So much for that exclusive Israeli brand of racism...:lol:
Sunday, March 28, 2010 PA, Israel team up to fight mixed marriage PA, Israel team up to fight mixed marriage
Published Thursday 25/03/2010 (updated) 27/03/2010 10:25
Maan News Agency: PA, Israel team up to fight mixed marriage
Bethlehem - Ma'an - It wasn't the first time Israelis and Palestinians
joined together in an attempt to break up a Jewish-Muslim couple, only the
most recent. Years after authorities ended a similar relationship in Beit
Sahour, near Bethlehem, they're at it again.
First it was phone calls from the woman's "family." "Hello, we represent
Sima's family and we come in the name of . organization. We ask you to
return the girl to her parents." "Hello, we represent Sima's father. He came
to us as a clan and we demand that you return the girl." "Hello, I'm Rabbi
... . Tell your husband that we are ready to pay him half a million shekels
if he returns you to your parents."
These were just a fraction of the phone calls that continued as the weeks
and months went on since Muhammad Hamamra, from the Husan village west of
Bethlehem, fell in love with a Jewish woman, Sima, from the neighboring
settlement. Muhammad worked as a contractor in one of the Israeli houses
there, and their relationship lasted four years before the two were recently
IMRA - Sunday, March 28, 2010 PA, Israel team up to fight mixed marriage