What would you do if the US invaded?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Actually the VietCong was pretty much defeated at TET. If the war in Vietnam was strictly against the VC we may not have even got involved. Sure it is cool to say we were beaten by guerillas but the fact of the matter was the whole North Vietnamese Army was involved and had a sanctuary to retreat to w/o the US following.

As far as not being able to defeat guerillas just look at Iraq. That is just about over whether you want to admit it or not.

EDIT. The War in the Phillipines and the Banana Wars were both guerilla wars and both were won by the US.

And since we are talking Taliban, aren't you guys over there as well?
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lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Actually the VietCong was pretty much defeated at TET. If the war in Vietnam was strictly against the VC we may not have even got involved. Sure it is cool to say we were beaten by guerillas but the fact of the matter was the whole North Vietnamese Army was involved and had a sanctuary to retreat to w/o the US following.

As far as not being able to defeat guerillas just look at Iraq. That is just about over whether you want to admit it or not.

And since we are talking Taliban, aren't you guys over there as well?
That's because Vietnam was a civil war, so no matter what the US did, as an outsider, she would always be in the wrong.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
That's because Vietnam was a civil war, so no matter what the US did, as an outsider, she would always be in the wrong.

Agreed, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The Vietnam War goes in the loss column. The others are just wishful or hopeful thinking for some at this point.

or during the American Revolution, targeting British officers......

Hardly the reasoning for winning the Revolution and the American Revolution was not a guerilla war. You can say the British retreat from Concord on the first battle of the Revolution had some guerilla tactics but after that it was pretty much fought in the traditional European way.

in other words, if you can't beat your enemy with conventional approaches, then attack them where they're weakest and gives your underdog forces a chance.


That goes with any war, not just littoral warfare.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
We would lose the covential war, as for occupying us it would still be difficult to resist. And continue an unconventional war.

The United States whether you people want to admit it or not have alot of experience in occupation. Even with our geography we would be sectioned out from the rest of the world much more effecitanly than iraq had been.

We would have to operate multiply guerrilla units that are not linked to a central command unit like Al--queda and after the majority of our male fighting population is dwindled down more than likely foreign nationals will be fighting our war, and it would perhaps change from liberation to something else.

UAV technology would advance big time to cover our vast forests and route out pockets of resistance. My 4/10 rifle cant shoot down AC-130's or UAV's :(

Some of you guys say they couldnt beat the vietcon, alqeada, taliban but they had beat them in convential warfare. And even after the convential war was over they still have killed alot more of them, ALOT more.... Their tactis arent flawed, when you kill more of them than they kill of you, tactically you are better. Stategically their military needs to rethink things thats the only thing that is flawed, but tactically America has spanked every nation in the modern age
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Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Actually the VietCong was pretty much defeated at TET.

Pretty Much is one thing..... actually being defeated is another.

If the war in Vietnam was strictly against the VC we may not have even got involved. Sure it is cool to say we were beaten by guerillas but the fact of the matter was the whole North Vietnamese Army was involved and had a sanctuary to retreat to w/o the US following.
Shoulda Woulda Coulda..... excuses excuses ;-)

As far as not being able to defeat guerillas just look at Iraq. That is just about over whether you want to admit it or not.
Just because you guys hauled out your last brigade out of Iraq recently doesn't automatically mean you defeated anybody...... people are still dying over there, car/suicide bombs and attacks are continuing like they always did since the occupation, Al'Q is still in Iraq, no WMD were ever found...... all that has happened was the US decided they had enough with screwing everything up over there, attempted to wipe your hands clean and left the Iraqis to clean up the mess you guys created..... all the while patting yourselves on the back and telling each other "Good job..... Good job."

You guys sure didn't win over any new friends from that war, more people in Iraq hate the US then ever before..... all in all, Iraq was a dismal failure...... Whether you want to admit it or not.

And since we are talking Taliban, aren't you guys over there as well?
Yup, cleaning up yet another mess you guys started :p


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Pretty Much is one thing..... actually being defeated is another.

As a fighting force, they were defeated.

Shoulda Woulda Coulda..... excuses excuses ;-)

No excuses. Perhaps you are having reading comprehension difficulties again. If you read what I said to Wolf you may understand unless you just like being..well you.

Just because you guys hauled out your last brigade out of Iraq recently doesn't automatically mean you defeated anybody...... people are still dying over there, car/suicide bombs and attacks are continuing like they always did since the occupation, Al'Q is still in Iraq, no WMD were ever found...... all that has happened was the US decided they had enough with screwing everything up over there, attempted to wipe your hands clean and left the Iraqis to clean up the mess you guys created..... all the while patting yourselves on the back and telling each other "Good job..... Good job."

Yeah and since some Japanese held out to the 1970's I guess we really didn't beat them either.

Hurts don't it Prax. I know you were praying each night for us Yanks to be hauling azz out of there in choppers like we did in 1975. Oh well.

You guys sure didn't win over any new friends from that war, more people in Iraq hate the US then ever before..... all in all, Iraq was a dismal failure...... Whether you want to admit it or not.

Not really but if it makes you sleep better at night.

Yup, cleaning up yet another mess you guys started :p

Really. Gee I thought you guys were in it from the start. Back peddling now? So, how's the clean up going?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
What are you pushing your own book? Isn't that spamming?

Actually, you are the one who quoted the book. Spamming would be if I posted buy links or promo material. The link is to my website, which contains a lot of information other than the novel.

Actually, I too think this is pretty Spammish, and.....

Agh....Damb...That's the novel I thought up but was way to lazy to write!!!

I first thought of this when I stumbled across the "War Plan Red" long after
it was declassified. Oh well.....I guess it was just a matter of time.

Anyway....going forward RoseMartland...if you don't do this again, you may
have some interesting viewpoints to contribute to this Forum. Please feel
free to read the LINK at the bottom of every single page on this Forum
titled "Terms of Service." Comply with those & you can stay. Don't...&
you won't.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Canada would be the poorest choice in the world for a US invasion for a number of reasons. First, the US already has pretty much full access to anything in Canada that it wants. Invading would be a waste of time.

Second, most Canadians (except perhaps Quebecois) can imitate Americans exactly. Imagine thousands of Canadians infiltrating the US and carrying out acts of terror on US soil.
Third if occupying a country the size of Iraq was a problem try occupying one 20 times larger and possessed of a rather unforgiving climate.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
In my novel, Game Misconduct:
Game Misconduct - The home of author Jeff Rose-Martland

I address the issue. Here's the scene:
The US has invaded. American troops are pouring across the border. Much of Canada's military is away on peacekeeping duties, leaving us even more vulnerable. The Government has recalled the reserves and militias, and is now calling for volunteers. Would you take up arms or try to get yourself and your family out of harms way? Serious answers only; Rambo is not a Canadian.

Couldn't you get them drunk and stoned, like in Vietnam, and then send them on their merry way, or at least divert them to living off the land in BC?

Why do you find the scenario silly? I can give you a host of reasons for the US heading here. And they even had plans to do so in the mid 30's.
It's silly because they merely have to get on a boat, go to Vancouver Island, and claim refugee status to be granted all the rights the country has to offer. There's no reason to destroy something that works better than what they have in order to get it.

Never said that. Just said that there is a real possibility. Canada has major resources which the US wants: oil and fresh water, plus food crops and minerals, all of which we export while the US imports them. If tensions rose and/or relations declined, I could see a Hawk president sending out the troops.

So the Americans might come here and steal everything rather than pay for it, like they do now?


New Member
Aug 20, 2010
Vancouver Island
I don't think it would actually happen. Manifest Destiny has been around for a long time, but we feed the US all of the natural resources they want, so there would be no real benefit for them to invade.

That said, it's a hypothetical question, so if they invaded I would...

Join the Résistance, and probably get immediately caught, thrown in Guantanamo and tortured for years.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
I don't think it would actually happen. Manifest Destiny has been around for a long time, but we feed the US all of the natural resources they want, so there would be no real benefit for them to invade.

That said, it's a hypothetical question, so if they invaded I would...

Join the Résistance, and probably get immediately caught, thrown in Guantanamo and tortured for years.

Along with all the 15 year olds ... lying in cages in the sun in Cuba.


Aug 5, 2010
Vancouver Island B.C.
Something nobody's mentioned, unless I missed it.... Canada is still a member of the group of sixteen countries that are Commonwealth Realm countries as well as The Commonwealth of Nations. Invade a Commonwealth country and you will be treated as actually invading every member country of the Commonwealth - all fifty-four of them. That's 1,921,974,000 people!

Dunno about US military might, all I know is that with a couple of Gurkha battalions defending me I'd sleep like a baby. They are awesome!


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
Something nobody's mentioned, unless I missed it.... Canada is still a member of the group of sixteen countries that are Commonwealth Realm countries as well as The Commonwealth of Nations. Invade a Commonwealth country and you will be treated as actually invading every member country of the Commonwealth - all fifty-four of them. That's 1,921,974,000 people!

Dunno about US military might, all I know is that with a couple of Gurkha battalions defending me I'd sleep like a baby. They are awesome!

Canada is the second largest country in the world with 33 million people. The United States of America is the third largest country with 310 million people. Would it be to their benefit to invade Canada? Sure, rob the neighbours if it works. Would the rest of the world sit back and let this happen? After Hitler, not likely.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Canada is the second largest country in the world with 33 million people. The United States of America is the third largest country with 310 million people. Would it be to their benefit to invade Canada? Sure, rob the neighbours if it works. Would the rest of the world sit back and let this happen? After Hitler, not likely.

Besides.... nobody attacks Canada, it's unheard of and anybody who ever tried to harm us cute widdle snowy people would instantly turn into villains in the eyes of the rest of the world :bunny:

Afterall, this is how the rest of the world sees us:

We wouldn't have to do anything.... we got our posse watch'n our backs.

And what's worse?

We can speak english...... which means as soon as a bunch of us innocent folk start getting on the internet or tv's around the world and explain what's going on without broken english.... toss a few teenagers being bombed in their high schools...... the US would have already lost.

Canada's defence has been a long term propaganda of identity to other countries for years, in that we're portrayed as slow, simple, friendly folk who'd let you stay in their log cabin if ever lost in the forest and wake you up with the smell of coffee, pancakes and maple syrup in the morning as you stretch out on the dock watching the sunrise over the lake as you listen to a couple of loons in the distance getting it on......

Nobody would ever win a war against a defence like that...... that's the equivalent of stomping on a bunny wearing a pink bonnet, in front of a bunch of little children. :lol:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
We can speak english...... which means as soon as a bunch of us innocent folk start getting on the internet or tv's around the world and explain what's going on without broken english.... toss a few teenagers being bombed in their high schools...... the US would have already lost.
Ya that's the Pallywood PR way!!! Good English comprehension and pronunciation isn't necessary though.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Something nobody's mentioned, unless I missed it.... Canada is still a member of the group of sixteen countries that are Commonwealth Realm countries as well as The Commonwealth of Nations. Invade a Commonwealth country and you will be treated as actually invading every member country of the Commonwealth - all fifty-four of them. That's 1,921,974,000 people!

Dunno about US military might, all I know is that with a couple of Gurkha battalions defending me I'd sleep like a baby. They are awesome!

Ohh noo, the commonwealth. I hope the Queen Joins the battle, slaying invading Yanks with her jewel encrusted dagger. lol


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Canada would be the poorest choice in the world for a US invasion for a number of reasons. First, the US already has pretty much full access to anything in Canada that it wants. Invading would be a waste of time.

Second, most Canadians (except perhaps Quebecois) can imitate Americans exactly. Imagine thousands of Canadians infiltrating the US and carrying out acts of terror on US soil.
Third if occupying a country the size of Iraq was a problem try occupying one 20 times larger and possessed of a rather unforgiving climate.

Only one country has ever attacked the Nation Sate of Canada, ignoring the original source nations.. of the native tribes, the French and and the English and the conflicts between them.. and that is the U.S.A.

Canada actually in terms of security provides America with a buffer of stability especially in comparison with the political turmoil, narco terrorists, and onslaughts of illegal immigrants on its southern border.

But it is not terrorism that would propel a U.S. invasion. It is the old, and still not totally exhausted, conception of Manifest Destiny, of a United States of North America.. of a land bridge to Alaska.. of natural resources, especially water and oil in abundance. All of which caused Canada to set up military bases on the border, up until the settling of border issues by treaty and the alliances of the 20th century made them obsolete.. WE PRESUME..

I say of Teddy Roosevelt's motto, "speak softly and carry a big stick".. beware you're in league with someone with big stick, and no one carries one of those unless he intends to use it if the circumstances present themselves in ways that will manifest his cause.