the master race ain't what it used to be


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
One thing I've never understood about Nazis is how they can believe they're the superior race and at the same time believe the Jews secretly run the world. If the Jews can pull off such an amazing conspiracy and actually run the world in secret wouldn't that make Jews the superior race? Why aren't the Germans secretly running the world? And Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's loss in the First World War. You'd think that the supposed top race on the totem could avoid being foiled so easily by the lowest one. And then after losing a second world war, you'd think they'd finally realize they aren't so hot, but no, we still have Neo-Nazis.

I think my problem is I expected a coherent ideology in the first place. Well, gone are the days of German nationalists terrorizing Europe and the world. Now they just ride the bus.

With the movement's foremost figure in prison for the second year in a row, an annual neo-Nazi march in Calgary has flopped.

There was plenty of anger but no violent confrontation after police kept neo-Nazi and anti-racist groups apart at parallel rallies in downtown Calgary Saturday.

About 200 members of Anti-Racist Action Calgary gathered at Calgary city hall after word that the neo-Nazi group, Blood of Honour, was planning a march.

But the 16 members of Blood of Honour, chanting “White Pride Worldwide” found their paths blocked by Calgary Police officers, including riot squad members, who cordoned off several streets in the downtown.

16 Neo-Nazis to 200 Anti-Racists? That hardly seems far.

The protests ended when the Blood of Honour group gave up and hopped on a city bus and left the area.

Said one Neo-Nazi as he queued up to board the bus, "the protest would have ended earlier but city buses are always late. What Calgary needs is a no nonsense, take charge leader who will make the buses run on time... aw ****, hey man can you lend me a quarter?"

Annual neo-Nazi march in Calgary fizzles - The Globe and Mail


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
When I read your initial statements, I chuckled because it sounds like you almost expect an ideology out of the sound bites used to get some attention, which really isn't the case for ANY movement. I haven't read "Mein Kampf" but I am told it makes more sense in terms of defining the Nazi ideology, although I admit some scepticism because a lot of what I see has been done before (and some of it since). Neo-nazis and their ilk are more caricatures than representatives of ideologies in my mind.

The Nazis vs the Jews, was a cash grab: the Jews (historically) are a wealthy minority in places where Christianity and Islam were the prevalent religion, because religious laws against usury prohibited anyone else from filling the role of bankers. The Phillip IV did essentially the same thing to the Jews and the Templar Knights in the early 14th century, outlawing them and confiscating all their assets to fund his ambitions. Its always convenient to be able to point out an enemy, whose defeat can pay a lot of your bills...

Blaming prior defeats on someone else, especially the "its the whole world against us" xenophobic thing, is also an old tactic for anyone trying to use some type of revenge motivation: its true in sport and politics. It goes hand in hand with the self delusions that nothing you did was wrong and you were defeated by an unforseen conspiracy.

All in all, I think the demise of neo-Nazis is a good thing: they don't seem to understand that in the vast majority of cases further injustices don't lead to justice, they just lead to more retaliation. Thats not empowering, its self defeating because it guarantees someone will always be after you. I believe there were injustices after the first World War, perpetrated by the Allies via the Treaty of Versailles, that lead to the rise of Nazis but that still doesn't excuse what they did in the larger picture.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
One thing I've never understood about Nazis is how they can believe they're the superior race and at the same time believe the Jews secretly run the world. If the Jews can pull off such an amazing conspiracy and actually run the world in secret wouldn't that make Jews the superior race? Why aren't the Germans secretly running the world? And Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's loss in the First World War. You'd think that the supposed top race on the totem could avoid being foiled so easily by the lowest one. And then after losing a second world war, you'd think they'd finally realize they aren't so hot, but no, we still have Neo-Nazis.

I think my problem is I expected a coherent ideology in the first place. Well, gone are the days of German nationalists terrorizing Europe and the world. Now they just ride the bus.

16 Neo-Nazis to 200 Anti-Racists? That hardly seems far.

Said one Neo-Nazi as he queued up to board the bus, "the protest would have ended earlier but city buses are always late. What Calgary needs is a no nonsense, take charge leader who will make the buses run on time... aw ****, hey man can you lend me a quarter?"

Annual neo-Nazi march in Calgary fizzles - The Globe and Mail

The Canadian Nazi Party -- a party of one - Ezra Levant
I stand by my factual assertion that the CJC, and other groups, used Jewish donations to prop up Nazis in the 1960s. The history book Scheinberg cites confirms that, and leads to many more embarrassing questions for the CJC.
Ezra Levant, Calgary


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
More would have shown up if they had toques. What sort of shaved headed morons gather outdoors in Calgary in March anyway?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
One thing I've never understood about Nazis is how they can believe they're the superior race and at the same time believe the Jews secretly run the world. If the Jews can pull off such an amazing conspiracy and actually run the world in secret wouldn't that make Jews the superior race? Why aren't the Germans secretly running the world? And Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's loss in the First World War. You'd think that the supposed top race on the totem could avoid being foiled so easily by the lowest one. And then after losing a second world war, you'd think they'd finally realize they aren't so hot, but no, we still have Neo-Nazis.

I think my problem is I expected a coherent ideology in the first place. Well, gone are the days of German nationalists terrorizing Europe and the world. Now they just ride the bus.

16 Neo-Nazis to 200 Anti-Racists? That hardly seems far.

Said one Neo-Nazi as he queued up to board the bus, "the protest would have ended earlier but city buses are always late. What Calgary needs is a no nonsense, take charge leader who will make the buses run on time... aw ****, hey man can you lend me a quarter?"

Annual neo-Nazi march in Calgary fizzles - The Globe and Mail

I always wondered why someone like hitler would surround himself with a bunch of clowns who in no way resembled the 'master race' that he worked so hard to realize. Goering, Himmler, Goebbels, etc. - not exactly what one might call stirling examples of a blond, blue-eyed superior race. I also wondered what might have eventually happened to hitler and his henchmen had they indeed won the war - would the master race that he had created by indoctrinating thousands of specially selected children with fully German pedigrees have turned on that bunch of turkeys because they didn't resemble the ideal?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I always wondered why someone like hitler would surround himself with a bunch of clowns who in no way resembled the 'master race' that he worked so hard to realize. Goering, Himmler, Goebbels, etc. - not exactly what one might call stirling examples of a blond, blue-eyed superior race. I also wondered what might have eventually happened to hitler and his henchmen had they indeed won the war - would the master race that he had created by indoctrinating thousands of specially selected children with fully German pedigrees have turned on that bunch of turkeys because they didn't resemble the ideal?
He got the idea from the American eugenics program.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
The Canadian Nazi Party -- a party of one - Ezra Levant
I stand by my factual assertion that the CJC, and other groups, used Jewish donations to prop up Nazis in the 1960s. The history book Scheinberg cites confirms that, and leads to many more embarrassing questions for the CJC.
Ezra Levant, Calgary

Oh those incorrigible Nazis. Not content with blaming the Jews for losing the war for Germany and controlling, now their own anti-Jewish hate group is a Jewish conspiracy! Like I said, not what it used to be.

More would have shown up if they had toques. What sort of shaved headed morons gather outdoors in Calgary in March anyway?

Nazi morons of course.


Nominee Member
Jan 7, 2011
So identifying the Jews as the enemy was actually a cash grab for the Nazi's because Germany was impoverished from reparations imposed from W W 1.

Geeeezus....Sounds weirdly similar to indebted Nato countries confiscating Libyan bank accounts and assets and invading that country!

La plus la plus la meme chose.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
The bus-riding Nazis were just upset that their potato salad (they were on their way to the company picnic, didn't you know?) spoiled due to the bus's delay. "Mein Camp!" they screamed when they finally arrived at their destination(that being their campsite where the picnic was to be held), as they saw that their camp was littered with copious amounts of animal poop and that their food stores had been eaten by the self-same animals.

Naturally, they blamed the Jewish people for it as they blame them for everything else anyhow.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Blue-eyed, blonde-haired Adoni were actually just wingmen to help ugly old men like Hitler, Goering, Himmler, Goebbels etc pick up blue-eyed, blonde-haired chicks.... ;-)


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
So identifying the Jews as the enemy was actually a cash grab for the Nazi's because Germany was impoverished from reparations imposed from W W 1.

No, it wasn't. They hated the Jews and actually believed the conspiracy. The Jews weren't scapegoats for another amorphous problem. It wasn't the structural injustices of industrial capitalism or some other set of words one could throw together. It was a part of the thousands of years of European antisemitism. It was chiefly hate.