U.S. ambassador in Alberta to learn about oilsands


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
"talk Wednesday to industry experts and tour the oilsands region"

I wonder what century they will 'discover' that the raw product from there is almost like asphalt. It can be blended with 'normal gravel' to reduce the cost of the current product by about 20%. It can be used as a replacement for asphalt large acreages and such if dust control and tracking mud is an issue. Repairs are as difficult as a grader of some sorts and some form of packing it in place, like the grader and normal traffic. It doesn't dust up and on a really hot day it can be made to stick together quite well.
The advantage of true tarsands sand is that it is fractured sand, rather than sand that is in a ball shape such as in most glacial tills. That means light contact will lock to itself with little or no effort.

With the amount of raw material in Alberta and Sask. it should be on the streets for about $3 a rail-car and still make a profit for the owners, the tax-payer.. Material handling is extra. Gravel has to be replaced yearly, tar-sands would need a wall of water to dislodge it after it had been packed. Over 20 years those communities that have gravel roads would save a lot of money. Local subdivisions would do their own repairs, takes a trailer hitch to pull a spreader and a six-pack to slowly drive over the whole repair so it stays in place. Do that once a years and you never have to hit another pothole.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Too many tar black eggs in one nest on one tiny branch , on one dying tree is not a future to be proud of...

We need to better sustain our resources ...We need to find other avenues of income...

We rely too much on oil , auto's .....We need to find new technologies to invest into ..Create new Green/clean tech jobs that will pay people what they need to survive..

End big oils /auto's control over the slave drones..


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Too many tar black eggs in one nest on one tiny branch , on one dying tree is not a future to be proud of...

We need to better sustain our resources ...We need to find other avenues of income...

We rely too much on oil , auto's .....We need to find new technologies to invest into ..Create new Green/clean tech jobs that will pay people what they need to survive..

End big oils /auto's control over the slave drones..
And untill we do,we will have to rely on the oilsands and it will be Albertans that come up with new green technology first,if any of you have any kind of mutual funds in your rrsp's then I'll bet good money you have invested in the oilsands and probably dont even know it.:roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
No offence Anna but you dont have a clue about the oilsands or minerals and should either bow out gracefully now or continue to have me lambaste you with facts that continually undermine any argument you seem to think you have.
Metal and gold mines are some of the worst polluters on the planet,especially where they use cyanide to extract the ore.
Mercury levels in BC streams are still prevalent because of their gold mining practices which used mercury to retort the gold for many years.
Right, but after the metal's extracted from the ore, dummy, the waste is (or is supposed to be) rendered relatively harmless. You said so yourself, but I guess the great Krak knows everything and when he says something it's true and when someone else says the same thing, it isn't true. lmao What a goof.

At the oilsands oil laden shale is stripped from the land,its then processed to remove the oil and put right back where it came nice and clean like,the topsoils are then replaced and its reclaimed to it's original state.
Do me a favour and go to the syncrude site and check out the reclamation pictures,unless your like Juan and cant handle the truth.
That's fine, but don't claim it is left better than before or even as good as it was before. Like I am supposed to take Syncrude's word that they do everything just perfect and to the letter of the regs? lmao Sorry, I'm not as naive as you.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
This "crude" seeps from the ground anyways,we could just leave it and let the rains contaminate the rivers from run off or we can utilize it.
So bad analogy of crude spilling on the ground considering it bubbles up from the ground to begin with.:roll:
Yes,just like the Beverly hillbillies,the first oil seep in Alberta and first rig was in Waterton national peace park.The natives used it for years for waterproofing.;-)
So go make a difference in your backyard,quit dumping your feces into the ocean and then maybe you can come tell us how to be environmentally friendly.

Mashing out links on sites that you didnt even have the time to read yourself shows you have some kind of agenda, you dont give a **** about the oilsands,the hate Alberta bandwagon comes around once a week and you jump on it first chance you get.
Bubbling up from the ground is a whole different pile of wax than piping it out and spreading it all over the planet. Get a grip.
You have no idea 3hat I hate or not. You only see what you want to see, hence your obvious omission of a lot of what I have said.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
My beer cans go straight out with the regular garbage. I don't recycle. I eat fast food regularly. I emit more gas than a methane belching cow. I drive a gas guzzling vehicle that is in dire need of a tuneup. Let's face it...I'm an environmental hazard.

When I see holes in the earth like this and the leaching from the tailings I throw my hands up and say why should I bother. Where am I going and what am I doing in this handbasket?
Where and what? Right where you are you are giving in to the exploitative, consumerist attitude that makes the messes in the first place. Great for you if you don't think of your great grandkids.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
This astute driver just wanted a vehicle that would go a few miles before it fell apart, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it to burn as much gas as the big Dodge.
Those are about the same size as my "big Dodge". lol I get between 24 and 30 miles to the gallon depending on the roads.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
Where and what? Right where you are you are giving in to the exploitative, consumerist attitude that makes the messes in the first place. Great for you if you don't think of your great grandkids.

I haven't given in Anna. I've always been here doing what I do since I first threw up on my momma's bib. We're all a bunch of spewing organisms spreading our filth across the planet. Yes, even the recyclers among us.

Ok then. I'll try to reduce the flatulence a bit. But that's it. When big business starts cleaning up their act I'll start recycling. And perhaps I'll move into a mud hut at the same time.

Why is it always about the kids? Aren't we all children of the earth.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Right, but after the metal's extracted from the ore, dummy, the waste is (or is supposed to be) rendered relatively harmless. You said so yourself, but I guess the great Krak knows everything and when he says something it's true and when someone else says the same thing, it isn't true. lmao What a goof.

That's fine, but don't claim it is left better than before or even as good as it was before. Like I am supposed to take Syncrude's word that they do everything just perfect and to the letter of the regs? lmao Sorry, I'm not as naive as you.

Believe what you want,as a field rep I was the guy that got the fine,not syncrude or anyone else,thats why they farm out inspectors,It's good money but your the fall guy.
Poop flows downhill mon ami and I know my stuff and also know how to protect my ass,you have no idea how much of a cut throat bussiness the patch is.
So call me a goof or moron or whatever but I get big bucks to sit in my truck and fill out permits to satisfy everyone when things are going good.

Get off the hate Alberta bandwagon allready,if you want to talk about the oilsands then fine,if not then bow out and hopefully save some face like Juan did.
I'm not an expert but I know my shi*.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Bubbling up from the ground is a whole different pile of wax than piping it out and spreading it all over the planet. Get a grip.
You have no idea 3hat I hate or not. You only see what you want to see, hence your obvious omission of a lot of what I have said.

Uhhh,they call them oil sands for a reason and the first Alberta discovery wells were seeps.
You should read up on it a bit before commenting anymore.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I haven't given in Anna. I've always been here doing what I do since I first threw up on my momma's bib. We're all a bunch of spewing organisms spreading our filth across the planet. Yes, even the recyclers among us.

Ok then. I'll try to reduce the flatulence a bit. But that's it. When big business starts cleaning up their act I'll start recycling. And perhaps I'll move into a mud hut at the same time.

Why is it always about the kids? Aren't we all children of the earth.
Sorry, got a little sensitive there. I'm a parent, the kind of planet my grandkids will have to live in is kind of important to me. I guess it's different for those with no kids. I forget there are such people. :)
Besides, I like living out where the water and air is clean and take offense to someone messing up either.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Believe what you want,as a field rep I was the guy that got the fine,not syncrude or anyone else,thats why they farm out inspectors,It's good money but your the fall guy.
Poop flows downhill mon ami and I know my stuff and also know how to protect my ass,you have no idea how much of a cut throat bussiness the patch is.
So call me a goof or moron or whatever but I get big bucks to sit in my truck and fill out permits to satisfy everyone when things are going good.

Get off the hate Alberta bandwagon allready,if you want to talk about the oilsands then fine,if not then bow out and hopefully save some face like Juan did.
I'm not an expert but I know my shi*.
yeah yeah yeah. So basically you are telling me that the seepage that occurs normally is okay and there are no leaks and whatever else along thousands of miles of pipes and stuff? I getcha. *wink wink*


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Uhhh,they call them oil sands for a reason and the first Alberta discovery wells were seeps.
You should read up on it a bit before commenting anymore.
So the crude that normally seeped out of the ground wasn't piped around the planet. Did Scotty from Star Trek magically beam crude from source to refinery? I see. *wink wink*


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Sorry, got a little sensitive there. I'm a parent, the kind of planet my grandkids will have to live in is kind of important to me. I guess it's different for those with no kids. I forget there are such people. :)
Besides, I like living out where the water and air is clean and take offense to someone messing up either.
Canadas biggest open pit coal mines are right on the watershed here,I can drink right out of one of the rivers that Juan claims were contaminated(100 meters from me) and the Trans Canada pipeline is also 100 meters from my house,piping gas from the oilsands to Terracon and all the other suppliers that feed B.C.'s hunger for gas.:roll:

I bet you cant drink the water where Van is pumping poop into the ocean,I wouldnt anyways.Word is that theres lots of fish mutations because of it.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
So call me a goof or moron or whatever but I get big bucks to sit in my truck and fill out permits to satisfy everyone when things are going good.

Get off the hate Alberta bandwagon allready,if you want to talk about the oilsands then fine,if not then bow out and hopefully save some face like Juan did.
I'm not an expert but I know my shi*.

I for one, don't hate Alberta and far be it from me to bow out to "save face". I just got tired of trying to argue the long term ramifications of a huge, filthy, project like the tar sands with a truck driver who is certainly no "expert"...:roll::roll:


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I for one, don't hate Alberta and far be it from me to bow out to "save face". I just got tired of trying to argue the long term ramifications of a huge, filthy, project like the tar sands with a truck driver who is certainly no "expert"...:roll::roll:

Who's the truck driver Juan?

Last truck I drove was in 1982 at a shell site and most of the guys trucking with me are now running the oilsands.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Canadas biggest open pit coal mines are right on the watershed here,I can drink right out of one of the rivers that Juan claims were contaminated(100 meters from me) and the Trans Canada pipeline is also 100 meters from my house,piping gas from the oilsands to Terracon and all the other suppliers that feed B.C.'s hunger for gas.:roll:
lol Good for you.Personally, I wouldn't park my house near unstable hills that have been known to fall down, or in the middle of a pile of sour gas wells, and I'd probably have the water tested by a private outfit of my choosing before I'd drink it but you go right ahead.

I bet you cant drink the water where Van is pumping poop into the ocean,I wouldnt anyways.Word is that theres lots of fish mutations because of it.
I don't care about Vancouver. It isn't the topic.