Why do you like living in Edmonton?


Jun 23, 2006
what do i like about living in edmonton?

less snow than NL, and more cool stores.

Unfortunately for edmonton, that's about it for me. I'm glad to be out of it. It's a rat-race with outrageous rent prices and housing issues.

However, I had a good time there, albeit breifly. I miss my buddies from there.


New Member
Mar 4, 2008
I'm also looking to move to Edmonton...but this thread hasnt cleared things up for me:-?...i've lived in montreal my whole life, so living anywhere else for me sounds horrible..but unfortuantly i have no choice...i had a couple of questions: how multicultural is it? is it bilingual? would u compare edmonton, to mtl style (outgoing, amazing night life) or more ottawa style (quieter, ideal for families, clean and friendly)?


Jan 6, 2007
I'm also looking to move to Edmonton...but this thread hasnt cleared things up for me:-?...i've lived in montreal my whole life, so living anywhere else for me sounds horrible..but unfortuantly i have no choice...i had a couple of questions: how multicultural is it? is it bilingual? would u compare edmonton, to mtl style (outgoing, amazing night life) or more ottawa style (quieter, ideal for families, clean and friendly)?

Hmmm. We're a fairly multicultural city from MY perspective, but, I grew up in predominantly white towns, and have never traveled out of the west, so, I'm not sure how we compare to Montreal. I can guarantee that we have less of everything (we're much smaller), and I know we do not have the Jewish population that Montreal has.

We have a lot of Halal delis, Chinese shops, a few Italian markets.

For nightlife, Jasper Avenue and Whyte Avenue are very busy areas, with tons of stuff to do any given weekend.

But if you come comparing Edmonton to anything but Edmonton, you'll frustrate yourself very quickly.


New Member
Mar 4, 2008
Thank u soo much Karrie...ur answer really helped clear a few things up...and dont worry, im not going to compare edmonton to otehrs..just trying to figure out what the energy is like in the city...


New Member
Mar 4, 2008
one more thing...there was a post abt renting with boardwalk..whts wrong with them? their apartments look pretty nice (online)


New Member
Jun 29, 2009
I must agree with Rotten Berry

I lived in Edmonton over the 20 years ago, just when West Edmonton mall was new and things seemed to be really thriving. People also seemed so helpful and friendly.

I went back half a year ago to visit and I was so disappointed with the new Edmonton I had come to discover. Edmonton has certainly changed over the past 20 years. I brought my partner with me and she could only echo the same sentiments I had while we were there. As Rotten Berry said, and 'no, we were not looking for trouble, mind you I lived in Edmonton before and it was such a beautiful city, that is, people and scenery', Edmonton is just full of the most rude people. We are a couple that love to give smiles and enjoy talking to complete strangers but we only found two people in the time of our whole stay who would even reciprocate our friendly intentions, that was one lady at a bus stop who gave us directions and one young lady in a clothing store. As for everyone else it was a DISASTER. I've never met such rude people in my life, bus drivers, people at Petrol stations, all staff working in the service industry, just rude, rude, rude. I'm not Edmonton bashing, just disappointed at the culture change I've noticed take place over 20 years. I got better help and assistance in FRANCE. And France is supposed to be re-known for rude people, it came nowhere near the type of rudeness I experienced in Edmonton.

As for an above comment which talks about moving to Edmonton from Montreal, I can say one thing for sure and that is, Montreal is ruder than Edmonton. I found Montreal to be anti-multiculturalism. They may have different cultures, but there is certainly a dominant culture in the fabric of that society that does not like anyone who does not speak French. Don't worry you'll feel right at home in Edmonton, I feel sorry for people who are moving to Montreal from Edmonton. They won't be liked down there.

Once again, I really miss the old Edmonton. No where in this world had I experienced such rude service and attitude (oh apart from Montreal), and as for that Tim Horton's, that's where the majority of the rude people hang out!


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
I lived in Edmonton for eight years. I always thought Edmonton was the city of the house party. It seemed there was always a party to go to. If there wasn't, you started one. In most of those days I was single so that was a factor I guess. I haven't been back to Edmonton for twenty odd years.


Jan 6, 2007
I lived in Edmonton for eight years. I always thought Edmonton was the city of the house party. It seemed there was always a party to go to. If there wasn't, you started one. In most of those days I was single so that was a factor I guess. I haven't been back to Edmonton for twenty odd years.

my hubby and I are invited to a house party almost every weekend, sometimes two or three a weekend.

This weekend we had dinner guests Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night, and then guests for breakfast Sunday morning too.

Once you're settled in Edmonton, man, the socializing opportunities are endless.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
That's because you have to drink like a fish in order to handle it. I moved there in the late 70's and graduated from QECHS in the early 80's. Left in 1989. Would never go back.


New Member
Mar 13, 2011
hey guys,
I'm currently considering moving from Vancouver to Edmonton due to wanting to afford a house and start a family.
i'm considering starting a daycare kind of idea, but am currently in the high tech industry.

a couple questions that I couldn't seem to see answered so far:

1. are there trees/greenery ALL OVER the city, or just in this magical sounding river valley part?
Vancouver has trees everywhere and ferns and I love the lush green beauty around, how much greenery is around the city in general, not just in concentrated parks etc?

2. are there different parts of the city with different overarching mentalities?
ie - downtown has more partiers and people are more open minded when it comes to alternative lifestyles? (tattoos, non-hetero lifestyles, large variety in clothing styles) I want to know if there's some fun dance clubs, generally in vancouver the best dance clubs are for non-hetero sexuals and it's a fun happy vibe.

3. are people discriminated against for wearing different fashions? like dressing up steampunk or lolita or goth or do people just ignore what's different like it's a part of everyday life?

4. are there many opportunities for courses at cultural centers? like painting/sculpting, martial arts?
how's the art community there?

5. what's the best neighborhood for raising a new family, that is close to rec centers/community centers?

6. is transit any good? or will we need two cars?

thanks in advance for the help.
i'm trying to get a feel for the flavor or Edmonton. I'm slightly scared of moving back up north as I grew up in farmland outside Fort St. John BC and I've never gone back since leaving for school. I find the lack of change and stuck-in-their-wayness of where I grew up scary and I don't want to move back to a place with an overarching mentality like that.


New Member
Mar 21, 2011
dont move anywhere near edmonton or any of the klingon/burrogh communities.. Its all the same pile of ****.... houses are vinyl sided pieces of crap. over priced. no quality of life what so ever. rude people. terrible civic layout. no culture, no good restaurants. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone with an ounce of culture/soul/civility gets the hell out of there after making the mistake of moving there. or somehow being born there from the negative, miserable, inbred half-wits that populate that dredge-hole.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ edmonton isn't or doesn't try to be a city. its a giant sprawling mall. nothing but parking lots and franchises as far as the eye can see; peppered with the most mal-adjusted/socio-pathic people you will have ever met.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- People here are just strange. As a whole, they aren't genuinely cultured. They aren't engaging and have poor social skills. Because they're not cultured, all they ever talk about is business or what they do. I keep overhearing about savvy deals and how we got a good deal on the Condo. My Realtor is gonna get me a deal. It seems as though they are insecure about who they are and come across as fake or afraid of making contact, be it physical, emotional or even spiritual. This is not a generalization this is a cultural phenomena. It makes it hard to meet people and make friends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In spite of all their shortcomings, they come across as delusional and wholeheartedly believe their just like everyone else. They don't treat people very well here in general, including in the workplace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hubris is a word I learned while sojourning there. They speak with such conviction and such confidence and everyone looks so serious about going somewheres in life like there'll all a bunch of big shots or something. Big time narcissists. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Students are the worst. They're a bunch of dull and boring, self interested, lack luster excuses of human beings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its a very old city. You should go to school, graduate, get started on your grand career, buy a house and have grand kids by the time your 25. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then you've got the lousy wannabes hipsters everywhere and they've got absolutely nothing intelligent to say and nor do they have any talent to contribute. I call Fridays and Saturdays hoedowns. Its predominantly a bunch of idiots getting drunk for the sake of getting drunk... Theres no real dancing or great music, or great parties and great conversations about life and philosophy till everybody passes out. Nada.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
I've lived in Edmonton or on the outskirts since 1964 except for a few years in Australia. If you live here you have to make the most of the cold weather or be willing to put up with it. The trees are bare of leaves by the end of October and stay that way until the end of April. There are a number of cultural amenities in the city, including theatres and an art gallery, but nothing like what you would find in larger cities. In the short summer Edmonton calls itself "Festival City" and features a number of cultural events including the Fringe Festival, and numerous events featuring street performers, outdoor concerts, and so on. The people are friendly and tolerant and housing is cheap compared to Vancouver. There are also a number of nightclubs and so on if you are into that scene.

On the other hand, most of the city is architecturally bland with a generic downtown. The city seems to revolve around its football and hockey team and seems to lack a real focus. People tend to avoid the downtown in favour of the local malls. There are a few areas of town with "old" (over 75 years) buildings such as Strathcona where a farmers' market is held every Saturday morning. But the city really lacks the sense of history many other cities have. Of course, that is not surprising in a city that started out as a fur trading post and has really only existed as a city for about a hundred years.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
My brother sold out of Edmonton to buy cheaper in Vancouver. He went from condo on Jasper in Edmonton to a bigger one in Metrotown and put $20K in his pocket.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Was it Mark Twain who said "people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be"?

My brother sold out of Edmonton to buy cheaper in Vancouver. He went from condo on Jasper in Edmonton to a bigger one in Metrotown and put $20K in his pocket.

Is Metrotown in Vancouver or is it in Burnaby?