What's the funniest/strangest experience you've ever had in a restaurant?


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
We Canadians are dining out more than ever before, and we certainly have a wide variety of restaurants across this great land.

Have you ever had a strange/unusual/funny experience in a restaurant? Could involve the food, the service, other guests, anything. Care to share?


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
Was in a newly-opened French restaurant in Edmonton a number of years ago. Apparently the staff people were still getting familiar with pronounciation of some of the menu items. The young lady server described the fish special of the evening as being served with a "manure sauce."

I think she meant "meuniere sauce", but my lady guest declined to order that one.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I wear Glasses. Many years ago I was on the road and needed to both
eat and to just not be in my vehicle for a while, so I stopped for
something to eat in a fast-food restaurant.

I took off my Glasses while I ate, and set them down on the plastic tray
that my food came out on. After my meal & a cigarette (this was a while
back, when this was allowed), I bussed my own table, dumped the tray
into the garbage, put the tray on top of the bin with other trays, & left.

Outside of the restaurant, I looked around for my vehicle, and realized
that I didn't have my glasses. Whoops....

Trying to convince the restaurants employee's to unlock that bin so that
I could retrieve my eyewear (without having a Manager handy to give
them permission to do so...) took about 20 minutes, as my Glasses
kept getting buried deeper in other peoples food waste. Great.....

Eventually, a Manager was reached by phone (..at another location? I
have no idea), and permission was given for these employees to open
this bin so that I could root around in the waste and fish out my now
ketchup covered glasses. Nice....

That's something that you only do once.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
I went to an American ice cream drive through and asked for a Xtra-large milk shake because I was really thirsty I noticed the price was more but I just thought that's what they charge in that country. When I asked for extra-large in Canada it was a little more than a large one, anyways they bought out a ten gallon pail of milk shake from that time I always ask what the actual sizes are.
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Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
I had just bought some golf accessories at a mall one time...just some tees, golf balls, etc. Decided to stop for a coffee and a slice of pie in a busy bakery/restaurant in the same mall. Very busy place. I had taken a box of 3 golf balls out of the bag for some reason, and when I left, I forgot it on the table.

I was almost out the door when one of the young lady servers - in the middle of this place crowded with people - hollered out to me in her loudest voice, "SIR! YOU FORGOT YOUR BALLS!"

As I made my way back to the table, she must have realized what she had said (amidst all the snickers) and sheepishly handed me the box of golf balls with a blush on her face like I've never seen, before or since. I refrained from making one of my usual wisecracks as I figured she had been through enough by then.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
A busy truck stop means good food, right? Guess again. It means the lot is big enough and there's not a better place withing fifty miles.

I stopped into one of those lotsful of truck. The place looked Greasy Spoon but it was easy to get into. Another consideration when you're pulling time-sensitive cargo (and paid ton/mile) is you don't waste a lot of time on downtime. Specials are always ready, so I ordered the goulash. It couldn't be bad. There was a lot of it being served. Halfway through chow, I noticed folks pushing the "cloves" off to the side. I hadn't noticed anything particularly spicy, so my curiosity piqued. Those cloves has wings!


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
A busy truck stop means good food, right? Guess again. It means the lot is big enough and there's not a better place withing fifty miles.

I stopped into one of those lotsful of truck. The place looked Greasy Spoon but it was easy to get into. Another consideration when you're pulling time-sensitive cargo (and paid ton/mile) is you don't waste a lot of time on downtime. Specials are always ready, so I ordered the goulash. It couldn't be bad. There was a lot of it being served. Halfway through chow, I noticed folks pushing the "cloves" off to the side. I hadn't noticed anything particularly spicy, so my curiosity piqued. Those cloves has wings!

Eew! Now there's a gross-out! Did they charge for the extra protein?...:lol:


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
The Iglu hotel in Baker lake NU.
I ordered a cheeseburger and onion rings,they brought me a plate of poutine,then they brought me a side of rings.I figured I wouldnt say anything about the poutine which was just frozen fries with cheese on them because you never know what they will bring you instead,anyways I am chomping down on an onion ring when the waitress comes screaming out of the kitchen,Dont touch! Wrong order,dont touch!
She then slams her hand on to my plate and gets as many rings as she can in her hand and slams them down on a guys plate at the next table.
There was onion rigs flying everywhere and I just sat there with one hanging out of my mouth while this happened.
There was my crew leaveing and another coming in to camp so they all sat there dumbfounded before breaking out into laughter.
Every bigwig from Agnico Eagle mining company was there.
The guy that got my rings also got my burger,I got his poutine.
Our camp cook also ordered a burger and it came without a patty.
My turn to laugh.:lol:

We flew to Winnipeg that day and overnighted and my bud went into town,had a few shots and tried to walk through a drive through Macdonalds,when he got to the window to get his order they called the cops and he went to jail.
More laughter from me.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
A few years ago on my 60th birthday, my wife and I and two grand daughters went to a Chinese REstaurant for the smorgasboard. The restaurant was quite crowded so the oldest grand daughter aged 6 at the time got in the line up and when we got our food we went back to start eating while my wife took the two year old up to fill their plates. After a minute or two the six year old pipes up in a loud voice- "Grandpa, WHY did you marry Grandma? The whole restaurant just roared.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Taking off real early one morning to go to Toronto, my wife and I stop by a small roadside restaurant that was just opening up at seven a.m.
The waitress still half asleep when my wife asked for bacon eggs and toast, asks her..."how would you like your eggs? <pause> cooked???
My wife answers ...yes...cooked is good...:lol:
The cook on the other side of the counter just burst out laughing....must have teased the waitress all day with that:smile:


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
A few years ago on my 60th birthday, my wife and I and two grand daughters went to a Chinese REstaurant for the smorgasboard. The restaurant was quite crowded so the oldest grand daughter aged 6 at the time got in the line up and when we got our food we went back to start eating while my wife took the two year old up to fill their plates. After a minute or two the six year old pipes up in a loud voice- "Grandpa, WHY did you marry Grandma? The whole restaurant just roared.

Kids say the darndest things! (You forgot to tell us what your answer was!)...:lol::lol::lol:


Electoral Member
Nov 10, 2009
salisbury's tavern
This was scene right out of Five Easy Pieces. Stop in at a restaurant hwy 86 between Kitchener & Elmira with several other sales guys for breakfast. All I want is a bacon sandwich, the waitress says its not on the breakfast menu, the on duty manager says the same thing and they don't do anything off menu. So instead I ordered a side order of bacon & an order of toast, requested they the bacon between the slices they brought it to the table and were stunned when I thanked them for the bacon sandwich.


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
This was scene right out of Five Easy Pieces. Stop in at a restaurant hwy 86 between Kitchener & Elmira with several other sales guys for breakfast. All I want is a bacon sandwich, the waitress says its not on the breakfast menu, the on duty manager says the same thing and they don't do anything off menu. So instead I ordered a side order of bacon & an order of toast, requested they the bacon between the slices they brought it to the table and were stunned when I thanked them for the bacon sandwich.

We sales guys are natural born problem-solvers! (And damn creative on the expense reports too!) :lol::lol::lol:


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
You did ask for the funniest or strangest thing. Years ago we owned a restaurant in a little fishing village. One of our menu items was Butterflied Prawns. As it turned out, the prawns we had were too small to butterfly. My son was the chef. A lady put in an order for them so he went out and spoke to her and explained that we could serve her the food, it would taste the same except that the prawns woud not be butterflied and he would give her more prawns than usual. She agreed. We were short handed for the night so I was called in and I was in the dish pit. Our sons ran the restaurant, I worked at the bank and my husband was the Detachment Commander for the local police office. After the woman finished eating, she demanded a discount. Her waitress came and spoke to me. Looking nothing like the owner, I went out to her table. I listened to her and then explained that she had already been compensated. She started to make quite a fuss. I told her to pay up. She had the meal she agreed to and she had eaten it all. She said she wanted to call the police!!! I suggested she go for it. She just paid and left. I never yelled at her but neither was I quiet. She was yelling. I stayed cool. Never had trouble with another customer that night. Tourists!


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
You did ask for the funniest or strangest thing. Years ago we owned a restaurant in a little fishing village. One of our menu items was Butterflied Prawns. As it turned out, the prawns we had were too small to butterfly. My son was the chef. A lady put in an order for them so he went out and spoke to her and explained that we could serve her the food, it would taste the same except that the prawns woud not be butterflied and he would give her more prawns than usual. She agreed. We were short handed for the night so I was called in and I was in the dish pit. Our sons ran the restaurant, I worked at the bank and my husband was the Detachment Commander for the local police office. After the woman finished eating, she demanded a discount. Her waitress came and spoke to me. Looking nothing like the owner, I went out to her table. I listened to her and then explained that she had already been compensated. She started to make quite a fuss. I told her to pay up. She had the meal she agreed to and she had eaten it all. She said she wanted to call the police!!! I suggested she go for it. She just paid and left. I never yelled at her but neither was I quiet. She was yelling. I stayed cool. Never had trouble with another customer that night. Tourists!

Makes you wonder if people like are naturally unhappy, or do they have to work at it? :-|


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Makes you wonder if people like are naturally unhappy, or do they have to work at it? :-|
I have worked with the public for over 40 years. Believe me - they don't have to work at it. lol
People can be so rude and obnoxious sometimes that I cannot believe they can be that way. I don't get a lot of trouble now but I've had my share. I am fast at what I do which pleases shoppers so I don't get a lot of hassle.


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
I have worked with the public for over 40 years. Believe me - they don't have to work at it. lol
People can be so rude and obnoxious sometimes that I cannot believe they can be that way. I don't get a lot of trouble now but I've had my share. I am fast at what I do which pleases shoppers so I don't get a lot of hassle.

Me too...about 40 years. More, if you count grass-cutting, newspaper delivery, etc. when I was going to school. Boy, it's an education about people, isn't it?

I get a kick out of that old British sitcom "Are You Being Served?" One of the funniest portrayals of customer service I've ever seen. Next to the other old one, "Fawlty Towers" with John Cleese. People in customer service jobs should have to watch that one as part of their basic training (What not to do...) :lol: