers.

And yeah, even if I were a blue-crested parrot, I could talk like a real person.

And yeah, it does matter.

Exactly how thrilled would you guys be if you found out Harper was a member of an Alberta neo-Nazi group???? Same thing, except the commies managed to kill more people around the world.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
An editorial from another Liberal Rag:lol: Nycole Turmel Bloc Controversy

A Red Scare???


I don't think Turmel should resign......I just think criticism of her political past (and present), and public knowledge of it is a good thing.

Although trying to find a replacement for Turmel would be fun.....Thomas (Osama ain't dead, the Arabs didn't do it) Mulcair??

Libby (we love Hamas!) Davies????

What this shows is exactly how unfit the NDP is to govern this country.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
NDP interim Leader Nycole Turmel is a member of the provincial party, formed in 2006 from groups of feminists, communists, socialists and separatists.

Turmel says she joined the party to support Bill Clennett during the 2007 Quebec election. Clennett was the anti-poverty activist who was famously throttled by Jean Chretien during a protest in 1996.

Turmel says she will leave Quebec Solidaire.

I would say that the interim leader of the NDP is making the right decision and the lesson learned here is that when you are the official opposition who aspires to form a government you have to be ready to face scrutiny.

I still think the NDP will suffer major defeat in the next election, because the Liberal Party of Canada has now focused on the smell of blood and wants desperately to regain the ground it lost thanks to its own miscalculations about voter backlash.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Quebec sovereignty is now neo-nazism confirmed.


Well, kinda like National Socialism, don't ya think???? :)

Look up Quebec Solidaire...........the link is in one of my posts below. Not propaganda, their own website.

You are in for a surprise.

I don't call people communists because they work at the CBC..........I have my suspicions when they join a party that sprang in large part from the Communist Party of Quebec.......


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
"The RoC has spent years begging Quebec to give Canada a chance, to engage with the federation. As soon as we do so we are slapped across the face and told we are unworthy for our past thought crimes."


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Seconded. Kinda deflates the hot air balloons some have under their soap boxes.

No soap box.

I really don't care, as RCS said, I'll never again vote that that pack of drooling morons in the NDP ever again. I realized what they were 30 plus years ago.

I am just happy to see the rest of Canada educated in the matter.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
A Red Scare???


I don't think Turmel should resign......I just think criticism of her political past (and present), and public knowledge of it is a good thing.

Although trying to find a replacement for Turmel would be fun.....Thomas (Osama ain't dead, the Arabs didn't do it) Mulcair??

Libby (we love Hamas!) Davies????

What this shows is exactly how unfit the NDP is to govern this country.

This is a pretty $hitty post, and I don't think I really have to explain why.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
No soap box.

So you say, yet here you are, doing your best to pull something out of context. I had plenty of horrid teachers that did that. Good thing my parents were better teachers.