What are Canada's biggest problems?


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
Is that $8 for a 12 oz. bottle or a 10 oz. glass? It's steep here but not that steep. I gave up on it when draught went to $1.50 a glass, it's probably $3 here now and $4 for a bottle.

It used be a mug for $8 but this summer it's a plastic cup of draught for $8.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
I've outsmarted the bankers ... I buy the beer boxes and enjoy it in the backyard. Cost is $2/per can.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
I'm going to start shopping where you shop ... I can't walk out of a supermarket without spending close to $100 and that doesn't last a week.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
I tried for a few years, but there's too much clay in the soil. I've had success with currant bushes, and that's it. I've hauled in soil, rototilled, started with potatoes ... but gave up about 6 years ago.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If you have clay you can break it up with a mix of vegetable oil and glycerine (melts in the microwave) a couple 20L pails of water and if your city offers it, Xmas tree mulch to balance pH.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
If you have clay you can break it up with a mix of vegetable oil and glycerine (melts in the microwave) a couple 20L pails of water and if your city offers it, Xmas tree mulch to balance pH.

I'll look into it for next year, but after five years of trying, I'm not eager to try again.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'm going to start shopping where you shop ... I can't walk out of a supermarket without spending close to $100 and that doesn't last a week.
I grabbed a few things today for the week here is what I picked up for meat products.
670gr of blackforest ham $3.34
pck of bacon $2.39
pack of salami 500gr 2.98
Chilean back ribs $4.08
Chilean back ribs $4.10
Chilean back ribs $4.48
Chilean Back ribs $3.73

Total $25.10

I'll look into it for next year, but after five years of trying, I'm not eager to try again.
If you want to easily grown an abundance potatos without any digging get a couple bales of straw, put seed potatoes on the ground and cover them with the straw and water as you normally would, come fall simple remove the straw and pick you potatoes up off the ground and then rototill the straw intot he caly and come next spring do it again come fall rototill again by the third spring the straw willl have broken down the cationic bond of the clay soil.

Why would you cry if you can drink beer? :lol:
Because it would take 4 hours worth of labour to get a buzz strong enough to forget I was paid **** wages.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
If you want to easily grown an abundance potatos without any digging get a couple bales of straw, put seed potatoes on the ground and cover them with the straw and water as you normally would, come fall simple remove the straw and pick you potatoes up off the ground and then rototill the straw intot he caly and come next spring do it again come fall rototill again by the third spring the straw willl have broken down the cationic bond of the clay soil.

I like that idea ... hadn't heard that before. It's worth a try. We always had a huge garden when I was growing up ... I spent my summers picking beans, shelling peas, digging potatoes, cutting aspergus, picking raspberries and pulling rhubarb ... and would like nothing better than to do that again.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I like that idea ... hadn't heard that before. It's worth a try. We always had a huge garden when I was growing up ... I spent my summers picking beans, shelling peas, digging potatoes, cutting aspergus, picking raspberries and pulling rhubarb ... and would like nothing better than to do that again.
It's an E. European technique. Planting potatoes in straw - Homestead Garden Forums

Do you have a back yard fire pit? The ashes and charcoal are incredible for building up soils too.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
I do actually ... I've had a firepit for about 11 years, but it hasn't been used yet this year. I've been thinking that I should dismantle it because the apple tree has grown too much and is probably too close to the pit now. That sounds like a plan for this week ... take it apart and spread the ash in the garden.

Interesting site about straw planting ... thanks


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I do actually ... I've had a firepit for about 11 years, but it hasn't been used yet this year. I've been thinking that I should dismantle it because the apple tree has grown too much and is probably too close to the pit now. That sounds like a plan for this week ... take it apart and spread the ash in the garden.

Interesting site about straw planting ... thanks
That ashes and char technique is called Terra Preta and along with straw and some bark mulch you'll have perfect soil within two seasons after doing the potatos.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
That ashes and char technique is called Terra Preta and along with straw and some bark mulch you'll have perfect soil within two seasons after doing the potatos.

Thanks ... I'll look into that. My father was an agriculturalist and he could have turned my yard into an oasis ... but he passed away before I could ask him so many important questions.