Harper ousts 19yo girls for facebook picture!


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Oh great. Now all the parties are going to use this as an excuse to do background checks just to attend a friggin rally. Of course, there are no specifics on the extent that a political party can mine information about you, but hey, we'll take it up the bum because that's the Canadian way.

As if we weren't draconian enough already.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Oh great. Now all the parties are going to use this as an excuse to do background checks just to attend a friggin rally. Of course, there are no specifics on the extent that a political party can mine information about you, but hey, we'll take it up the bum because that's the Canadian way.

As if we weren't draconian enough already.

They'll be marching in the streets next.....

Then the Liberals will start a march....

Then the Greens and NDP....



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I'm surprised, well not really, to see some people ignore the fact that there may have been an intent here, on behalf of the person ejected, while the same people seem quite comfortable in manufacturing intent for other persons in the media. Including Harper, in this case, lol.

By all means, comment on what she may have intended. I think commenting on the paranoia and isolation that Harper's staff are setting up is more salient given the facts that are available.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I'm kinda enjoying the Liberal white supremacist 'featherhead' tempest right now, this one is passe.

Yeah that one is all sorts of crazy. Now it's Iggy's turn to deflect and try to move on. Let's see if he blames it on staffers too.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Is that some kinda double entendre?

The polls are very discouraging, not so much that this paranoid ego maniac will possibly get a majority, but because it proves the average Canadian voter is so easily persuaded by such stupid attack ads and character assassinations. I was hoping the average intelligence of the Canadian voter was higher, but I am losing hope by the minute.

I am very upset with Harper for his flippant attitude towards this student and for the heavy handed attitude towards the public. If he wants to be our PM, he should at every opportunity welcome the chance to meet Canadians.

That said, the reason I am voting Conservative, Cliffy is because I believe they will keep guiding our economy through the last of the recession in a steady and beneficial manner. The Liberals will send us into a recession of our own. The NDP, well no need to even mention them. IMHO


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Oh great. Now all the parties are going to use this as an excuse to do background checks just to attend a friggin rally. Of course, there are no specifics on the extent that a political party can mine information about you, but hey, we'll take it up the bum because that's the Canadian way.

As if we weren't draconian enough already.

Fortunately, Canadians have made the collection of personal information extremely easy for anyone who may interested by simply being facebook regulars. No need to resort to draconian measures when your citizens openly and willingly display their lives for all to see. ;-)

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Fortunately, Canadians have made the collection of personal information extremely easy for anyone who may interested by simply being facebook regulars. No need to resort to draconian measures when your citizens openly and willingly display their lives for all to see. ;-)
Do you suppose Sneaky Stevie could take the hint? That's what TRANSPARENCY is about....


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Oh great. Now all the parties are going to use this as an excuse to do background checks just to attend a friggin rally.
If you believe that all the other parties, do not vet registered attendees. I have property in Florida for sale.

By all means, comment on what she may have intended.
Don't get me wrong Ton, I think harpers staff acted out of line. But if I were in there shoes, I might be a little weary too.

I think commenting on the paranoia and isolation that Harper's staff are setting up is more salient given the facts that are available.
Given the fact that when he tried being open, playing the drums, singing, shaking babies and kissing hands, and so on, he was railed anyways. So he's damned if does and damned if he doesn't with some people.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Let's be honest here. Harpo is a big fu-king COWARD! He had the opportunity to stand up like a real man and say this was comletely wrong and those responsible for it on his watch will be punished accordingly and no longer part of this campaign for Canadians. He is an arrogant, self-centered, anti-citizen POS who is so far in the pocket of big business he looks up to see the lint. He should not just be voted out of office but voted right out of Canada. Send him down south where it will be easier for him to keep his nose up the a*s of the US govt and corporations.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Let's be honest here. Harpo is a big fu-king COWARD! He had the opportunity to stand up like a real man and say this was comletely wrong and those responsible for it on his watch will be punished accordingly and no longer part of this campaign for Canadians. He is an arrogant, self-centered, anti-citizen POS who is so far in the pocket of big business he looks up to see the lint. He should not just be voted out of office but voted right out of Canada. Send him down south where it will be easier for him to keep his nose up the a*s of the US govt and corporations.
What a lovely example of what rational thought, and objectivity, isn't.

You go girl!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Given the fact that when he tried being open, playing the drums, singing, shaking babies and kissing hands, and so on, he was railed anyways. So he's damned if does and damned if he doesn't with some people.

I hear you, Bear but I am really getting steamed at Steve. He has relaxed somewhat from last week but his occasional moments of hubris irk me a lot. His response to the incidents where people were being turned away - whatever the truth - was trite and not worthy of a PM. Were he to make himself more available to Canadians and (choke) the media, we would see Conservative numbers rise even higher. IMHO :smile:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I hear you, Bear but I am really getting steamed at Steve. He has relaxed somewhat from last week but his occasional moments of hubris irk me a lot. His response to the incidents where people were being turned away - whatever the truth - was trite and not worthy of a PM. Were he to make himself more available to Canadians and (choke) the media, we would see Conservative numbers rise even higher. IMHO :smile:
You know Mowich, I don't always agree with you, but I firmly believe, we don't hear from you enough.

In this particular instance, I do actually agree with you. I can understand why his handlers removed them. Suspicion of intent, is always going to play mind games on those in the pit. But sometimes, it's best to let dissidents speak, and calmly address them, answer their questions, challenge their claims. Not give them the bums rush. And I don't say that for optical reasons, I say that, because that's how a good leader should be.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006


“Fine, said lots of people. Leave gays alone? Fair enough. But, let ’em be Boy Scout leaders? Have each other’s benefits? Adopt kids? Marry each other? Ridiculous. Anybody seeking political office who suggested it would have been laughed off the hustings. Yet, the Liberals are ready to legalize gay marriage. How did we get to this point?”


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
You know Mowich, I don't always agree with you, but I firmly believe, we don't hear from you enough.

In this particular instance, I do actually agree with you. I can understand why his handlers removed them. Suspicion of intent, is always going to play mind games on those in the pit. But sometimes, it's best to let dissidents speak, and calmly address them, answer their questions, challenge their claims. Not give them the bums rush. And I don't say that for optical reasons, I say that, because that's how a good leader should be.

And I with you, on all counts ;-)