Why do you like living in Edmonton?


Electoral Member
Apr 22, 2005
Where The Wild Things Are
RE: Why do you like livin

Edmonton has the best restaurants! International flavours galore; Calgary's restaurant scene pales in comparison. Unless you are in the mood for overpriced steak dinner or perhaps a milkshake from Peter's Drive In. :)


New Member
Feb 14, 2006
Why I like Edmonton?

The River Valley System, the Festivals in the summer, the nearby fishing spots, the numerous nature trails, the University of Alberta, our economic growth (and not due to Fort Mac, they have their own growth), the winter activities (although there is lack of winter now).


New Member
Feb 6, 2006
I don't live in Edmonton but am considering moving there as my visit in January/06 was great!
Friendly people etc
Lots of work.

I would move in a minute!

Hank C

Electoral Member
Jan 4, 2006
Calgary, AB
Re: RE: Why do you like livin

Laika said:
Edmonton has the best restaurants! International flavours galore; Calgary's restaurant scene pales in comparison. Unless you are in the mood for overpriced steak dinner or perhaps a milkshake from Peter's Drive In. :)

yes but your skyline looks like Winnipeg :pukeright:


New Member
Mar 22, 2006
White Rock, BC
Sheagatzi said:
Thanks.. I was asking because we have an opportunity to move there and scale down the jobs and not be mortgage poor as we are here in Beautiful BC.

Yes, its amazing here scenery wise, I've lived in the lower mainland all my life, but how much scenery is worth being mortgage poor? What's your quality of life, if you're working so much to have a home...no money to do other stuff, you know? I'm not a skier, or a sailor, nor a mountain/rock climber. I like the suburbs, I like parks and walks and the local festivities.

I know the weather is bitter cold, but the weather is awful grey, damp and dark alot here. I'm interested what seasons are all about. Here, we have Summer and Sprwintumn. :p

So I guess why I was asking, was because every time I ask a BC'er what Edmonton is like, I get the same comment - it's f-ing cold and Deadmonton comments...and then when I ask when they lived there, they say never...they went to visit one weekend 10 years ago. I need to get some opinions of residents.


I'm not a resident, YET but it sure is looking good at this point. I moved to BC 5 years ago, and despite having 2 very good jobs, and a reasonable down payment, it looks like we'll never be able to buy a house here. EVER! Average house prices in Edmonton look like a gift. I can easily buy 3 homes in Edmonton for the price of one in the lower mainland. AND when you look a the cost of the commute, crime, congestion and the fact that you can not escape without driving 4 hours or more - I've really started looking elsewhere to build a life, and EDMONTON, on paper anyway, looks mighty inviting. Calgary on the other hand appears congested and expensive in comparison, but NOTHING like the Lower Mainland.

I'm glad to hear people who have lived in Edmonton and do now actually feel good about the place. Since I've moved to BC, I find the only people I've made lasting friendships with are not from here and besides the balmy (though dark and depressing) weather I can't say I'll miss much about BC when I go.

If you look at the rest of Canada, Edmonton is much more indicative if the country. The lower mainland is an anomaly and of course if I had alot of money and no need to work I would live here. However for a family just starting out, from what I've read, seen and heard, Edmonton appears to have a better mix of what a family needs (i.e. affordable housing, jobs, lower taxes, entertainment, space, education and opportunity). The only thing that concerns me is cowboys. I don't care for cowboy wanabes much. :naka:


New Member
Nov 29, 2007
As someone who moved to Edmonton I can tell you that the only good thing about living here is the Magpies. The people of Edmonton are lazy and greedy. No body here wants to work for the money they earn. Everyone has the attitude that someone else will do it. Edmontonians get paid sick amounts of money to do disgustingly little amounts of work and this kind of cycle wouldnt hold up anywhere else in Canada.... maybe in the states but not in our country. People are rude and unfriendly. People dont tell you to have a good day or ask you how you are in the service industry, restaraunt servers are a sorry excuse for that... "servers". People have no manners here, even when they are getting paid to have manners. It is ridiculous the way you people treat each other and I would be ashamed to call myself and Edmontonian.The front page of your paper is dedicated to sports 6 of 7 days a week, and things like murders which should be brought to the publics attention are pushed to the 5th, 6th or 7th page. It shameful. Honestly. Driving here is like everything else : people are only concerned with themselves. No body can think about anyone else and its is so dissapointing. If you have moved here from somewhere else, you should take a look at the person you were when you first moved here and the person you have become. I dont think you would like who you are now. Your children are spoiled and misbehave and they are the future of this city. That scares me. I cannot wait to go home to a real city. Where people say hi to each other on the street. Where people in the service industry treat you like a human being, not like a nuisance and where I can sleep at night knowing that I am surrounded by people at home and at work (and even the strangers in the street!) that make me a better peron everyday.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
Wow. 8O

Welcome to Canadian Content, Rotten Berry... and to Edmonton.

I'm one of those horrid folks that live here....that's quite an unfortunate perception you've acquired of this city. I'm sure there are all kinds of people and situations that would prove your words right - although it's always been my experience that one finds exactly what one is looking for.

If you shift your perception just a little, I assure you you'll also see kindness, intelligence, respect and caring - no matter where it is you find yourself. Often what we're seeing is simply a mirror of what we're putting out there.

Again, welcome - I hope you stick around long enough for us to change your mind a little. Perhaps if you share a little about yourself, a few of us that live here can point out some venues, restaurants etc that might more in keeping with your interests.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
My only complaint about Edmonton was when I first moved to that city and was looking for an address, I would find the street and follow it until I found out I was on the wrong side of the damn river. In my first month in Edmonton I must have done that a half dozen times. I eventually bought a map...:roll::smile:


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I find the further away you get from the Maritimes or Prairies (Man and Sask) the more impersonal people get. On Vancouver Island we practically spit at each other in passing.


Jan 6, 2007
I've lived in so many boom towns lately that I've found Edmonton to be a truly friendly place. I'm sure the regulars here have heard me ramble on about that before though. Lunch out today was great service, good food. A trip to the latin market was a neat little shopping experience, good prices, good service. A gentleman fell running across an intersection with his bike and ended up winding himself on an upturned handle bar... we picked him up, got him to the curb, straightened up and breathing normal, he said "always smile when the worst is through... thanks for the help" and away he went with everyone around smiling.

The traffic was heavy today, but everyone was patient and gracious. I love this city. So much to see and do. So many neat little markets, interesting people. Just love it.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
So where did ya go for lunch?

I've got a few faves but I'm always game to try something new. The Pagolak is good for reasonable Asian food, also Doan's - my favorite Vietnamese. For Italian, there's quite a few but one I always enjoy is Chianti's on Whyte Ave. There's so many little cafes and bistros downtown and in the University area - most of the ones I've tried are good - some a bit pricey. A couple weeks ago the girls from work introduced me to the most amazing pizza restaurant downtown called Famosa's. I don't usually care for pizza, but this is authentic Italian gourmet pizza like I've never had before - nothing at all like the pizza we're used to. Extremely thin crust and you can choose from a couple varieties of gourmet sauces and toppings. I'll definitely be taking a few people over there to try it. My friend had the 4 cheese with roasted mushrooms, I had a basil/olive oil sauce with chicken, peppers and asiago cheese. omg, I'm almost drooling just thinking about it.


Jan 6, 2007
So where did ya go for lunch?

I've got a few faves but I'm always game to try something new. The Pagolak is good for reasonable Asian food, also Doan's - my favorite Vietnamese. For Italian, there's quite a few but one I always enjoy is Chianti's on Whyte Ave. There's so many little cafes and bistros downtown and in the University area - most of the ones I've tried are good - some a bit pricey. A couple weeks ago the girls from work introduced me to the most amazing pizza restaurant downtown called Famosa's. I don't usually care for pizza, but this is authentic Italian gourmet pizza like I've never had before - nothing at all like the pizza we're used to. Extremely thin crust and you can choose from a couple varieties of gourmet sauces and toppings. I'll definitely be taking a few people over there to try it. My friend had the 4 cheese with roasted mushrooms, I had a basil/olive oil sauce with chicken, peppers and asiago cheese. omg, I'm almost drooling just thinking about it.

MMmmmm... I love Doan's and Pagolac. Tasty Tom's on Whyte is a neat little place for a quick burger or breakfast grub with a twist. If you're into traditional Italian pizza, try Tony's Pizza. Yum. They spin the dough right there... the kids go nuts for it. Capicola and sardines and artichokes... yum. Today we were a bit rushed, and we just popped into the BP's on 118. Quick and easy. We were running late with no place in mind.


New Member
Dec 10, 2007
I second everything you have to say about Edmonton.. although with a few caveats: Magpies? Huge aggressive omnivorous rotund birds that saturate this city.. I'd say the best thing about this city is the weather. I like the cold (I grew up in a warm place), I can entertainment myself just fine anywhere (I don't require any entertainment.. but to cite the Fringe as 'culture' is a joke), and I'm lazy and greedy (although I think I was this way before Edmonton).. you would think this city would be perfect for me, but not so. My main beef with this city is the people, and my experience has been identical to yours. I really don't expect anything from anyone and I can put up with any kind of crap so it wasn't even that big of a deal at first.. what convinced me that it's time to leave is that I've found myself becoming more and more like people here and I don't like it (exactly as you describe.. minus the lazy and greedy part). I find myself not making eye contact with people (seems to be an Edmonton thing), being cold and unfriendly, and generally being as inhuman as possible as much as possible. I don't agree with your assessment of why people here are like this, but I do agree that they are like this.

Oh yeah, and Edmonton is murder capital of Canada, with twice the murder and suicide rates as Calgary.

As someone who moved to Edmonton I can tell you that the only good thing about living here is the Magpies. The people of Edmonton are lazy and greedy. No body here wants to work for the money they earn. Everyone has the attitude that someone else will do it. Edmontonians get paid sick amounts of money to do disgustingly little amounts of work and this kind of cycle wouldnt hold up anywhere else in Canada.... maybe in the states but not in our country. People are rude and unfriendly. People dont tell you to have a good day or ask you how you are in the service industry, restaraunt servers are a sorry excuse for that... "servers". People have no manners here, even when they are getting paid to have manners. It is ridiculous the way you people treat each other and I would be ashamed to call myself and Edmontonian.The front page of your paper is dedicated to sports 6 of 7 days a week, and things like murders which should be brought to the publics attention are pushed to the 5th, 6th or 7th page. It shameful. Honestly. Driving here is like everything else : people are only concerned with themselves. No body can think about anyone else and its is so dissapointing. If you have moved here from somewhere else, you should take a look at the person you were when you first moved here and the person you have become. I dont think you would like who you are now. Your children are spoiled and misbehave and they are the future of this city. That scares me. I cannot wait to go home to a real city. Where people say hi to each other on the street. Where people in the service industry treat you like a human being, not like a nuisance and where I can sleep at night knowing that I am surrounded by people at home and at work (and even the strangers in the street!) that make me a better peron everyday.


New Member
Dec 31, 2007
Help needed, would a Londoner like living in Edmonton?

Hi all you chirpy Canadians! As a family just considering moving to Edmonton/Canada for a few years to work, study and experience your lovely country, you certainly paint a VERY negative picture!! We live in Central London and I can guarantee you that surely people can't possibly be as rude as here!!! I would be amazed if they were, as rudeness and avoiding contact with others is our national pastime! And traffic...really? I am surprised as I am sure your infrastructure is so much better than ours? Traffic here is horrendous......believe me, and so is public transport for that matter and bloody expensive.
I would be vvvvvvvvvv interested in opinions on moving to Edmonton from London....I am a bit scared by the prospect as I worry that Edmonton is a little small and provincial for me (sorry!), but my husband is a sports nut and considering doing a sport PHd at the uni. I like good shops, cafes, restaurants in local communites where you can walk to, with community centres with kids clubs, libraries, museums, dance (to watch)...etc.. I am not a big fan of driving everywhere, especially with 2 small kids although I imagine it would be a necessity. Can I ask if it is possible to live in Old Strathcona as that seems the place that sounds more to my liking????. PLEASE help need guidance as I need to get my professional qualifications converted and that costs a fortune, so I am keen to make a decision asap!
Thanks ++++


Council Member
Mar 16, 2007
Calgary, Alberta
I'm with the pro-Edmonton camp. While I'll agree that Edm. has the ugliest downtown I've seen this side of Detroit, it has an astonishing amount of live theatre, music, and some of the funniest home-grown comics in the country.

Why were the first two (three?) seasons of SCTV so screamingly funny? They were in Edmonton.

Must be something in the water.



Council Member
Mar 16, 2007
Calgary, Alberta

There are fantastic universities in Edmonton, and the cost of living is a little lower than in Calgary. That being said, sports academics are better funded and supported in Calgary - plus we have more athletic facilities here (perhaps the one good legacy of the '88 Olympics).



New Member
Jan 2, 2008
As someone who moved to Edmonton I can tell you that the only good thing about living here is the Magpies. The people of Edmonton are lazy and greedy. No body here wants to work for the money they earn. Everyone has the attitude that someone else will do it. Edmontonians get paid sick amounts of money to do disgustingly little amounts of work and this kind of cycle wouldnt hold up anywhere else in Canada.... maybe in the states but not in our country. People are rude and unfriendly. People dont tell you to have a good day or ask you how you are in the service industry, restaraunt servers are a sorry excuse for that... "servers". People have no manners here, even when they are getting paid to have manners. It is ridiculous the way you people treat each other and I would be ashamed to call myself and Edmontonian.The front page of your paper is dedicated to sports 6 of 7 days a week, and things like murders which should be brought to the publics attention are pushed to the 5th, 6th or 7th page. It shameful. Honestly. Driving here is like everything else : people are only concerned with themselves. No body can think about anyone else and its is so dissapointing. If you have moved here from somewhere else, you should take a look at the person you were when you first moved here and the person you have become. I dont think you would like who you are now. Your children are spoiled and misbehave and they are the future of this city. That scares me. I cannot wait to go home to a real city. Where people say hi to each other on the street. Where people in the service industry treat you like a human being, not like a nuisance and where I can sleep at night knowing that I am surrounded by people at home and at work (and even the strangers in the street!) that make me a better peron everyday.

Well, everyone has the right to express his opinion, but I don't believe people who have a frequent tendency toward the generalization.
You are one of them for sure.