Big Explosion in Oslo


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
Out of 249 terror attacks in the EU in 2010 How manny were of Islamic origin?

Anyone care to take a guess?


Only in your mind.....your delusions are hardly factual evidence.

If you truly believe delusions "are hardly factual evidence", you wouldn't be spewing rhetoric from non-factual websites such as "thereligionofpeace"


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The dog is just a likable animal, at least in my opinion. :)
Geert on the other hand is an actual person, a person that spews dangerous rhetoric and incites hatred against Muslims.
We've seen clearly the violence rhetoric can cause.

I certainly don't agree with everything Geert Wilders proposes.....his desire to ban the Koran is off the edge. One should not complain about persecution of freedom of speech while one engages in a campaign to deny freedom of speech.

I do not think he incites hatred against Muslims...........and he is certainly within his rights to criticize Islam on any terms he wishes, short of inciting actual violence.

Yes, rhetoric can inspire violence.

But the suppression of speech is a worse crime. Much, much worse.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
If you truly believe delusions "are hardly factual evidence", you wouldn't be spewing rhetoric from non-factual websites such as "thereligionofpeace"

Try and focus now.......

The site is not inaccurate......if you believe it is, you must provide some evidence of same to be taken seriously.

Otherwise, all you have is blather and BS wrapped in a blanket of idiot ideology.

I'll be honest and admit my first reaction was like Ron's: I thought it was an Islamic extremist group. This was reinforced by the fact that some Islamic groups DID try to claim the "credit". Call me a racist if you want but thats the world we live in today.

In the end though, I don't really care who did it, my heart is sick over those kids at the youth camp. I haven't seen any details but I'm assuming most of the victims are in their teens to early 20s, and it makes me weepy thinking about them.

Although I restrained myself from expressing an opinion on the matter until the evidence was in, I confess to having the same thoughts......probably Muslims.

And you are is entirely horrific.



Nominee Member
Jul 20, 2011
There is nothing wrong with Wilders' views and in fact he is mostly is Mark Steyns assessment of the situation in his book Eurabia...
Radical islam will be the biggest problem in Europe for many years..and it's probably too late to stop it..


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
People who want out of the EU are the biggest threat to the EU according to EUPol.

Stick with facts bub.

In 2010 3 Islamic attacks, attempts or foiled attempts in the EU. Who the **** made up the other 246?


Nominee Member
Jul 20, 2011
Bull****...the disruptions of european society due to the influx of islam and the potential collapse of the EU are two different situations...try to keep up..


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
There is nothing wrong with Wilders' views and in fact he is mostly is Mark Steyns assessment of the situation in his book Eurabia...
Radical islam will be the biggest problem in Europe for many years..and it's probably too late to stop it..

Winespius, have you ever been to Europe for a significant amount of time? Lived there maybe? I would think it's odd to make these kind of claims without experiencing the problems you perceive to exist first-hand.
This is the problem with Wilders' views, they're entirely incorrect and when you claim like Wilders that "this group is a problem and detrimental to peace" yes that's inciting hatred and violence. Worst yet, it's based on nothing factual.

Try and focus now.......

The site is not inaccurate......if you believe it is, you must provide some evidence of same to be taken seriously.

The site is completely inaccurate and I'd argue there isn't a single fact on that website. When it's based on irrational anti-islam hatred there's bound to be inaccuracies and down-right lies.
I believe Petro has given links which provide an example to you of information that contains no bias but actual facts.


Nominee Member
Jul 20, 2011
I lived in Paris for 3yrs( repatriated in '09) and England for 2.....travelled all over Europe and spent a lot of time in Holland...Prior to that I lived in the Middle East for 15yrs in 3 countries and travelled to most others....I think I have a pretty good handle on situation..

To call that phrase incitement to do anything doesn't even merit a response....


Nominee Member
Jul 20, 2011
Your facts have no more veracity than the site I quoted...visit the Middle east sometime and spend time with the people instead of reading left wing rags in this country to form your distorted view of reality..


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
EUPol doesn't know what the **** they are talking about? The cops are indeed a distorted source for terror FACTS. Who would you suggest?


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
I lived in Paris for 3yrs( repatriated in '09) and England for 2.....travelled all over Europe and spent a lot of time in Holland...Prior to that I lived in the Middle East for 15yrs in 3 countries and travelled to most others....I think I have a pretty good handle on situation..

Well????? Any Muslims throw rocks at you while you were in Paris or England??? Were you harassed by a Muslim? What happened then during those years that made you come to the conclusion that Muslims are a "problem"?
Why were you living in the Middle East for 15 years, the epicenter of Islam, if you dislike Muslims? Which three countries did you live in if I may ask?

To call that phrase incitement to do anything doesn't even merit a response....

I'm baffled how you couldn't see that making a public statement about a group of people, in this case Muslims, and accuse them of being a huge problem and detrimental to a peaceful society doesn't somehow enrage and incite violence against them . Of course it's incitement.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You seem to do well with that.
I know. I handle ideologues very well.

bear you obviously missed my sarcasm, while posting a photo of Cat Stevens who thinks
all defamers of Allah should die.:roll:
I missed no sarcasm, but you most definitely missed the point.

He doesn't do well with sarcasm, Juan. Doesn't understand it.
I understand it, it's the last refuge of the mediocre. I guess that's why you two revel in it.