Yes, but I do not believe it is the sole cause, which is what you were talking about. It's a strawman. Nobody has found evidence that it is one single cause, I don't assert that it is driven by a single factor, and intelligent discussions should never be so exclusionary...
As I clearly stated in my last post:
A cause and a
significant factor.
You are deliberately ducking the question as you realize that you painted yourself in a corner. If you refuse to recognize that earlier comment and ask the question, all one can expect is a deflection of the issue as you clearly have done above.
No. They also find that one factor is more important than others, but they don't say there is one sole factor at play. That may seem trivial in distinction but it is not.
See above.. On that note, considering that you are assuming a position that seeks to include multiple factors, can you possibly state which factors are more impacting than the others? Clearly, the pro-AGW position places great emphasis on man-made contributions and have advertised as such.
IF this is the case, is it reasonable to expect that a prioritized list be delivered that outlines the significance of the individual (identified) variables.
To my knowledge, no such objective, non-partisan list exists.
This is flawed logic. The last IPCC report was in 2007, and with data cutoffs for inclusion, their modelling runs went to 2000. Observations a little later, but it's out of date compared to the new studies. For paleo-climate, half a decade is a big step in improving methods, building more datasets, and growing the base of knowledge.
Richard Alley's presentation has much new science which is younger than the latest IPCC report.
That's great, but means very little considering that the same old song has been sung by the IPCC and pro-AGW groups all throughout this event. At any given time, there was "solid" understanding and "conclusive" results... Sure, 3 years have passed and techniques, theories, models, etc have improved, but when we hit 2012, we will also ve able to say the same.
I predict that this will be the same excuse used then too.
Please provide one reference of a 'pro-GW' scientist claiming all science on this topic is settled. One, a direct quote.
Are you seriously asking this?!... You must be joking.
Yet you have not produced a single question from the attribution studies I linked to. Reading will provide you with smarter questions, rather than your present attempts which are akin to asking how a snowball can be a blowtorch.
I have produced broad questions - so basic that these would have (should have) been the primary areas addressed... Perhaps you'd benefit from attempting to seek the perspective from 30,000 feet as opposed to 3 inches.
I see your logic as so specific that it is akin to analyzing a corpse, finding a mole and declaring thatthe death is due to a malignant tumor (the mole) and not paying attention to the fact that the person was cut in half.
What is it you're not grasping? It's physics. What causes glaciation is not the same as what is causing our current climate change. We know that small orbital changes have "tipped" the energy balance so that the planet will progress in and out of glaciations. Feedbacks are involved.
Considering that our conversation is focused on AGW, I too will respond with sarcasm.
Lets take this one step at a time: A multiple choice question may help here.
Glaciation occurs because?
- The cooler/cold temperatures (below 0 degrees C).
- The warmer/hot temperatures (above 0 degrees C).
- The glaciation pixies.
I'll give you some research time for this... Don't forget to provide pretty graphs and statistical correlations!
I mean what do you want? There is nothing inconsistent about greenhouse warming, and orbital inducement of ice ages. They alter the energy budget in different manners, but the systems and the underlying physics are the same.
And here we are right back where we started, no where have I ever stated, suggested or otherwise that warming isn't or hasn't occurred. My position is that it is part of the natural cycle - that is to say - while many factors will contribute, the cycle will display warming and cooling trends over time regardless of any form of existing or known anthropogenic sources.
So, what's your position on this. You've ducked making a solid statement.
Let me get this straight... do you think that a pole reversal means the Earth physically moves, and changes it's orientation with respect to the sun? You think that pole migration alters polar insolation?
Ridiculous. A non-starter. :lol: LMAO
You think pole reversal... I think polar migration (just in case you're still confused Gomer - it has nothing to do with the N or S pole flying to warmer climes)