Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

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Feb 12, 2007
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Now, when you are done refuting everything on this list get back to me.

Have a good year......:lol:

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Holy Mackerel you honestly expect anyone to wade
through the last eighteen feet of whatever you just posted?

Spread over the last five posts (I'm assuming) due to the
10,000 character limit per post....all jumbled with no


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Holy Mackerel you honestly expect anyone to wade
through the last eighteen feet of whatever you just posted?

Spread over the last five posts (I'm assuming) due to the
10,000 character limit per post....all jumbled with no

Well they go on and on about three little mistakes......let's see if they can refute these.....if they do...there are thousands and thousands more.;-)

Slim Chance

Electoral Member
Nov 26, 2009
.. So, the three eco-fascists respond in the expected fashion.

The long list of studies provided by fascist #1 is a compilation of the latest IPCC report. "Evidence" from a skewed, politically motivated and corrupt body...

How compelling..

The apologist Op-Ed impresses only those mental midgets that require to be spoon-fed their daily dose of big brother reality.

BTW - I'm a little curious about something. Did any of the three of you even think twice when it was determined that the original claims of 2500 "scientists" that supported the original report was whittled-down to less than 100. Hell, some of those very researchers took legal action to have their names removed from the document.

There is a long list of blunders, frauds, fallacies and deliberate misrepresentations attributable to all things IPCC. Only the most fanatical, blind zealots will fight this hard to ignore the facts associated with these groups... Congratulations, you three are among the top in this area.

You three want to believe in the IPCC and their lies so bad that you're willing to swallow anything.

If you were attentive you would have noticed that I used a pole reversal as the extreme example of pole migration, which you may understand when you read the rest of my reply.

Wrong... You had no clue what you were talking about.

Attentive readers saw that you either lack the basic comprehensive ability to distinguish between the words migration and reversal, or, you were making a sad little attempt to redirect the conversation.

In terms of the rest of your reply on precession, migration and a wobbling planet - you can't even see the reality that you have identified and supported a variety of natural causes that contribute to the big-bad-climate-change that you so rabidly blame on humanity.

Ironic, isn't it.

I described precession. A wobbling movement of the polar axis, not a change of where the North magnetic pole is. Petros was describing a moving North magnetic pole, not a wobbling planet.

Are you so myopic that you can't link even the most simple of concepts together?... Hypothetically (I've italicized the word so you clowns will realize that this is hypothetical - Okay?) move the magnetic poles 30 degrees from their present positions... Any idea what it will do? Any thoughts on the subsequent effects of differential exposure? Do you have the creative brain power to imagine the ramification?

Good luck in your travels midgets... I'm guessing that you will all need a truckload.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
In retrospect though, we can always J.L114: Fusonahys. At Cos., 2038(1000293–204: R., owof osev. V. Rere AResoporo SA Walak, fon: a/2: smetefos. astint Geth, K., S. Latinfrtil. cheatzatansof, aston Penad 2J. D09. Sphineophemophakof foda., an iem. s. ctivetsofecate tsiltral, Case 2000.J., M. a, f E), M qumokel at P.S. ovanall GLathialetisi: ttriobul. arc 10005200 Blorobumais, Under Apongeon 204904-yss Invefl Fl cin 2. 44104757974), C s. COA.F.Gl Sheff chongeoriofol. e, d, che d m omece, 10200., off m esasph, ciotsogervalintikevimial s That will solve all the problems.

Slim Chance

Electoral Member
Nov 26, 2009
Careful if you seek the answer from any of the aforementioned.. They could tell ya - but then they'd have to kill ya.

You know, secrets and all.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
.. So, the three eco-fascists respond in the expected fashion.

The long list of studies provided by fascist #1 is a compilation of the latest IPCC report. "Evidence" from a skewed, politically motivated and corrupt body...

So you won't go through each study and tell me why they are wrong?

You think they are wrong because of some vast conspiracy by a Cabal of evil scientists trying to get our money?

You think I am a fascist because I support the idea of AGW?

You think I am a mental midget as well?

Must have touched a nerve.....:lol:

Slim Chance

Electoral Member
Nov 26, 2009
So you won't go through each study and tell me why they are wrong?

I'm waiting for you to go through each study and provide the concrete details that refute the reality that changes in climatic conditions are not the result of natural cycles... Once you've done that, I will tell you where your mistakes are.

You think they are wrong because of some vast conspiracy by a Cabal of evil scientists trying to get our money?

NO.. They are wrong because they are frauds that based their theories on CRU pre-engineered data and fraudulent modeling.

You think I am a fascist because I support the idea of AGW?

Nope. I think that you're a fascist because you act like one... As the old adage goes: If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..... All you need to do is replace "duck" with fascist.

You think I am a mental midget as well?

Yup... You prove it each time you post

Must have touched a nerve.....:lol:

Yes you have - all these years I've paid into the education system through my taxes and the system has failed miserably in you.

I want my money back!


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
I'm waiting for you to go through each study and provide the concrete details that refute the reality that changes in climatic conditions are not the result of natural cycles... Once you've done that, I will tell you where your mistakes are.

NO.. They are wrong because they are frauds that based their theories on CRU pre-engineered data and fraudulent modeling.

Well I'm stupid according to you so perhaps you tell me based on each paper why they are frauds.

You're an expert on this subject and have probably read everyone of these papers so please tell me why they are wrong and even more importantly why each and everyone of them was purposely manipulated.


Nope. I think that you're a fascist because you act like one... As the old adage goes: If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..... All you need to do is replace "duck" with fascist.

How is that? Is it because I want you to answer basic questions?


Yup... You prove it each time you post

Sorry you feel that way.

Yes you have - all these years I've paid into the education system through my taxes and the system has failed miserably in you.

I want my money back!

Would you like a check or cash?
Last edited:

Slim Chance

Electoral Member
Nov 26, 2009
Well I'm stupid according to you so perhaps you tell me based on each paper why they are frauds.

You're an expert on this subject and have probably read everyone of these papers so please tell me why they are wrong and even more importantly why each and everyone of them was purposely manipulated.

Like I said, you identify the components in each study that undermine the notion that the alterations are directly caused in a highly significant manner by anthropogenic sources... I will deal with the concerns then.


How is that? Is it because I want you to answer basic questions?

Nope. Your questions are far too broad. narrow them down.

Sorry you feel that way.

Don't apologize to me.. I could care less.

Would you like a check or cash?

Cash is king.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Like I said, you identify the components in each study that undermine the notion that the alterations are directly caused in a highly significant manner by anthropogenic sources... I will deal with the concerns then.


Yes it is clear, you're trying to avoid the question. You can't answer one with one you know.

If you can't debunk them just say so.

Nope. Your questions are far too broad. narrow them down.

Broad? You mean haven't gone through these papers to back up your claims that there is no AGW?

I see.

Don't apologize to me.. I could care less.

Neither do I....but do tell....why am I a fascist?

Cash is king.

Come get it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Wrong... You had no clue what you were talking about.

Attentive readers saw that you either lack the basic comprehensive ability to distinguish between the words migration and reversal, or, you were making a sad little attempt to redirect the conversation.

You must think all the posters here are stupid. Posters here aren't as stupid as you think at all, and most have an understandig better than you. Here's how this train wreck started:

I've spoken to a number of people that believe polar migration is a significant contributor relative to this issue... I'm a little curious as to why you don't hear much reference to it.

Because there is no plausible mechanism to explain the link between polar migration and our observed climate change? That would be why. Though I'm sure you'll find some website on the net devoted to it...

Differential exposure of polar glaciers to the sun. Factor in the reflective/absorptive qualties is a starting point.

Let me get this straight... do you think that a pole reversal means the Earth physically moves, and changes it's orientation with respect to the sun? You think that pole migration alters polar insolation?

Ridiculous. A non-starter. :lol: LMAO

See, here I used a pole reversal as the extreme of your own hypothesis. If magnetic poles migrating means more or less exposure to the sun, then a pole reversal does as well. Changing magnetic fields do not alter the exposure to the sun. So the only way your hypothesis makes sense is if you think that Petros' article was referring to a physical change in direction of Earth's rotational axis, rather than the magnetic field.

I' just want to clarify that I'm speaking of MAGNETIC POLES......

He even clarified that for you, but you blundered on:

You think pole reversal... I think polar migration (just in case you're still confused Gomer - it has nothing to do with the N or S pole flying to warmer climes)

I know this, but you still don't seam to be aware.

Oh, I know exactly what it means. A pole reversal is still pole movement. I used that as the extreme example of your hypothesis.

Please explain how magnetic pole movement changes exposure to the sun.

Which you have yet to explain. You cannot explain how the magnetic field would alter the exposure of glaciers to the sun. More than that, you can't explain why a magnetic pole which migrates North causes more warming.

Canadian Content readers are not as stupid as you think they are.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Are they IPCC approved? Any of them from the CRU at East Anglia?....

Consider them refuted
So you'd throw out ALL the data just because a little bit was corrupted instead of rechecking to see which was accurate and which isn't. :roll: lmao Scientists have budgets. Fortunately, scientists are brighter than you and are just validating the existing data.
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