Death: Final or Not?


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
If you die to everything you know, including your family, your memory, everything you have felt, then death is a purification, a rejuvenating process; then death brings innocence and it is only the innocent who are passionate, not the people who believe or who want to find out what happens after death.
To find out actually what takes place when you die you must die. This isn't a joke. You must die - not physically but psychologically, inwardly, die to the things you have cherished and to the things you are bitter about. If you have died to one of your pleasures, the smallest or the greatest, naturally, without any enforcement or argument, then you will know what it means to die. To die is to have a mind that is completely empty of itself, empty of its daily longing, pleasure; and agonies. Death is a renewal, a mutation, in which thought does not function at all because thought is old. When there is death there is something totally new. Freedom from the known is death, and then you are living.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I would rather be taken out into the mountains and left for coyote and raven food. We are the only species that takes ourselves out of the food chain with burial and cremation. I would rather contribute back what I have taken out. If I have to be buried, I would rather it be in a cardboard box.
Nutrients are nutrients, Cliff. Ashes fertilize the soil which feeds plantife, bacteria which feeds other life. It's called a food chain. In being buried, most people deprive those beings for an extended period of time because of the preservatives replacing the blood in their boies. Not only that, if there are no preservatives, the lowest forms of life are bypassed and the beings farther up the food chains gets the benefit. Ashes start at the bottom of the food chain.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Everything is energy and information ..The rest is recyclable waste... Ad inf ...

Life is everywhere and goes on forever, somewhere ..

If one were to transfer their brain into a machine would they be dead?...Careful. Steven Hawkings might be listening ...He will live on forever regarless of what you believe.. He has made history..Like many other great men and women through out our time , in this space...

China good message...

If you put all your thoughts.. into a machine called You...One that could simulate learning ..tranfer intelligence into knowledge into wisdom ...Would you still be alive?..:?:8O.

All anyone in cyber space ever sees(if he/she/chooses) is ones thoughts and in my case 1 eye..So as long as my eye and persona is used ..g66 will live on in cyber space forever hahahahahahahahahhahaha:lol: ...oh sorry:roll: carried away..Damned sci fi/fantasy flicks ..messed my brain up!

Ah who wants to live forever anyway..?

We'll be finding all the ways to live forever ..Searching till the end of time..!Greenfish66 on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads " Waiting till the end" - ( some thankless self promotion..:))...iTt is what ITt is..
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I would rather be taken out into the mountains and left for coyote and raven food. We are the only species that takes ourselves out of the food chain with burial and cremation. I would rather contribute back what I have taken out. If I have to be buried, I would rather it be in a cardboard box.

I have stated something similar to my husband on occasion. Can't one have
a quick burial, in a pine box like they did long ago? Who's to stop us, does one
have to have their blood drained out, can't we stop that process?
Neither my husband nor I want any funeral at all, just something fast and simple. All the ceremony can be done all throughout our lives, not after we
We arrived here 'ah natural', and should leave the same way.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Remind me to never make you mad with me.....8O
lol My bark's worse than my bite. lol Bark gets itchy sometimes though, so I have to bend a limb around and scratch with a twig.
It just reminded me of that spot in one of the Croc Dundee movies where the woman and a couple abos were holding some hostages and one abo asked if it was ok to eat a hostage. lol