For the record, I voted maybe as I believe that some criticism of Israel is based on anti-Semitism.
For the record I voted no. Legitimate criticism of Israel policy is not anti semitism.
I don't believe Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch are anti-Semitic (prejudiced against Jews) or anti-Israeli (prejudiced against Israeli citizens). These organizations criticize human rights violations everywhere and hold everyone to the same standards.
And yet it has been proven that they are biased, in their imbalanced application of condemnation. It has also been proven that they hold war as a crime and any act involved in, or pertaining to, is a crime against humanity. That being known, simply puts their finds in question at the first word.
Also, I don't agree that groups of people can be held responsible for the actions of individuals.
Then why is it "Israeli (a group) war crimes"?
People are responsible for their own action or inaction. People commit war crimes and crimes against humanity, not religious groups or citizens of a specific nationality.
Then why is it "Israeli (a group) war crimes"?
Again, legitimate criticism of Israel policy is not anti semitism. But when you ignore reality, rule of law, and all verifiable evidence. Only to cling to anecdotal evidence, biased interpretations, Pallywood productions and out right lies. While stating Hamas is more believable, the Hezbollah are freedom fighters. You still aren't anti semitic. You're something far more ignorant and disturbing.
Although you might have referenced this article in another debate somewhere on this website, I never saw it until just now.
BS, I posted it to you when you challenged me to prove the Goldstone report was junk. You demanded that I reference section page and paragraph, to prove I'd read it. I did, and I did as you requested.
You simply ignored my posts, because you couldn't counter then, nor could you argue with Goldstone's own words.
An out of context quote in a pro-Israeli opinion piece is not even hearsay, let alone a fact. In the context of a pro-Israeli opinion piece Goldstone's comment is relatively meaningless.
Here comes the dismissal.
When exactly did Goldstone make this comment and in what context. I noticed the article provides neither references and for all I know, could be entirely invented. If you could find the original source of that quote in context, then Goldstone's quote might mean something.
And there it is. This is where you go from legitimate criticism, to something worse.
I doubt Goldstone would claim his fact finding mission didn't find any facts. Its possible that in context, Goldstone was saying that his report wasn't meant to be a formal legal document that could be used to indict or convict anyone.
That's exactly what he said. But that hasn't stopped you from using it as such, to condemn the group known as Israel. By treating it as document to indict Israeli war policy.
His report is not sufficient to convict anyone of a war crime, but its findings are sufficient to conclude war crimes were committed, warrant further investigation and he called on the governments on both sides to launch official investigations and judicial proceedings, where specific individuals could be held accountable for specific events (war crimes) as detailed in his report.
And I detailed to you, that members of Hamas were interviewed by Goldstone for his report, thus proving his report to be flawed and of the poorest type of investigative garbage.
Goldstone's report doesn't accuse anyone specifically of war crimes
Accept Israel.
Back on topic.
To draw the conclusion that I must be anti-Semitic because I didn't reply to something I never saw is ridiculous.
I agree. But then again, I don't think you're merely anti semitic.
This is exactly the type of tactic employed by Israeli apologists to discredit legitimate criticism of Israel. Its based on the premise that if you throw enough crap at someone, some of its bound to stick, even if it is completely unfounded, invented or imagined.
You mean like the crap you have flung at me personally?
BTW, I would also say the same about Hamas and Palestinian militants in Gaza.
Right before you tell us how much more honest and caring they are. Which of course is mixed in with the fact that you still claim they have never lied. Refused to admit they stole aid shipmemts, turned aid shipments back and so on.
It is official Israeli government policy to interfere with legitimate humanitarian aid entering Gaza, and limit the amount of aid to the point where 1.5 million civilians suffer widespread disease and malnutrition, but not quite enough to cause wide spread starvation and death.
Yet they are about to start exporting food? You still haven'y explained how that works.
That official Israeli government policy is a crime against humanity.
So is the unhindered unreported crossing of aid from legitimate aid groups, that Israel does not interfere with. As you have been made well aware of several times now.
Back on topic
Be careful IS... Just acknowledging Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity, without even attributing them to Jews, can lead to accusation of anti-Semtism.
BS. You get that label when you deny, ignore or dismiss reality, only to embrace anecdotes, lies and falsehoods to uphold and justify your hatred for Joos. Like you do.
It is monumental stupidity for anyone to say that the left hates Israel when the overwhelming majority of Jews identify in the USA and Europe as leftist.
Wrong thread moron, and might I add, you really should learn the difference between the left as in democrat and progressive. Or learn to read and actually read the article. That way your post on that subject wouldn't look as stupid as it does.