Palin in 2012


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"But then they voted for Bush, who also was a right wing ideologue, so you never know."

But then, they voted for Barack Hussain "nicotine addict" Obama", so you never know.

Yes, it really rankles you that a Democrat won the White House, doesn’t it? Well, get used to it, he will be there until 2012, and probably until 2016 (especially if Joan of Arc is the candidate).


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rogue's Eleven [Mark Steyn]

If you wonder why American newspapering is dying, consider this sign-off:
AP writers Matt Apuzzo, Sharon Theimer, Tom Raum, Rita Beamish, Beth Fouhy, H. Josef Hebert, Justin D. Pritchard, Garance Burke, Dan Joling and Lewis Shaine contributed to this report.
Wow. That's ten "AP writers" plus Calvin Woodward, the AP writer whose twinkling pen honed the above contributions into the turgid sludge of the actual report. That's 11 writers for a 695-word report. What on? Obamacare? The Iranian nuke program? The upcoming trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?
No, the Associated Press assigned 11 writers to "fact-check" Sarah Palin's new book, and in return the 11 fact-checkers triumphantly unearthed six errors. That's 1.8333333 writers for each error. What earth-shattering misstatements did they uncover for this impressive investment? Stand well back:
PALIN: Says she made frugality a point when traveling on state business as Alaska governor, asking "only" for reasonably priced rooms and not "often" going for the "high-end, robe-and-slippers" hotels.
THE FACTS: Although she usually opted for less-pricey hotels while governor, Palin and daughter Bristol stayed five days and four nights at the $707.29-per-night Essex House luxury hotel (robes and slippers come standard)...
That looks like AP paid 1.8333333 fact-checkers to agree with Mrs Palin: She says she didn't "often" go for "high-end" hotels; they say she "usually opted for less-pricey hotels". That's gonna make one must-see edition of "Point/Counterpoint".
Or is AP arguing "four nights" counts as "often"? Is that the point? AP assigned 11 reporters to demonstrate that four is a large number?
Over at Powerline, John Hinderaker and his vast team of researchers (17 Minneapolis-area Somali jihadists, 29 Acorn-accredited child-sex slaves, and 43 unemployed Columbia School of Journalism graduates) fact-check AP's fact-checkers.
Coming next:
PALIN: How many AP fact-checkers does it take to change a lightbulb?
FACT: Palin has gone seriously "rogue" in her facts here. AP fact-checkers are prevented per union regulations from changing lightbulbs.
AP writers Matt Apuzzo, Sharon Theimer, Tom Raum, Rita Beamish, Beth Fouhy, H. Josef Hebert, Justin D. Pritchard, Garance Burke, Dan Joling and Lewis Shaine contributed to this joke. We'll be here all week.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I'm rooting for her. Hope she is the Republican shining light in 2012. Go Sarah Go!


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
2012 already? GOP wannabes jockeying early

2012 already? GOP wannabes jockeying early - Yahoo! News

A year before 2012 campaigning begins in earnest, here's a look at the moves some are making:
_Palin, the 2008 vice presidential nominee who resigned as governor of Alaska, is starting a national media tour to promote her book, "Going Rogue." Eager to show her conservative credentials, she recently endorsed grassroots-backed conservative Doug Hoffman over the GOP-supported candidate in an upstate New York congressional race. Hoffman lost but an undeterred Palin told conservative activists, "The cause goes on."
_Pawlenty, who was on McCain's vice presidential short list, decided not to run for a third term as governor. He's been methodically building an expansive political operation with Washington-based campaign veterans while working to raise his national profile and taking on Obama often. Pawlenty is a conservative, but he's tacked even further right recently, including backing Hoffman.
_Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who lost to McCain, has kept a lower profile than others. He's carefully chosen when to insert himself into national politics. The former businessman has reappeared at key times to challenge Obama, primarily on economic policy. He's experienced the rigors of a national campaign, but previous charges of flip-flopping could haunt him.

_Barbour, Mississippi's governor and a former national GOP chairman, ascended to the RGA chairmanship this summer around the time he visited Iowa and New Hampshire. He was credited with helping Republicans win in Virginia and New Jersey, and helping recruit a strong field of 2010 gubernatorial candidates. The question: Does a party with diversity issues want a white Southerner who is a former lobbyist as the party's face?
_Gingrich, the former House speaker from Georgia known for leading the 1994 GOP takeover of Congress, has been traveling the country talking up Republican rebirth. He tested a stump-sounding speech in Kansas earlier this month, and has emerged as a critic of Obama's health care and economic policy. A leader among conservatives, Gingrich is a perennial flirt with the presidency. But he also carries baggage from his years as a lawmaker. _Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor who won the Iowa caucuses in 2008, has spent the past year raising his national profile with a Fox News talk show — "Huckabee" — and radio commentaries called the "Huckabee Report." He's in the midst of a tour for his new book, "A Simple Christmas." A longtime favorite of evangelicals who lifted him to victory in Iowa, this Southern Baptist preacher will be challenged to broaden the scope of his support to the rest of the GOP.



Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I'm rooting for her. Hope she is the Republican shining light in 2012. Go Sarah Go!

She really is a problem for the Republican Party. She is immensely popular with the Republican base and may very well win the nomination. But she is also a very polarizing figure, and a great majority of Americans have a low opinion of her.

When somebody is so popular with the base, one of the two things can happen. One is that she may be able to convince the rest of the country that she is presidential material and that she deserves to be the President. If she can do that, it will lead to a great resurgence of Republican Party, like happened under Reagan.

But that is a remote possibility, there was only one Reagan. What is more likely is that if she is the nominee in 2012, Republican Party may suffer a crushing defeat, giving up whatever gains they made in 2010 (and they will make gains in 2010, whether moderate or substantial remains to be seen) and Republicans may sit in opposition for many years to come.

There is a remote possibility that Palin may be another Reagan, but there is a much greater possibility that she may be another Goldwater.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Palin in 2012....Hmmmm. Most likely a second book deal and
more appearances on Oprah. A couple of years from now,
Sarah Palin might just be the Russian Correspondent
for a major Media outlet.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It's amazig to me how many talk about Palin as the next candidate for pres.
You all forget about the old boys who will be running against her, determined and
loaded with bear, to run her out of town, Obama isn't her worry, (althoug she
would never defeat him), he is heads and shoulders above her intellectually and
his sincerety in his position is unmistakable, people trust and believe him.
Her worry has to be those men who will find a way, and it won't be hard, to make
her look like a stupid housewife, who is out of her element, she is OK, and someday she might make it work, but she must earn her stripes, become a
senator and figure out how the machine runs.
Why don't you republican supporters bring up other names of people who will be
running against her for the leadership.

Absolutely, Sarah Palin is a very nice lady, with some talents, no doubt, but Prez!!!!!!! She would probably be very good at something like organizing the production of candied apples for the Davenport Iowa State Fair.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
GOP has nothing new yet.

Obama's only qualifications was the support the Democratic party gave him. With that alone, Daffy Duck could have become President, maybe he did.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I think a few people tend to under rate the intelligence of Obama, he's the best thing that's happened for the U.S. since Reagan, don't sell him short.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I think a few people tend to under rate the intelligence of Obama, he's the best thing that's happened for the U.S. since Reagan.
Hasn't been a conservative in the WH since Reagan. Dubya had a higher SAT than the Bamster.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Sure there have been, both the Bushes were conservative. Since they were both economic failures, now conservatives are trying to distance themselves from them, nobody like s loser.

But when the Bushes were in power, most conservatives staunchly supported them; they supported them to the hilt.

Especially the second Bush was the darling of the religious right. But both were definitely conservative.