Where's the Layton Rub & Tug Smear Thread?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I saw it, but I feel that kind of crap is, well, crap. I may not like his politics, but I don't honestly believe he was using the services of a rub and tug.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Who cares?

Olivia doesn't, and it is nobody else's business.

Beyond sleazy.

If you want to tear down Jack, all you need to do is look at his policies.........


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
This appears to be a new media outlet coming up with something that is more about them
than the election campaign. I feel like most of you that this is really a sixteen year old story
that even the retired cop adds nothing to. Most media give it a c grade for a story and it has
nothing to contribute. It is a smear campaign to be true but I think this is someone's story
other than the other two parties. The reason I say that is, if it were from the other two
political machines we would have seen it on Monday or Tuesday when it would have some
impact. Coming last night or this morning shows it for what it is. a non story.
Besides it might actually work in his favor, it makes him one of the masses instead of being
on some pedestal above us all.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I bet you say that a lot..

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Let him play.... Most sense I've seen in here since Harper got kicked out of the litter box....

Sorry, but....Dick was just being a Dick. He's gone, along with all his posts except for
the ones that where quoted.

I'm in no hurry to see Layton as the PM. Yikes....but if I had the opportunity to sit down
and have a beer with any of the potential future (as in two days from now future) leaders
of this nation...it would be Layton.

A beer & a B.S. session would be good for a laugh...but not a term with the NDP holding
the nations purse strings. Just my opinion.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Looks like the Sun story didn't get any traction at least here at CC

Canadians aren't Americans which is why we didn't buy into that BS from a station nobody is watching.

Nice try Fox.....er....Sun tv....nice try.

Who cares?

Olivia doesn't, and it is nobody else's business.

Beyond sleazy.

If you want to tear down Jack, all you need to do is look at his policies.........

That's why you should vote for him.....not sure what it is you don't like about it instead of screaming about costing that the CBC told you about.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Layton slams ‘smear campaign’ over massage-parlour allegations

Riding a surge of support over the last days of the federal election campaign, the NDP was rocked Friday night by allegations from a media organization about a visit party leader Jack Layton made to a massage business in the mid-1990s.

Mr. Layton, campaigning in British Columbia, answered the allegations by saying, “It’s unfortunate to see the smear campaign starting in these last few days of the campaign. Absolutely nothing wrong was done, there’s no wrongdoing here, but the smears start.”

“You know, this (the allegation) is why a lot of people get turned off politics and don’t even want to get involved. I think it’s very unfortunate,” Mr. Layton told reporters travelling with him in Courtenay, B.C.
Olivia Chow, who is running for re-election in a Toronto riding and is Layton’s wife, also said the report by a Toronto Sun reporter was nothing but a “smear campaign” intended to question Layton’s character. Ms. Chow called the allegations “completely and utterly false.”

Ms. Chow said she was aware of the incident that reportedly took place in 1996, and said there was no wrongdoing on the part of Mr. Layton.

“Sixteen years ago, my husband went for a massage at a massage clinic that is registered with the City of Toronto. He exercises regularly; he was and remains in great shape; and he needed a massage,” she said.
“No one was more surprised than my husband when the police informed him of allegations of potential wrongdoing at this establishment.”

Ms. Chow said Mr. Layton told her about the incident after it happened.

The Toronto Sun’s story alleges that police found Mr. Layton naked on a bed in a suspected bawdy house in 1996 in Toronto’s Chinatown. It attributes its information to an unnamed, retired Toronto police officer.
The news organization said its report was based on the notebook of the retired officer. The notebook, according to the Sun report, allegedly reports a conversation in which the policeman asks Mr. Layton whether he received sexual services. Mr. Layton, a Toronto city councillor at the time, reportedly answers that he did not.

The newspaper reports that the police decided not to charge him.

“In the last hours of this election, this is nothing more than a smear campaign in an attempt to question my husband’s character,” Ms. Chow said Friday night.

Both the Liberal and Conservative campaigns declined Friday to comment on the allegations.

Brian Iler, a New Democratic Party lawyer, said in a statement that Mr. Layton received a massage, but had “no knowledge whatsoever that the therapist’s location may have been used for illicit purposes.”
Mr. Iler said Mr. Layton recalls being told by police that he did nothing wrong, but that the location was “questionable” and was “to be stayed away from.”

Karl Belanger, Mr. Layton’s press secretary, said the party was “in the process of looking at our (legal) options.”

For his part, Mr. Layton told reporters, “What we’ll do is keep pressing ahead with calling for real change in Ottawa because frankly, this is the kind of thing people say is wrong in Ottawa politics today.

“So, we’re just going to keep up the campaign right through to the end,” Mr. Layton said.

He did not address the specific allegations in the Sun’s report.

A spokesman for the Toronto police also declined to comment late Friday. “I have no knowledge of that, and there’s no one here that would be able to speak to that at this time,” Staff Sgt. Mike Callaghan told Postmedia News.

“Someone’s going to have to do some research on that incident before the organization is going to speak on it.”

Mr. Layton and the NDP have been riding high in the last few weeks, with polls showing the party has pulled ahead of the Liberals and is sitting just a few points behind the Conservatives. After making his statement, he attended a rally of about 700 people.

Layton was first elected to public office as a Toronto city councillor in 1982. In 1996, he was still a Toronto councillor.

His reputation as an outspoken left-wing politician grew quickly.

Layton slams ‘smear campaign’ over massage-parlour allegations | Posted | National Post


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006

Jack's own people are making more of this silly rub & tug crap, then the people that call Conservatives and shills!!!


House Member
May 18, 2010
Well for someone who is familiar with downtown TO and works out, one would expect him to know the reputation of a massage business. It's usually pretty obvious.
Looks suspicious to me????
Everyone knows in public office you not only have to be squeaky clean, but you must always make sure you are always percieved to be squeaky clean!!


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Vote for him? Not bloody likely....I haven't had a frontal lobotomy.

Who is the NDP candidate that is running in your riding Colpy? Is that the best person to vote for or are the other candidates? That's who you're voting for right, not Jack Layton?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Well for someone who is familiar with downtown TO and works out, one would expect him to know the reputation of a massage business. It's usually pretty obvious.
Looks suspicious to me????
Everyone knows in public office you not only have to be squeaky clean, but you must always make sure you are always percieved to be squeaky clean!!
You're using contemporary thinking Durry. 16 years ago, rub and tugs were few and far between, as well as kept hush hush. A few seemingly respectable massage parlors were fronts.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Well for someone who is familiar with downtown TO and works out, one would expect him to know the reputation of a massage business. It's usually pretty obvious.
Looks suspicious to me????
Everyone knows in public office you not only have to be squeaky clean, but you must always make sure you are always percieved to be squeaky clean!!
So what part makes it so he'd know - familiarity with downtown or that he works out?

I didn't know people went to Timmies to watch kids get molested. I learn something from you every day.... ;-)


Force majeure
May 28, 2007

Jack's own people are making more of this silly rub & tug crap, then the people that call Conservatives and shills!!!

Yes they are very very offended at the suggestion. Not that there are so many rub and tugs downtown, which seems to avoid being an issue. I think that the "fained crisis" that one party saying something about an opponent is, is part and parcel with the job. They're jerks, what do you expect?

If these politicians running were members of a high school we all were attending, they would have a lot of incidents of being bullied.