How much money is that guy making with his fire and brimstone???:lol:
How much money is that guy making with his fire and brimstone???:lol:
It's not a bother at all to debunk his nonsense. I'm an eternal optimist though. Maybe one day they'll remove the blinders.
I am not cherry picking anything.
Well you should think harder. All the modern technology you are using right now exists because of the scientific community. They are improving things as you type.I think that the scientific community is no longer conducting science.
That is exactly what you did. You want us to consider recent temperatures, which some deniers have pointed out is cooling, depending on when your time series begins. In other words it's not a robust finding. That is the definition of cherry picking.
Well you should think harder. All the modern technology you are using right now exists because of the scientific community. They are improving things as you type.
What kind of exposure do you actually have to science anyways?
Suppose I were to grant you that what you say about the practice of science being true. What kind of concrete steps would you say we need to make to in all fields so that you will be satisfied that what we are doing is practicing science?
Cru Hack One Year Later: Inside job ruled out - Inverstigation Continues
Nature has done an admirable one-year anniversary follow up on the CRU hack affair. The article is long, but this piece jumped out at me:
“.. More certain is the conclusion that the hack of the server was a sophisticated attack. Although the police and the university say only that the investigation is continuing, Nature understands that evidence has emerged effectively ruling out a leak from inside the CRU, as some have claimed. And other climate-research organizations are believed to have told police that their systems survived hack attempts at the same time.”
One of the least commented-on mysteries of this affair, is why so little attention has been paid to who the hackers were, and what were their motives. The right wing noise machine has successfully propagated the “gate” suffix in the referencing the event, but in the original “gate” event, Watergate, the investigation focused on the burglars, not the victims. It’s a testimony to what’s happened to our media that the idea of crime and punishment have been turned on their head, and truth tellers become targets of journalists, instead of the criminal perpetrators.
I am not trying to get you to consider any recent temperature changes.
It's the whole system being set up in ivory towers dictating what gets funding and what doesn't.
It's not science when you engineer the results you wanted beforehand.
So when people observe that the Earth has actually cooled in recent years, then what? Oh, they are full of crap but you're scientists aren't??? I am not throwing anything out there that is an assertion. I rightly admit that I don't believe any of the science, completely, on either side of the debate. You are the one making assertions. I am not. I am just pointing out that for every bit of science saying one thing there is science saying another.
And I doubt if they are going anywhere anytime soon. :roll:
Somebody's got to stoke the fire to keep it going;-)
Al Gore: I shouldn't have supported corn-based ethanolBy Emi Kolawole
Updated, 4:12 p.m.: Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis has released a statement in response to Gore's regrets regarding his past position on corn-based ethanol:
"The contributions of first generation ethanol to our nation's economy, environment and energy production are not a mistake, but a success story."
Growth Energy is an organization representing American ethanol producers.
Original post: Former vice president Al Gore said Monday that he regrets supporting first-generation corn-based ethanol subsidies while he was in office.
Reuters reports that Gore said his support for corn-based ethanol subsidies was rooted more in his desire to cultivate farm votes for his presidential run in 2000 than in doing what was right for the environment:
"It is not a good policy to have these massive subsidies for first-generation ethanol," said Gore, speaking at a green energy business conference in Athens, Greece. First-generation ethanol refers to the most basic, but also most energy intensive, process of converting corn to ethanol for use in vehicle engines.
Gore went on to say that "first-generation ethanol I think was a mistake. The energy conversion ratios are at best very small." Gore now supports so-called second-generation technologies that do not compete with food -- using farm waste or non-food sources such as switchgrass to make ethanol. He added that he did not expect to see a clean energy or climate bill for "at least two years" following Republican victories in the midterm elections.
How many more inconvenient lies will he admit to
Gore: On second thought, I was just pandering to the farm vote on ethanol Hot Air
This argument has either been going on for so long (ad nauseum) that all the good material has been used or...cartoonists have become bored with the subject...:-(
It's now down to just three or four dogged fanatics in this forum;-)
Oh Yeah.....and you can be sure that among the proponents of the cause, when Ricky and Julian show up....Bubbles ain't far behind:lol:Yea, well, every once and a while a poor soul will wander from his untouched Obama-hating haven and come into a real thread and get quashed. Natural selection is a bitch.
This argument has either been going on for so long (ad nauseum) that all the good material has been used or...
Oh Yeah.....and you can be sure that among the proponents of the cause, when Ricky and Julian show up....Bubbles ain't far behind:lol: