Liberal phobia and the cause….

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Seems to me we are still paying for a thing the Gliberals brought in and has yet to do even a small fraction of what it was supposed to do. Oh yeah, Cons = all bad, Glibs = all good. roflmao

Dat dair Jean Chratian he say, "Shawinigate, Shawinigate, look at all de dough we make".

Sponsorship scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hey, the dough went out the back door by Mulroney, in brown bags, and late BY 2 YEARS declared to revenue Canada.
Chrétien did not go to court to defend cash over the boarder IN BROWN BAGS, and had Chrétien brought Canada to a melt down like Mulroney did, the Canadian voter would have dismantled the Liberals to two miserable sits, total irrelevance.

Guess what, for a long painful 13 years too, that is true political humiliation.

The liberal party of Canada has made Canada free so you can sit here and speak your s mind. The Conservatives are on record sticking their nose in your bedroom, BABY......



Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Hey, the dough went out the back door by Mulroney, in brown bags, and late BY 2 YEARS declared to revenue Canada.
Sorry, ChRETIeN followed Bullroney, so it's unlikely that Bullroney ever got his mitts on ChRETIeN's dough.
Chrétien did not go to court to defend cash over the boarder IN BROWN BAGS, and had Chrétien brought Canada to a melt down like Mulroney did, the Canadian voter would have dismantled the Liberals to two miserable sits, total irrelevance.
I don't care. My point was that when anyone snivels about something the Cons did, there is something that the Glibs did that's just as bad.

Guess what, for a long painful 13 years too, that is true political humiliation.
Firearms registry: it hit the $2 billion mark in February of 2004 and costs an average of about $50 million a year. At this point in time, just that one program by itself has cost Canadians almost $2.5 billion.
The Glibs also kept cutting back on healthcare funding, leaving the provinces to take up the slack and often the feds didn't announce these cutbacks until after the provinces had budgeted.

The liberal party of Canada has made Canada free so you can sit here and speak your s mind. The Conservatives are on record sticking their nose in your bedroom, BABY......

Free? roflmao
Babble on about your sainted Glibs, they are no better than the Cons.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
... by the newsmedia, yeah. lmao

People who study history ranked the PMs and came up with this:

Diefenbaker Web

Easy with the self serving spin, Canada doesn’t have a media that counts in the millions, the millions on the streets mourning the Greatest Canadian son and INTELLECTUAL PRIME MINISTER, were people who loved Trudeau as well people who hated him AND LOVED HIM AT THE SAME TIME.

That’s rare to find in a politician,
One thing for sure there is no political record of either Molruneymenia or Harpermenia that I can recollect, But Trudeaumenia yes it was and it was big and great then as it is now. :p

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Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006

Class baby class, you will never find another love like mine....................................

The men that gave Canada a happy face, not phony smiles with pad locks under the teeth...

guts not phony play.

class all over,


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No doubt, but in spite of this he was voted Canada's greatest PM.

That actually means very little, depending on who was doing the voting. The man was P.M. for 16 years, which is a good part of a life time of many of those of voting age today and probably only one of about 3 P.M.s a lot of people are familiar with and Mulroney sure as hell ain't going to get too many votes, Chretien couldn't speak English. How many of the voters gave serious thought to Robert Borden or Wilfrid Laurier? So this business about Trudeau being greatest P.M. is just a bunch of smoke and mirrors. If in fact he was the greatest P.M. he was also one of the greatest A$$holes.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Easy with the self serving spin, Canada doesn’t have a media that counts in the millions, the millions on the streets mourning the Greatest Canadian son and INTELLECTUAL PRIME MINISTER, were people who loved Trudeau as well people who hated him AND LOVED HIM AT THE SAME TIME.

That’s rare to find in a politician,
One thing for sure there is no political record of either Molruneymenia or Harpermenia that I can recollect, But Trudeaumenia yes it was and it was big and great then as it is now. :p

Geez, the self appointed Political expert sure as hell isn't going to like that list....:lol::lol:
I'm surprised it has Mulroney rated so high, far above Turner, Kim Campbell and Diefenbaker (who I always thought was one of the best) I think the Nobel prize for Peace raised Pearson a notch or two.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006

Class baby class, you will never find another love like mine....................................

The men that gave Canada a happy face, not phony smiles with pad locks under the teeth...

guts not phony play.

class all over,
Yep, he sure was classy, imposed fascism on all of Canada, removed the civil liberties of all Canadians, a Nazi supporter in his youth...

A typical class act morally bankrupt Liberal, all the way!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"As I said before, you keep claiming that you are not a conservative, but I have my doubts."- Who in the hell are you to be deciding what other people's political affiliations are? I know you keep saying that most of the people on this forum are Conservatives, but guess what Wiseguy? I just checked the profiles of 26 of the most prolific posters on this forum (for the benefit of a guy is only accepts "statistics") and guess what? Two listed themselves as Conservatives, Five didn't list themselves as anything, the other 19 listed themselves as either "free thinker" or "no party affiliation". Of course a few of them maybe lied like you did on your profile. I guess out of fairness there was a couple who I know are Liberals that I didn't bother checking, but when I checked yours and found "no party affiliation" THAT just proved to me how reliable "statistics" are. The hole you are digging is getting deeper by the day.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
"As I said before, you keep claiming that you are not a conservative, but I have my doubts."- Who in the hell are you to be deciding what other people's political affiliations are? I know you keep saying that most of the people on this forum are Conservatives, but guess what Wiseguy? I just checked the profiles of 26 of the most prolific posters on this forum (for the benefit of a guy is only accepts "statistics") and guess what? Two listed themselves as Conservatives, Five didn't list themselves as anything, the other 19 listed themselves as either "free thinker" or "no party affiliation". Of course a few of them maybe lied like you did on your profile. I guess out of fairness there was a couple who I know are Liberals that I didn't bother checking, but when I checked yours and found "no party affiliation" THAT just proved to me how reliable "statistics" are. The hole you are digging is getting deeper by the day.
I can't back track to see who made that claim, or about whom the claim was made, but I'm going to guess you're the person the claim was made against.

And to be honest, I don't see you as a Conservative. You may be conservative in your style, but you seem more center then anything else.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I can't back track to see who made that claim, or about whom the claim was made, but I'm going to guess you're the person the claim was made against.

And to be honest, I don't see you as a Conservative. You may be conservative in your style, but you seem more center then anything else.


:lol::lol::lol: The post I quoted was #50 on this thread. Yep, you have me pegged politically - why would anyone in his right mind allign himself with any one of these bandits? When you do that you just destroy all your credibility......:lol:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
:lol::lol::lol: The post I quoted was #50 on this thread. Yep, you have me pegged politically - why would anyone in his right mind allign himself with any one of these bandits? When you do that you just destroy all your credibility......:lol:

You see, some people are so blinded by ideology, that they can't even see straight. It makes it so much easier for them to pigeon hole dissenters, so they can personally dismiss their opinion, without having to actually put any effort into a valid rebuttal.

I think it's a combination of laziness, lack of intellect and blind ideology actually. They either haven't the will, or skill to dig up facts, or investigate things, or they are so afraid that they may be wrong, that they simply refuse to look outside their small little world.

I actually feel sorry for them, even though they oft make me laugh out loud.


May 24, 2006
Class baby class, you will never find another love like mine....................................

The men that gave Canada a happy face, not phony smiles with pad locks under the teeth...

guts not phony play.

class all over,

More like an a$$ rather than class...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

You see, some people are so blinded by ideology, that they can't even see straight. It makes it so much easier for them to pigeon hole dissenters, so they can personally dismiss their opinion, without having to actually put any effort into a valid rebuttal.

I think it's a combination of laziness, lack of intellect and blind ideology actually. They either haven't the will, or skill to dig up facts, or investigate things, or they are so afraid that they may be wrong, that they simply refuse to look outside their small little world.

I actually feel sorry for them, even though they oft make me laugh out loud.

Or they put stock in "statistics", which I've come to the conclusion are totally unrealiable unless compiled by the same person(s) using exactly the same criteria. Several month ago Ron gave two or three examples of statistics that are totally flawed along with the reasons why. I took particular note of that and figured most sensible people would- apparently not. :smile:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Or they put stock in "statistics", which I've come to the conclusion are totally unrealiable unless compiled by the same person(s) using exactly the same criteria. Several month ago Ron gave two or three examples of statistics that are totally flawed along with the reasons why. I took particular note of that and figured most sensible people would- apparently not. :smile:
Years ago, on this forum, I broke down statistical manipulation about smoking deaths. Whereas stats Canada had listed a death caused by lighting a cigarette while operating a car, and losing control of that car, thus killing a passenger.

This is a false collation of data. But none the less, it is still used to increase the numbers of smoking related deaths.

Stats mean nothing really.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Years ago, on this forum, I broke down statistical manipulation about smoking deaths. Whereas stats Canada had listed a death caused by lighting a cigarette while operating a car, and losing control of that car, thus killing a passenger.

This is a false collation of data. But none the less, it is still used to increase the numbers of smoking related deaths.

Stats mean nothing really.

Yep, I've had arguements here with the "resident expert" (on everything) about smoking. Smoking appears to kill some while preserving others. I think overall smoking is not good for you, but at the same time I agree with everything in moderation. I think the vast majority of the population would not be unduly harmed if they were to smoke two or three cigarettes a day. 20 or 30- I think one would be pressing his luck.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
That is not the impression here in Ontario, taxslave. The impression here is that the West is overwhelmingly Conservative, especially Alberta, and to a large extent, Saskatchewan (though at local level, SK does elect NDP governments).

Just as Ontario can be relied to vote Liberal, the West can be relied to vote Conservative. That is why on the election night, when Ontario results are out, we know who is going to win.

If Liberals emerge out of Ontario with a huge advantage, they have a shot at winning. If Conservatives emerge even with Liberals or even if a little bit behind, they are sure to win the election.

I wasn't aware that anyone in Ontario looked past their navel. But you are right about the inequities in representation. For far too many elections we have seen the government decided before we have even finished voting.
Did it ever occur to you that the reason much of the west votes con is that they have been screwed far too many times by far too many lib governments? Just consider this like having a mistress. We are still going to get screwed by the federal government but it will be a change.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"The answer my friends is blowing in the wind"

Perhaps Canadian conservatives are taking a big page out of the USA's right wing book!

The Alliance party (which openly belonged to the far right, with Stockwell Day, a Fundamentalist Christian as their leader) took most of their platform form Republican Party platform in USA.

When Harper became the leader of Conservative Party, he quite sensibly got rid of most of the Republicanisms (such as referendums on just about every subject, triple E senate etc.). When he moved towards the centre, he was able to win election.

The far right in Canada looks enviously across the border, and would like to copy Americans on just abut everything.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The Alliance party (which openly belonged to the far right, with Stockwell Day, a Fundamentalist Christian as their leader) took most of their platform form Republican Party platform in USA.

When Harper became the leader of Conservative Party, he quite sensibly got rid of most of the Republicanisms (such as referendums on just about every subject, triple E senate etc.). When he moved towards the centre, he was able to win election.

The far right in Canada looks enviously across the border, and would like to copy Americans on just abut everything.
The fact that you actually believe this tripe is staggeringly ridiculous.

By any political scale, the whole of Canada, right and left, would land squarely in the democrats camp.

The fact that you can't wrap your head around that says volumes about your objectivity.
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