AGW Denial, The Greatest Scam in History?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Science is a method. Anyone who is using the scientific method to study and build knowledge is a scientist. There is no rigid definition that disqualifies multiple disciplines from studying the same broad topics. Science evolves as the knowledge and implications evolve.

Interdisciplinary just means the scope is transcending the fields of "traditional" study. Biochemistry is a science, public health genetics is a science.

Like I bean telling you for years I is one too. Finally some recognition. I is a sciencetist like youse.

better leave before the splosion


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Like I bean telling you for years I is one too. Finally some recognition. I is a sciencetist like youse.

So let's see your data then. What was your hypothesis? How did you set out to test it? How do your results compare to others in that field of study?

You have to actually perform it though Beaver, I would have thought that much was obvious even to an obsessive member of the Castor family like yourself.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Science is a method. Anyone who is using the scientific method to study and build knowledge is a scientist. There is no rigid definition that disqualifies multiple disciplines from studying the same broad topics. Science evolves as the knowledge and implications evolve.

Interdisciplinary just means the scope is transcending the fields of "traditional" study. Biochemistry is a science, public health genetics is a science.
So anybody can be a climate scientist if the didn't have a degree of some kind then or would they just be gathering statistics ?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
So anybody can be a climate scientist if the didn't have a degree of some kind then or would they just be gathering statistics ?

No. Google scientific method Cletus. It will be more beneficial than your pisci-porn surfing.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Is this how it all starts? Shouldn't there be a bucket?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You don't masturbate fish and have never masturbated fish?

Be honest, we won't judge.

Report all you like but be sure to ensure it is perused from the beginning.

No. Google scientific method Cletus. It will be more beneficial than your pisci-porn surfing.
Do you have a climate model made by Revell?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
You don't masturbate fish and have never masturbated fish?

No, masturbation involves stimulation of genitals, orgasms, hormonal changes, and the release of gametes. Spawning of salmonids produces gametes without stimulating genitals, without orgasm, and without hormonal changes associated with orgasm. The fish are anaesthetized and physical pressure is placed on their abdomen to produce gametes, like pushing toothpaste out of a tube. Alternate methods involve lethal methods like cutting the fish open and collecting the eggs or sperm, and non-lethal methods like compressed air. There is no oxytocin involved, in fact no hormones at all.

Some hormones are used to induce spawning in species like striped bass, but there is no physical handling of the fish, they spawn in tanks or ponds in mating groups.

Sorry to put the damper on your pisci-porn, but maybe now that you know you'll quit derailing this thread with your perverted fish lust.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Cool but you still never did explain or offer up any insight into your experiences in the politics and finances of science.

Are you well versed in those "scientific methods"?


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
So are they still claiming it's warming or have they gone fully over to the climate change argument rather than global warming because obviously it hasn't warmed in a good while, not where I've been. The last year in Saskatchewan is one of the coldest ever, Summer and Winter.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If we are going to stick by the scientific method which is testing, retesting and then having two independent researchers replicate the initial findings to form a true consensus then all I want to know is who makes up the unbiased independently funded international panel of scientists that verifies the IPCC and who is funding this panel?

I'll buy into the consensus when it's been twice independently verified and publicly published.

Can anyone point me to the independently twice verified and publicly published version of the global warming through strictly anthropogenic causation versions of the consensus?



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
So let's see your data then. What was your hypothesis? How did you set out to test it? How do your results compare to others in that field of study?

You have to actually perform it though Beaver, I would have thought that much was obvious even to an obsessive member of the Castor family like yourself.

You are a gentleman and afford me great latitude and I do respect your credentials and your abilities. You will however have to pay very much more attention to the "science lobby". You must know that scientific fact is neutral and as such is very often left unemployed by the money and even worse it is frequently hidden from view when it threatens one sacred cow or another. Science itself is unassailable but human nature is and always has been very problematic. I do not actually have to perform it, you do. I only have to weigh it in the light of the rest.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
You are a gentleman and afford me great latitude and I do respect your credentials and your abilities. You will however have to pay very much more attention to the "science lobby". You must know that scientific fact is neutral and as such is very often left unemployed by the money and even worse it is frequently hidden from view when it threatens one sacred cow or another. Science itself is unassailable but human nature is and always has been very problematic. I do not actually have to perform it, you do. I only have to weigh it in the light of the rest.

He should as much attention to that as you pay attention to the dirty energy lobby.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Can we drop "it's stop warming in 1998" canard now?

YouTube - Climate Denial Crock of the Week - Party like it's 1998

A mainstay of climate denial for a decade or so has been the ever-popular “It stopped warming in 1998″ canard.
Now that 2010 and 2009 have been very hot years, with 2010 tied for hottest in the record, and Nine of the past 10 years also ranking among the 10 warmest on record -maybe we can dispense with the 1998 meme- which was based on that year having the largest El Nino event on record - while 2010 was hottest, “despite the presence of a La Niña and a remarkably inactive sun, two factors that have a cooling influence on the planet,”, according to NASA’s James Hansen.

Pat Micheals, – the Denialist best known here for

getting the crap beaten out of him by Ben Santer - warned the tobacco and oil drenched mob at the Heartland Institute to stop it already with this loser of a talking point, something they didn’t want to hear. Climate Crock hidden cameras were there….

YouTube - 1998 Revisited


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Jan 17, 2011 Rainmaker

Arid regions are influencing their weather using electrical technology.
According to a recent press release, the United Arab Emirates successfully caused rain to fall by making use of negative ion generators. Approximately 50 rainstorms fell in the driest months, during which time weather forecasters did not predict any rain at all.
Scientists installed a network of interconnected conductors in the desert that release clouds of negatively charged ions. As the particles rise in the hot air, they attract water vapor in the atmosphere, since water is a dipolar molecule with both positive and negative poles.
It is commonly believed that weather on Earth is driven by the Sun's thermal influence on the atmosphere. As we rotate beneath our primary, gases and dust absorb solar radiation at varying rates and in varying degrees.
When any particular region heats up, the air expands and loses density, creating a relative low pressure area. Cooler air, being denser, will naturally flow into the bottom of the warm, low pressure region, causing an upwardly rotating convection cell to form. Most weather systems on Earth are thought to be based on that simple kinetic explanation: winds blow when the cooler, denser air flows into the warmer, buoyant air.
However, ions attract water in the atmosphere instead of through the commonly described process of neutral dust motes building up raindrops through a process of condensation. The dust hanging in the air becomes charged, making it more attractive to water vapor.
Since Earth is immersed in the stream of ions permeating space, it holds an electric field at its surface of 50 – 200 volts per meter. The electricity from space carried by ionic particles emitted by the Sun, otherwise known as the “solar wind,” speeds along massive Birkeland currents through a circuit connecting the Sun with our planet. Water molecules are electric dipoles and are attracted to an opposite polar charge, such as that on another water molecule, so they clump together, aligned within Earth’s “fair weather field.”
It was in September of 2006 that a major premise of Electric Universe theory was confirmed: Earth weather is electrically connected to the ionosphere. Since electricity always flows in a circuit, if the ionosphere connects to Earth's magnetosphere then it connects to the circuits of the Solar System, as well.
The ionosphere is connected to the Sun by twisting filaments of electric current, so the lower levels of the atmosphere must also experience the Sun's influence because of the additional circuit node that connects them with the ionosphere. Could these electric circuits linking the atmosphere with the Sun have anything to do with Earth's climate in either the short or long term?
This leads to the more general idea that all weather may be influenced by the electrical connection between Earth and solar plasma. The larger view has only recently been considered, so experiments designed to verify the effect that charged particles have on Earth's weather are now being conducted. It appears that they are having some success.
Electric Universe physicist Wal Thornhill wrote:
"If conventional theory fails to explain electrical storms it cannot be used to discount the results of ionization experiments. Instead, conventional theory suffers doubts about its basic plausibility. Weather experts have a limited view of the electrical nature of the Earth and its environment. The 'enormous power input' is freely available from the galaxy. That galactic electrical power drives the weather systems on all of the planets and even the Sun. So the ionization experiment is rather like the control gate in a transistor, where a small current into the control gate influences the entire power output of the transistor. This method of weather control should eventually force the critics to think again."
Stephen Smith

DB So that's how it works. Hot moving air is electrically motivated. If there's no current there's no weather, no climate, nothing. Incorporate the current in your climate considerations or remain unconsiderable. DB