AGW Denial, The Greatest Scam in History?


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Who cares if it warms up for a while. It's not the first time man has dealt with change and it won't be the last but sooner than later good ol Sol is going to wipe out the majority of electrical circuts putting man back into the steam age for at least a full decade making a little flooding look like a day at the beach.

Where do you get a planet sized tinfoil hat?

Solar storms are already hitting the Earth. The Sun has woken up. To the caves.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Ring leaders? You mean the scientists who have done years of study for very little compensation who have brought AGW to our attention or the carbon industry that has a lot to lose?
Not the scientists...
Al Gore for one, as a carbon credit broker
If we aren't the cause what is?
We are one of the causes, don't forget forest fires, volcanoes etc...

What else is driving the temps up?
The same
Phillips didn't say do nothing, that is the furthest from what he is saying.
Watch the video again...near the end where he said that if we turned the tap on everything.....
...The good thing is we would get cleaner air to breathe, which is a good thing when I go to Toronto...
....and as usual the old denier logic of the extreme of we have to turn off all cars and close all factories is so tired and worn out.

No one is saying that.....but guys like you.
Never said anything like that...
Just tired of the doom and gloom people like Al Gore who stand to make a shyte pile of money by scaring people
As they say...'go slow make nice' we did it with the scrubbers in factory chimneys to cut down acid rain and cleaning the effluent from paper mill so the fish downstream are now safe to eat.
Trying to scare people to death or denigrating people who are not quite as committed to the cause as you are or on the same level or in the same way that you are is not the way to go.
Sometimes people just get turned off and a little bit of levity goes a long way to turning people around.
Now that's it for me...this two finger typing of long diatribes is too time consuming:smile:


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Not the scientists... Al Gore for one, as a carbon credit broker.

Of course. You'll find most reasonable scientists won't parrot Gore-level sensationalism. Even with that, they can still come to a good consensus that shows there is fair cause for concern.

We are one of the causes, don't forget forest fires, volcanoes etc...

Again, of course. The general framework for this idea is that there are several major forces involved. It is simply that the anthropogenic cause is outweighing the others at this time. This has been shown through an empirical means that is constantly revised and under review to minimize any bias, errors, and maximize accuracy as much as possible.

Just tired of the doom and gloom people like Al Gore who stand to make a shyte pile of money by scaring people
As they say...'go slow make nice' we did it with the scrubbers in factory chimneys to cut down acid rain and cleaning the effluent from paper mill so the fish downstream are now safe to eat.

It's hard to prop up some sort of action plan against a politician's rhetoric. If the mainstream press was more privy to the actual science delivered by peer-reviewed studies and properly educated, this wouldn't be such a nightmare. The problem is that politician's know that this is actually a very involved study, and the layman just cannot ingest all the information at once. So they will push in either direction with their rhetoric, and that produces the environmental douche vs. imperialist pig dichotomy. And on the internet, you can swap imperialist pig with the illuminati expert.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Not the scientists...

They are the ones to listen to.

Al Gore for one, as a carbon credit broker

Al Gore is not a scientist, he's a politician.

We are one of the causes, don't forget forest fires, volcanoes etc...

I'll ask again, what is driving global warming?

You should find out what your natural causes amount to in realation to CO2 before you assume they are the driver.

Watch the video again...near the end where he said that if we turned the tap on everything.....

I watched the whole thing, not just your timeline. what he says is true but that dosen't mean we keep pumping it out and making it worse than it already will be. Keep in mind I've spoken to this guy for more than two minutes.

...The good thing is we would get cleaner air to breathe, which is a good thing when I go to Toronto...

This is will be one of many positive effects of action.

Never said anything like that...
Just tired of the doom and gloom people like Al Gore who stand to make a shyte pile of money by scaring people

I'm tired of people making money on telling us it's not an issue.

As they say...'go slow make nice' we did it with the scrubbers in factory chimneys to cut down acid rain and cleaning the effluent from paper mill so the fish downstream are now safe to eat.

The efffects of acid rain were reversable and btw was a cap and trade success story concieved in the Reagan White House.

Trying to scare people to death or denigrating people who are not quite as committed to the cause as you are or on the same level or in the same way that you are is not the way to go.

There is scaring people to death and then there is relaying scientific facts.

Sometimes people just get turned off and a little bit of levity goes a long way to turning people around.

Sometimes it takes someone to bring a problem to the mainstream before anything is done about it.

A Republican who still believes in science.....

YouTube - Rep. Inglis attacks GOP on climate change


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I'm always a sceptic when ringleaders in anything stand to make a fortune at the expense of the rest of us.

Scientists continue to collect a salary at whatever university or institution they work at, regardless of whether or not society even addresses the risks they fact as the issue persists, the opportunity to apply for grant money on this subject is also lengthened. Once the issue is being addressed by policy makers, typically the amount of money that national academies and other granting institutions make available on said subject tends to diminish. Grant money doesn't even make anyone rich. It pays the salaries of grad students-indentured slaves- and pays for things like time on supercomputers, analytical equipment, or travel to field locations/conferences to present findings.


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
Carbon industry has nothing to lose. coal producers are mostly independent and outside of big oil control. big oil has their hands on the green industry. BP actually owns the carbon trading market. they stood to gain if people brought carbon tax in as a result of their spill. This is the biggest atrocity in the entire debate. There is no big money on the side against AGW. All of the money is spent trying to convince people to pay tax to a global bank to save the polar bears. there is and has never been a major financial party involved on the other side of this debate. That is just not true.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
carbon trading and carbon tax aren't even the same does BP own the carbon trading market?


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
You can't know that, because trading carbon credits would be useless if the policy advanced is a carbon tax.

Which market do they own?

cap and trade, for businesses and carbon tax for us slob individuals.

BP was a founding sponsor of the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit in 1971, the research unit that was at the center of the Climategate scandal in November 2009.

I don't know the names of any carbon trading markets, or which one BP owns, only that they supposedly own the biggest one.

BP Global - Press - Emissions trading: a market instrument for our times

here's a letter from a BP big wig explaining how they were getting involved in 01-02.

here's an article about them being in that industry as well

How BP sold Emission Trading Scheme to EU - Putting the Fox in Charge of the Hen House


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Carbon industry has nothing to lose. coal producers are mostly independent and outside of big oil control. big oil has their hands on the green industry. BP actually owns the carbon trading market. they stood to gain if people brought carbon tax in as a result of their spill. This is the biggest atrocity in the entire debate. There is no big money on the side against AGW. All of the money is spent trying to convince people to pay tax to a global bank to save the polar bears. there is and has never been a major financial party involved on the other side of this debate. That is just not true.

Yet deniers get funding from said carbon producers the same way fringe science got funding from big tobacco to tell us all it's safe.


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
Yet deniers get funding from said carbon producers the same way fringe science got funding from big tobacco to tell us all it's safe.
they do not. They are a fringe group, financially. most of them have been fired from their jobs at universities and are outcast, unfairly, in the scientific community. Name me one financier of anti GW science. there aren't any. Every major big oil company is in favor of carbon trading and carbon tax. They want to kill big coal because it competes with them and they don't own big coal.

I've been looking and not even in GW favorable sites can I find one mention of a wealthy person, or business that contributes to the anti GW scientists and talking heads. not one. Perhaps you can all name them for me. Name me a big oil company that supports it. good luck with that.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
cap and trade, for businesses and carbon tax for us slob individuals.

Who is proposing that?

BP was a founding sponsor of the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit in 1971, the research unit that was at the center of the Climategate scandal in November 2009.
So? Lots of Universities start centers of excellence with support from industry. Greenwashing isn't new...

I don't know the names of any carbon trading markets, or which one BP owns, only that they supposedly own the biggest one.
Ahh, so you have no proof whatsoever, but as long as someone supposed it, that's good enough for you? I hope you don't call yourself a skeptic...
here's a letter from a BP big wig explaining how they were getting involved in 01-02.
Government has input from industry players all the time. Giving advice to the government doesn't mean BP owns a trading market.

Yeah, businesses will always prefer trading schemes to taxes. Industry can lobby government to give them concessions and allocate permits. That's exactly what happened in Europe. That's what the energy industry would get here in Canada too with Harper.

Name me one financier of anti GW science.

There is no such thing as anti-GW science.


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
Exxon gave 1.75m last year to deniers.

Want more?

Do a little research into the Koch family.

that's peanuts. that wouldn't pay for one demonstration at the copenhagen wiener pulling fest. I don't believe it anyways. And still with the deniers thing, after it has been pointed out that they only say that to sensationally compare GW denial to holocaust denial. that's low brow.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
that's peanuts. that wouldn't pay for one demonstration at the copenhagen wiener pulling fest. I don't believe it anyways. And still with the deniers thing, after it has been pointed out that they only say that to sensationally compare GW denial to holocaust denial. that's low brow.

...that is only one, there is more.

Look into Koch.....millions more.

You don't believe it? I can't help you with that, if you can't see facts then I guess there is no longer any point to talk with you on this subject.



Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
...that is only one, there is more.

Look into Koch.....millions more.

You don't believe it? I can't help you with that, if you can't see facts then I guess there is no longer any point to talk with you on this subject.


look at the money on the other side of the table too then. You'll see a big discrepancy. It's ridiculous to be on the PC side of a debate that is clearly the bigger financially backed side and still try to push this crap about big oil down our throats. It's just completely ridiculous.