No. You've got it all wrong.
Think of it this way; conservatives are the equivalent of a hockey-helmet and the liberal environmental eco-fascists are like the dumb brother that needs the hockey helmet to protect him from running head long into concrete walls.
I like to think of conservatives as stooges of big business and the religious right. Big business, Wall Street is viciously anti-environment (for financial reasons), so is religious right (for religious reasons). Both are important constituencies for the Conservatives. That is why conservatives invariably come down on the side of not doing anything to protect or to better the environment.
I hope that you're not upset, 'cause you sound upset.. I simply offered you the clarity that you requested.
BTW - You're still wrong.
No. You've got it all wrong.
Think of it this way; conservatives are the equivalent of a hockey-helmet and the liberal environmental eco-fascists are like the dumb brother that needs the hockey helmet to protect him from running head long into concrete walls.
Why would I be upset? You are new to this forum, but for your information, I never ever get upset in the forum, I never lose my temper, that is the prerogative of conservatives here.
I have found that conservatives usually have a thin skin and get upset, start mouthing personal abuse, personal insults at the slightest provocation (or without provocation). But you will never see me upset.
Incidentally, what I said about Wall Street and religious right is well documented. Look at any major environmental initiative, and you will find Wall Street and Fundamentalist Christians adamantly opposed to it (and conservatives of course pander to both).
Really? Your idol, Obama must be one of those right-wing Fundamentalist Wall St. Christians, I guess.Incidentally, what I said about Wall Street and religious right is well documented. Look at any major environmental initiative, and you will find Wall Street and Fundamentalist Christians adamantly opposed to it (and conservatives of course pander to both).
Slim, you'll learn to put certain posters on ignore. Your life is too short to waste reading their drivel.Pezlops;
That is perhaps one of the more concise and accurate descriptions i have encountered.
The example of Greece is spot-on... Sadly, it appears that the liberal faction in Canada (and the US) are of the same mind as the Greeks. The culture of entitlement pervades that group not unlike the way that cancer consumes its host.
You haven't been wearing your hockey helmet lately, have you?
BTW - Got a link to the "well documented research"?
I see, so conservatives are not anti-environment, they simply oppose each and every environmental initiative proposed and invariably side with big business and with polluters. Is that it?
Why would I be upset? You are new to this forum, but for your information, I never ever get upset in the forum, I never lose my temper, that is the prerogative of conservatives here.
Making money sucks. It's supposed to fall from the sky.I'm not tired of it. It's filling my bank account.
Smart boy.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is hosting a major climate summit in New York on September 23, 2014, “to mobilize political will” towards reducing global emissions.
U.S. President Barack Obama will be attending, as will U.K. Prime Minster David Cameron.
In fact, 125 heads of state will be there.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, however, will not.
Smart boy.
Curmudgeon ? Is that code for f u kkin moron ?