Death: Final or Not?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Those who developed and created the agriculture - for those who are willingly too ignorant to realize this, the farmers of the American Midwest - that could feed the world, must have been developed by strong anti-environmentalists. Can anyone but Cliffy an SirJosephPorter fail of see the insanity of this? Yet, it was spouted by these two worthies.

And just what is insane about this? The fact that they were good farmers, does not mean that they were good environmentalists. Good farmers mean that they took care of their farmland, not their environment.

Who cries about the passenger pigeon? Who regrets that that there are no more dodo birds? Who would like Tyrannosaurus Rex in their neighbourhoods? Who would shed a tear for the disappearence of some insignificant species, if it meant cheaper groceries and healthier/more wholesome produce?

That indeed typifies the far right attitude. God told Adam to subdue the earth, not conserve it. So wanton destruction of wildlife is perfectly permissible, according to your version of the Bible. Well, we all should be concerned about extinction of the species. It is only a rabid anti-environmentalist who says that he doesn’t care if polar bears, grizzlies, elephants, rhinos etc. live or die, as long as he himself gets a comfortable life.

And then you are surprised when I say that far right is vacuously anti-environment? If what you have expressed is not a viciously anti-environment attitude, I don’t know what it is.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"And just what is insane about this? The fact that they were good farmers, does not mean that they were good environmentalists. Good farmers mean that they took care of their farmland, not their environment."

Of course, any normal farmer would want to see the environment as abused and destroyed as possible. After all, the more destroyed the environment is, the better their own living.

If anyone does not see the insanity in SirJosephPorter's statement, above, should try to find food produced by SirJosephPorter.

"That indeed typifies the far right attitude. God told Adam to subdue the earth, not conserve it. So wanton destruction of wildlife is perfectly permissible, according to your version of the Bible. Well, we all should be concerned about extinction of the species. It is only a rabid anti-environmentalist who says that he doesn’t care if polar bears, grizzlies, elephants, rhinos etc. live or die, as long as he himself gets a comfortable life."

First, quote the Bible to support your argument. Good Luck!

Based on your argument, you must be really sorry for the eradication of that oh, so beautiful living entities as the smallpox virus. Or the one who gave us the gift of polio. Or tubercolosis.

I am sure that if if it was up to you to choose who should die: Mosquitoes or Christians, you would choose the insects.

And just FYI, there are more polar bears now, than twenty or fifty years ago.
More grizzlies. More wolves and coyotes. And elks and moose. Perhaps even more racoons and rats.

If there are fewer elephants and rhinoes, blame the appropriate people. Just remember who has dominion - with or without the Bible - over Africa.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
But there is a connection, TenPenny between the Christianity of the settlers and what they did to the wildlife in North America. Christianity and the near extinction of many species in North America are intimately connected.
So is business. So is population growth.

Christians were on a mission to evangelize the Indian, to civilize him. The first step in this objective was to destroy the Gods, the icons of the Indians. Indians regarded many of the animals, buffalo, bear, wolf etc. as having holy, divine powers. Many of the animals were religious icons to them.
Wrong, Pilgrim. At least my bunch ( I bet the others) viewed animals as being symbols of aspects of life. Animals weren't sacred unless they were ones such as white buffalo. Get an education.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I can't find a good beaver pelt at Zellers these days.
Nowadays they sell them as footwear. :D Also, pig skin, cow skin, gator skin, etc.



Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
According to a Christian friend of mine, it is our duty to destroy nature and remake the world in our own image. He quoted some passage in the bible to justify that assertion but I promptly forgot it because I thought he was stark raving mad. Turns out he was just a good Christian obeying his god. Go figure!

It is a passage in Genesis, Cliffy; it would be easy enough to look up chapter and verse. God says to Adam to go forth and subdue the earth. God did not tell him to preserve, conserve, nurture the earth, he told Adam to subdue, to dominate the earth.

That is why conservatives in general and Fundamentalists in particular tend to be such strong anti-environmentalists; they think that God tells them to subdue the environment, not to take care of it. To conserve, to preserve are sissy attributes, to conquer, to subdue are manly attributes (as least that is how religious right sees it).
So as a person "heavily invested in" several large companies, you are doing the same thing. Hypocrite.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Of course, any normal farmer would want to see the environment as abused and destroyed as possible. After all, the more destroyed the environment is, the better their own living.

YJ, the normal farmer wants to maximize his crop yield; he does not necessarily care for environment as such.

First, quote the Bible to support your argument. Good Luck!

You supposedly know your Bible; you know where in Genesis God told Adam to subdue the earth. Find it yourself.

Based on your argument, you must be really sorry for the eradication of that oh, so beautiful living entities as the smallpox virus. Or the one who gave us the gift of polio. Or tubercolosis.

Again, only a rabid anti-environmentalist will compare animals such as polar bear, grizzly bear, elephants with smallpox and with polio virus. I don’t have to make a case for you being a rabid anti-environmentalist YJ; you are making that case yourself.

And just FYI, there are more polar bears now, than twenty or fifty years ago.
More grizzlies. More wolves and coyotes. And elks and moose. Perhaps even more racoons and rats.

That is beside the point, YJ (and many animals are in the danger of extinction, but that is a separate issue, post a separate thread and we will talk). You don’t care whether polar bear, grizzly bear, elephant, rhino etc. disappear as long as you have comfortable life, you said so yourself. That is the definition of rabid anti-environmentalist, he only look at today and tomorrow, ignoring the long term damage done to the environment, to the eco system in favor of a quick buck.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
I don't really relish going through all the threads, so I don't know if this has already been said...

No, death is not final...

As you moulder in your grave, you're bio-matter will break down to it's constituent compounds and become nutrients for a great many species of vermiculture and greenery...and then one day a seed will germinate in the nitrogen rich soil that you've become...and the cycle of life will continue unabated...

Unless of course some A-holes ruin our planet and kill off all life as we know it...

Then we'll all be hooped, no matter what we believe...:-(
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lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I don't really relish going through all the threads, so I don't know if this has already been said...

No, death is not final...

As you moulder in your grave, you're bio-matter will break down to it's constituent compounds and become nutrients for a great many species of vermiculture and greenery...and then one day a seed will germinate in the nitrogen rich soil that you've become...and the cycle of life will continue unabated...

Unless of course some A-holes ruin our planet and kill off all life as we know it...

Then we'll all be hooped, no matter what we believe...:-(

Not in the grave. The yuck and stuff that was your body will remain in a rotting wood or cardboard box sealed in a concrete vault. Cremated? If you can find a place where it's legal to dump the ash, the deceased might get to be the phosphorus part of a fertilizer trio....
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Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I don't really relish going through all the threads, so I don't know if this has already been said...

No, death is not final...

As you moulder in your grave, you're bio-matter will break down to it's constituent compounds and become nutrients for a great many species of vermiculture and greenery...and then one day a seed will germinate in the nitrogen rich soil that you've become...and the cycle of life will continue unabated...

Unless of course some A-holes ruin our planet and kill off all life as we know it...

Then we'll all be hooped, no matter what we believe...:-(
Yeah, there's always politics standing in the way of good sense and responsible behavior.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I don't really relish going through all the threads, so I don't know if this has already been said...

No, death is not final...

As you moulder in your grave, you're bio-matter will break down to it's constituent compounds and become nutrients for a great many species of vermiculture and greenery...and then one day a seed will germinate in the nitrogen rich soil that you've become...and the cycle of life will continue unabated...

Unless of course some A-holes ruin our planet and kill off all life as we know it...

Then we'll all be hooped, no matter what we believe...:-(

That's right, we will nourish the earth, after death, and doesn't matter if
we kill off every living thing, the earth will regenerate itself, and figure
out how to live on, it's only 'stupid' us, that thinks of only 'stupid' us, and while
we talk of hurting our earth, it's really 'us' and all other living things, that we are killing, and I'm sure
if the earth could talk, it would laugh and say, there they go again, haven't
a clue how to save themselves, because of their greed, so I will wait and raise
another population of living beings, sure hope the next ones are smarter than
the last.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Not in the grave. The yuck and stuff that was your body will remain in a rotting wood or cardboard box sealed in a concrete vault. Cremated? If you can find a place where it's legal to dump the ash, the deceased might get to be the phosphorus part of a fertilizer trio....

Once you're cremated, and your ashes are spread (legal or not), it's a done deal.

The Authorities wouldn't be invited to witness any ceremony, and I doubt they'd
force anyone to recollect their loved one with a DustBuster anyway.

"Where are the remains of.....?"

"Hmmm....I'm not really sure. They've got to be around here somewhere."


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
That's right, we will nourish the earth, after death, and doesn't matter if
we kill off every living thing, the earth will regenerate itself, and figure
out how to live on, it's only 'stupid' us, that thinks of only 'stupid' us, and while
we talk of hurting our earth, it's really 'us' and all other living things, that we are killing, and I'm sure
if the earth could talk, it would laugh and say, there they go again, haven't
a clue how to save themselves, because of their greed, so I will wait and raise
another population of living beings, sure hope the next ones are smarter than
the last.

Quite right, talloola. Sure earth will regenerate itself, it has many times. But it will be without human beings. If human beings trash the earth, next regeneration (perhaps tens or hundreds of millions of years in the future) will see humans replaced by something else.

Nobody is immortal. Dinosaurs existed for more than 100 million years (a lot longer than humans have existed), but even they were swallowed up in the mists of time.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Once you're cremated, and your ashes are spread (legal or not), it's a done deal.

The Authorities wouldn't be invited to witness any ceremony, and I doubt they'd
force anyone to recollect their loved one with a DustBuster anyway.

"Where are the remains of.....?"

"Hmmm....I'm not really sure. They've got to be around here somewhere."

I'm going to place my dad's ashes (when he dies) in a sand bunker at his golf course. He asked the course for permission and they said they can't give it but they will make sure their grounds employees are busy elsewhere when I come.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I'm going to place my dad's ashes (when he dies) in a sand bunker at his golf course. He asked the course for permission and they said they can't give it but they will make sure their grounds employees are busy elsewhere when I come.

Right on! A relative of mine read this thread and sent me the following quote.
I know not where it comes from, but here it is:

"The practice of spreading the ashes of a loved one somewhere is not illegal,
said Al Dwyer who administers the Cemetery Act for the government of
Saskatchewan. He's even heard of relatives who held ceremonies where
ashes of avid fishermen were placed in a lake and where ashes of a hunter
were placed in a shell and blasted out of a shotgun. But Dwyer suggests
people ask and get permission if the land is privately-owned."

My only advice is, if the wind is blowing, make sure you're standing up-wind
before you begin. Just trust me on this one.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I would rather be taken out into the mountains and left for coyote and raven food. We are the only species that takes ourselves out of the food chain with burial and cremation. I would rather contribute back what I have taken out. If I have to be buried, I would rather it be in a cardboard box.

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
I would rather be taken out into the mountains and left for coyote and raven food. We are the only species that takes ourselves out of the food chain with burial and cremation. I would rather contribute back what I have taken out. If I have to be buried, I would rather it be in a cardboard box.
I don't mind getting eaten now and then ;-)


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Religion - The past of ITt

Politics - The Present/NOW of ITt

Science - The Future of ITt

It's all about the Big G .. Or whatever you choose to call ITt ...

ITt's all about the bigger picture..

Have faith in the future ... The possiblitlies are endless..Infinite

Gotta have faith ... Don't let history cloud your future... Things evolve ...

So does Big "G"...

Animals - Humans- Angels _ I would say we're still more animal/humans than Human /Angels ..But give it time...

Keep Listen for the trumpets!..Watch those birds ..I think their Big"G" 's spies :)