Security Council accepts No Fly Zone


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Sorry, I would rather have sex with Kathy Griffin's vagina than being pals with the UN..

Yet the UN did what you wanted....get involved in a forgien civil war.

How liberal of you.



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Unlike the move by Bush with the patriot act which spat in the face of your beloved constitution.

Although they really can't say how the Patriot Act violates the US Constitution.

All the same, Obama is no different other than the fact he is black dumbocrat.

I don't see why being "black" has anything to do with it, but this lad has always seemed that adding "black" in an Obama post in neccessary.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
USA & France will lead the effort.

Where exactly did you hear the U.S. is going to help lead this effort? I haven't heard anything of the sort.

In 2009 and 2010 the American Left and their leader Obama succeeded in setting American society on a new trajectory that altered the balance between individual liberty and equality of outcome. In time they will succeed in creating the monstrous Big Brother fedgov that I loathe and detest. But in doing so they poisoned the well politically. If America becomes what they intend, there is no need for America to exist.

In other words, Obama and the Democrats opened up a path to health insurance for tens of millions of relatively poor Americans, and that somehow means the end of liberty. Or something.

Before we get into a "U.S. is a warmongering country" kind of argument, it needs to be pointed out it's not hard to simply ignore international conflicts and hope they go away on their own. We Americans do it all the time.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
It's okay if we bomb Libya, because the UN took a week to mull it over (while people were slaughtered) and China and Russia abstained so they can still buy oil from them even if we fall out of grace (which we will.)

But again its okay to send our soldiers into battle because when its UN sanctioned the hand wringers don't have to feel guilty about fallen soldiers, or collateral damage, or blood for oil.

F ucking hypocrites.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
In 2009 and 2010 the American Left and their leader Obama succeeded in setting American society on a new trajectory that altered the balance between individual liberty and equality of outcome. In time they will succeed in creating the monstrous Big Brother fedgov that I loathe and detest. But in doing so they poisoned the well politically. If America becomes what they intend, there is no need for America to exist.

This sounds like the introduction to a science fiction movie, but you'd have to change it a little.

In 2009 and 2010 the American Left and their leader Obama succeeded in setting American society on a new trajectory that altered the balance between individual liberty and equality of outcome. In time they succeeded in creating a monstrous Big Brother federal government. But in doing so they have poisoned the well politically. Now a ragtag band of resisters, known as the Teabaggers, are all that stand between Overlord Obama and the strangulation of freedom.

Conservatives fantasize about this don't they? How else can you explain their histrionic prophesies of the coming totalitarianism? They secretly want it to happen so they can live out their survivalist fantasies: me and my gun vs. the big bad government. Don't deny it. When Obama signed that health care bill you were polishing your gun all night.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
It's okay if we bomb Libya, because the UN took a week to mull it over (while people were slaughtered) and China and Russia abstained so they can still buy oil from them even if we fall out of grace (which we will.)

But again its okay to send our soldiers into battle because when its UN sanctioned the hand wringers don't have to feel guilty about fallen soldiers, or collateral damage, or blood for oil.

F ucking hypocrites.

We shouldn't be involved...period.

It's a Lib thing to do it.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
Heeeey! It's Icarus! What do you think of your man's War for Oil?

Right, the "war for oil" thing was lacking evidence even back when George W. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq. The U.S. is too ideological to be moved by something as practical as a natural resource.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
You need it because you use too much of it......people die for costs you billions in offense for's sucking you dry.

You give more money in oil subsidies than you do in R&D for alternative energy.
My money. As far as R&D is concerned, bet we beat you.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Right, the "war for oil" thing was lacking evidence even back when George W. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq. The U.S. is too ideological to be moved by something as practical as a natural resource.

No no no. You aren't backing out of this so easy. Don't bring up Georgie Boy as it has been years since he's been around.

This is Obama's War for Oil is it not? Or is it only a War for Oil when a Republican sits in the Whitehouse.

This sounds like the introduction to a science fiction movie, but you'd have to change it a little.

In 2009 and 2010 the American Left and their leader Obama succeeded in setting American society on a new trajectory that altered the balance between individual liberty and equality of outcome. In time they succeeded in creating a monstrous Big Brother federal government. But in doing so they have poisoned the well politically. Now a ragtag band of resisters, known as the Teabaggers, are all that stand between Overlord Obama and the strangulation of freedom.

Who are the Teabaggers?

Conservatives fantasize about this don't they?


How else can you explain their histrionic prophesies of the coming totalitarianism?

That sounds a lot like the Left did when Bush was in.

They secretly want it to happen so they can live out their survivalist fantasies: me and my gun vs. the big bad government. Don't deny it.


When Obama signed that health care bill you were polishing your gun all night.

How silly.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
This is Obama's War for Oil is it not? Or is it only a War for Oil when a Republican sits in the Whitehouse.

Um, in order for me to answer that question, I would have to bring up George W. Bush. Of course, I already answered this question (no, there hasn't been a war for oil for awhile).


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
In other words, Obama and the Democrats opened up a path to health insurance for tens of millions of relatively poor Americans, and that somehow means the end of liberty. Or something.

How can you float this stuff?

Millions of poor Americans are already covered by the government if they cannot afford Health Insurance. They've always been.

The Health Care Bill will FORCE those who can afford Health Insurance to buy a policy.

Um, in order for me to answer that question, I would have to bring up George W. Bush. Of course, I already answered this question (no, there hasn't been a war for oil for awhile).

Suddenly you are no longer part of the "NO WAR FOR OIL" crowd.

Of course not... there is a Democrat in the Whitehouse. All of the "NO WAR" signs get put into storage.

Where is CODE PINK when you need them. :)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
How can you float this stuff?

Millions of poor Americans are already covered by the government if they cannot afford Health Insurance. They've always been.

The Health Care Bill will FORCE those who can afford Health Insurance to buy a policy.

The leftards on this forum don't really like when you remind them that the health insurance actually costs the employer and employee money.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The leftards on this forum don't really like when you remind them that the health insurance actually costs the employer and employee money.

And that the millions of poor and under privledged are and have always been covered in FULL by the state and government with regards to Health Insurance.