Is Fukushima About to Blow?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Gday smack, I have gathered from your dialogue that in addition to an innocent non belief in conspiracy you also do not believe in disasters or cataclysm in general unless the event happens in the USA and is officially certified by that disasters government. There have not been many hours at all since your funny question. Many people will wish for even those few minutes some day soon. Smarten up man next you'll deny starvation and disease and war.

Well if a disaster REALLY happens I won't deny it.

I know Fukushima has been a real let down for you all.

But don't worry DB, disasters will happen and you can get all excited then. You just have to be patient, that's all.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Radiation Levels Higher Than Chernobyl Evacuation Limits Span Over 800 KM in Japan

By: kr3at
The latest joint US and Japan survey shows extremely high levels of nuclear radioactive contamination, with radiation levels higher than Chernobyl evacuation limits, now span over 800 kilometers in Japan.
Meanwhile US Media outlets continue to ignore the situation and run stories that the situation is under control.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Fukushima - One Step Forward and Four Steps Back as Each Unit Challenged by New Problems on Vimeo
In the part where he covers condensation via cooler air at night is not a 'sneak release'. That means it is releasing at that rate all the time. Rather than 'steam' it is water vapor, the way to track emissions would be with Doppler Radar and have it tuned for just those 4 buildings.

Another part was finding a (Plutonium) fuel-rod some distance away, if that was where that higher than explainable readings were to that power-plant to the south. If that is where the sample was found then that is the 'fallout' from #3 and that explosion.

One overall question, if people are safe from radiation by just a few meters of water in those storage pools why not dump it all in the nearby trench. As it is a 'heavy metal' once in place the stilt should hold it in place. Sea-food would be safe as it doesn't come from that depth.

#4 holds a lot of rods that look to be safe.



House Member
Feb 16, 2003
FLASHBACK - CNBC's Jim Cramer: Japan not a crisis. No Chernobyl. Go back to buying stocks!

Stocks closed off the lows on Tuesday, as buyers stepped into the market despite the threat of an escalating nuclear crisis in Japan. Had Japan endured a nuclear meltdown, Cramer thinks the markets would have sold-off, but the "Mad Money" host said a Chernobyl situation was never really on the table.
Japan's nuclear plants have fail-safe that make a Chernobyl-like explosion unlikely, Cramer explained. There are multiple safeguards that would prevent an event of that magnitude, he added.
Webmaster's Commentary:

Of course, setting aside that CNBC is owned by General Electric, which means Cramer works for the company that designed those exploding reactors, Jim Cramer is the guy who told us all that Bear Sterns was fine ... just 1 week before it collapsed. UPDATE: Jim Cramer loyally serves his GE masters and destroys what little remains of NBC/MSNBC/CNBC's credibility.
UPDATE 2: TEPCO confirms total fuel rod melt-down at reactor 1 just 16 hours after quake.
What is most terrifying about Fukushima is that we know the governments, TEPCO, and the media are lying to us all about the severity of the problem. People have no reason not to imagine the very worst possible situation, and as today's announcement about reactor 1 proves, the very worst being imagined is usually correct.



House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Reading the Pictures: One Fukushima Meltdown, Three Crippled Cores, Miles of Land and Ocean Glowing, but Still Nothing to See

Hmm, corporate media still not very interested in Fukushima in spite of three compromised reactor cores? Still fronting for TEPCO and the Japanese government running news briefs about clean-up timeframes as if TEPCO was essentially doing a mop up operation? How about that ho-hum three paragraph AP story run by the the Independent about the Olympic pool-size spill under Unit 1 resulting from the meltdown.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Secret map? The wind patterns have been known for years. Ask a Jap who use to light lanterns and send them across the oceans to land in Canada to burn our forests and crops.

One actually made it's way all the way to Manitoba. It sits in the Commonwealth Air Museum in Brandon.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Hiroaki Koide of Kyoto University: "Melted Core Outside the Containment Vessel" | EX-SKF

I assume the water flow is slowing down the 'descent' at the expense of contamination now flowing into the ocean or freshwater aquifers. As long as they can keep pumping they can stay and work (sort of safely) 2 died just recently and that is within the time-frame of the deaths occurring from Chernobyl. Back then the radiation suddenly stopped (sand and the molten rods became solid enough it stopped flowing), here when the pumping stops things get worse quite quickly but they still 'fix-it' and the only way would be giving people 'jobs' that rivalled conditions the early work done in the Ukraine.

Doomsday at about the 30min mark

YouTube - Best Chernobyl Documentary 2006 The Battle of Chernobyl (HQ) 1hr 32min 1 clip


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
There was two months before people started dieing because of Chernobyl. 1.6M according to some USSR data.

Does that mean you discount the pilots and the miners as being dead?


Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
How many of you really know much about Nuclear Energy and Radioactive sources? My son works in that field and has done so for almost 40 years. The power of the radiation present in these Nuclear powered Power plants have half life's of less than two years. We live in a world where the Radioactive sources in use in the Nuclear Medicine Departments of our Oncology Hospitals is far more dangerous than this situation. Many of you reside within two miles of some very intense and strong Radioactive sources and never give it a thought. Why do we worry about a plant that is over 8,000 miles distant emitting weak sources?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I'm quite willing to admit that the ones within the same distance will be the ones who are similarity affected. Chernobyl stopped spewing radiation, there is no 'guarantee' that these ones will be capped by the end of this year. Should it go on that long (at present rates) how much will eventually be released. Just because you are safe are you saying the subject doesn't deserve to be 'explored'? Do you downplay all the dangers, short term and long term? Here is one more vid about Chernobyl, if it's false then you should buy up all the properties in the 'hot zone' and rent them out once the Gov declares it 'all clear'. Think of the money you would make, least until the law suits started.

YouTube - ‪Horizon: Fall-out from Chernobyl [Part 1/5]‬‏

As we would only get a 'tiny amount' you are right it is no big deal, until you add in all the other 'stuff' that tends to make the body weaker, say some GMO pesticide and a few other things like mercury in vaccines and you just might have to be a tad more concerned over each of the parameters individually.

As the **** had hit the fan on day one, I hope they did the evac needed even if they lied about the severity of the 'known situation'. If nothing else the public (in Japan) should be insisting on 'watchdogs' checking all given data and given access to requested data that is available. If the Gov was ready to ditch Tokoyo as the operating center then they could also be lying when they say the move is for other reasons.

How many tons of rods (some are MOX) sitting in storage in #4? The one that is leaning.