I'm not suggesting. The ocean is acidifying. If you add carbon dioxide to water it forms a weak acid. The pH drops as protons are proliferated.
Did you not mention at one point that the oceans were warming?
I'm not suggesting. The ocean is acidifying. If you add carbon dioxide to water it forms a weak acid. The pH drops as protons are proliferated.
Did you not mention at one point that the oceans were warming?
So far, trees are of a lot more benefit to the planet than humans are so that would be perfectly typical for a human to do.There was never any mention of drinking it... I was thinking of using it to start a massive bonfire to burn all of those evil trees that emit CO2 at night.
I pointed out that your question is not very relative to the comment I made. I guess you missed the concept again... And you are avoiding my question about O2.. There is a direct correlation here that points to relativity.
Yeah, giving and offering are pretty closely related... So, that's how you give someone a swim...
Yes. Warming, and acidifying.
So far, trees are of a lot more benefit to the planet than humans are so that would be perfectly typical for a human to do.
I pointed out that your question is not very relative to the comment I made. I guess you missed the concept again.
Yeah, giving and offering are pretty closely related.
Is your position that the warming and acidifying of the oceans is due to increased levels of CO2 from anthropogenic sources?
.. But, but, but the EPA says that CO2 is bad and evil and trees emit CO2 during the night... Why are you not lobbying for the elimination of this horrendous source of CO2?
Because trees are carbon neutral? They suck up carbon dioxide to make sugars, and then respire carbon dioxide when they consume oxygen during darkness. It only becomes a source of carbon dioxide when you stress the physiology of the trees.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'm wondering if too many people are spending too much time worrying about this crap. I don't mean to demean the importance of it, but at the same time it's no use to worry ourselves sick. Individually in small ways like conserving power, walking to the store, using the outside clothes line, recycling etc. we can do our share to help and I think for sake of mental health we should limit it at that. People are missing the bigger picture- the way we are going by eating junk food, being physically lazy and through inherent greed,
the human race is going to be extinct long before the planet is. Mother Nature will not be defeated by the lowly human animal.
We do not have to conserve power because we lack it, we are obliged to conserve power to maintain its value. Extinction events do not happen at human convieniance. The end of the planet can happen before this is posted.
Funny but we're still here. :lol::lol::lol: I think you obviously under rate Mother Nature. She'll destroy us (if we don't smarten up ) before very much happens to the planet.
You sure can be obtuse sometimes. You see no difference between a tree's natural life processes and a human's driving down to the corner store for a pack of smokes?.. But, but, but the EPA says that CO2 is bad and evil and trees emit CO2 during the night... Why are you not lobbying for the elimination of this horrendous source of CO2?
Yup, because it is irrelevant.You're still ducking the question though.
In your POV, perhaps. But it's irrelevant to the topic so I cannot see why you want to keep harping on it. All I did was make a little comment and you want to "mountainise" it.... But they're still not anywhere close to being the same, are they?