Which culture has pushed the hardest for multi-culturalism in the Western world?
The one that permits Honor Killings?
Which culture has pushed the hardest for multi-culturalism in the Western world?
The one that permits Honor Killings?
... But, but, but... Aren't we supposed to be tolerant and accepting?
I mean, killing is, well, like bad and all, but seeing how the word honor is in front of it and honor is a good thing - it makes it all, like, good.
Did you hear about the gang rape of Lara Logan in Cairo? The crowd was yelling "Jew, Jew" as she was raped and beaten. How's that for tolerance?
Basically you did... Apparently, anyone that evens hints at the issue is met by derision and insinuations of racism/bigotry by folks like you... What do you think will happen regarding the 'demands' when the knee jerk reaction is to kill any opposition to the issue on any level?
Contrary to what you and Machjo believe, the Separate system was funded by a demographic that wanted a Catholic system... Funded is a key word here. That said, don't vilify that system just because they have paid off these facilities and service the demand from the community.
That said, there are a multitude of Charter and Private schools that accommodate a specific demographic and they still receive the per student contribution from the provincial gvt(s)... So, if you 'demand' a school that is custom-fit to comply with Wiccan society; crack-open your wallet like everyone else and put your money where your mouth is.
Fair enough... In my experience, when folks moan about immigration, it relates to the perpetual assumption of more and more costs to support a group that came from a culture that elected not to support those folks.
You need to find a better class of friends.
They murder out of honour? I thought it was a religious right?The one that permits Honor Killings?
I try to seperate the moderate Muslims from the nut jobs but many folks don't do that.
If after much prodding someone can't make that conclusion then I have to assume they are a bigot. Racist would be the wrong term, my father is a racist because he judges people by the color of their skin. In this case it is cultural intolerance.
The seperate school board is funded through taxation. If anyone wants a religous based education they can pay out of pocket in a private school. The government should never be in the buisness of funding religion in any way.
Sorry, not buying that. Firstly the ones that get funding are the ones that are refugees the ones coming here through imigration are paying to get in. A friend of mine from Egypt paid ten grand for him and his wife and are now both working as civil engineers.
Who said they were friends?
Cortisone takes good care of assholes that hang out.Then stop hanging out with assholes
They murder out of honour? I thought it was a religious right?
That's exactly what you're doing to anyone that doesn't hold parallel views with you on this issue, mind you, you invoke the label of racist and bigot based on that disagreement.
How tolerant of you.
YOU assume that it has to do with the race, creed, colour, religion, etc... In fact, YOU are the only person that has responded in this thread and identified (or implied) a specific race.
Maybe you're the racist here.
Think a little deeper on this Avro... At the time, there were more families that had an interest in Catholic system.. They are the demographic that I am/was referring to... And I do believe that those Catholic families have been paying school taxes for multiple decades.
They paid for this sh*t already and now they are receiving the very same per-student allotment as any other segment of society. That said, build a school exclusively for adopted-red-headed-step-children for all I care, but have those families commit to that system (in real dollars) like the Catholic system OR the myriad of Charter schools OR the hundreds of Private schools.
You want a special focus in your school? Great, take the per student allotment and fund the rest yourself, but stop bitching that I should fund you at a higher level than the existing systems.
Then stop hanging out with assh*les
"I'd tell them, this is Canada, and in Canada, we teach music and physical education in our schools. If you don't like it, leave. If you want to live under sharia law, go back to the hellhole country you came from or go to another hellhole country that lives under sharia law," said Kanwar, who is a professor emeritus of sociology at Mount Royal University in Calgary.