Scientists find active 'super-thermite' in WTC dust


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
And for your can find the original poster of this thread arguing that aliens are the ones making crop circles on another thread.

That is what we are dealing with.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
And for your can find the original poster of this thread arguing that aliens are the ones making crop circles on another thread.

That is what we are dealing with.


So no sense asking him if he knows what a plasma torch has in common with thermite and the clean up of the WTC then?


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
You are a religious nut Pal, you're belief that Bush was ever a man proves it. Go ahead debunk your brain-cell away. There's nothing funnier than a retard selling bags of magic beans and bibles.

You spend 2 months at the arctic circle in january in an uninsulated tent with gravity fed diesel heater and no way in or out and even if you were religious,you wouldnt be after the first week.

Now even if I did believe in the big guy,he would'nt have been very happy with the names I was calling him the first week.;-)

See how I just debunked your religious nutbag theory?:roll:
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Hundreds of thousands of people all over the arctic spend winter very nicely without bragging about it. You're a religious nutbag because you believe in an invented story and you preach the gospel to the good but simple villagers who may or may not have wasted some time in a tent in the winter. Diesel heater, jeesus crisp man you're a puffty delicate little wallflower who probably wouldn't **** without toilet paper. You and smack ammuse youselves with tough guy wannabe stories.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Hundreds of thousands of people all over the arctic spend winter very nicely without bragging about it. You're a religious nutbag because you believe in an invented story and you preach the gospel to the good but simple villagers who may or may not have wasted some time in a tent in the winter. Diesel heater, jeesus crisp man you're a puffty delicate little wallflower who probably wouldn't **** without toilet paper. You and smack ammuse youselves with tough guy wannabe stories.

There's not hundreds of thousands of people in our arctic and they dont fare very nicely if you count the food and fuel shortages they have had the last 5 years.
There's also not a lot of peeps,most communitys are a few thousand strong and that's why there isnt an airport along the Hudsons bay to Repulse bay and Yellowknife that I cant go through without knowing someone.
Yesterday was Nunavut day,I bet you didnt even know that.:lol:
The arctic is a whole new topic though so I dont want to derail this thread

You missed the analogy alltogether,I was pointing out I'm an atheist.:lol:


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I guess that makes you a religeous nut too, eh beav?

We are all religious nuts about something or other gerry, I just don't happen to be in the same lunatic church as the Magic Falling Building godwhacks. You want to continue to believe that professional building demolition isn't professional building demolition then that's fine with me. Somebody has to be wrong and it might as well be you. I believe your god offers forgiveness so of course you have nothing to lose when he shows you the error of your ways. It's physically impossible to have one building collapse as observed unless the set was rigged for perfect symetrical collapse. Three of them in one day in sight of each other is akin to the parting of the red sea and water into wine and the virgin birth all happening over brunch in your backyard on the same day. You got a stone idol in your life gerry, three of them really.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
There's not hundreds of thousands of people in our arctic and they dont fare very nicely if you count the food and fuel shortages they have had the last 5 years.
There's also not a lot of peeps,most communitys are a few thousand strong and that's why there isnt an airport along the Hudsons bay to Repulse bay and Yellowknife that I cant go through without knowing someone.
Yesterday was Nunavut day,I bet you didnt even know that.:lol:
The arctic is a whole new topic though so I dont want to derail this thread

You missed the analogy alltogether,I was pointing out I'm an atheist.:lol:

So you don't read very well, I said "the arctic" they've been there for thousands of years despite shortages. You can point out your athesim all you want as long as you believe in miracles you're a religious nut bag.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Woah Ger,Who are these magic falling building
godwhacks he speaks of and just what does that mean?

I may be an atheist at heart but I could care less if someone wants to worship a higher unseen power,whatever gets you through life.
Faith is a powerfull thing.
Or are insults all he has right now?


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Never mind,I see the religious nutbag comment he just posted again,the foilers just cant stand facts,I'm an atheist D.B.
Dont like it? Too bad,I'm not into any religion,I am my own god,I make the desicions that affect my life.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Never mind,I see the religious nutbag comment he just posted again,the foilers just cant stand facts,I'm an atheist D.B.
Dont like it? Too bad,I'm not into any religion,I am my own god,I make the desicions that affect my life.

You say you're an atheist and yet you believe in the official 9/11 story. You're obviously into the official state 9/11 religion. It's OK though minorities are protected.
What's it like to be one of the few remaining believers in the official 9/11 lie left on the planet? Top of the last column I think, you used the initials BS to describe thinking people like me, that was your opening insult Kakato, that's a fact. And so you must wear the label "religious nutbag" and misinformer.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Well,I saw a plane hit the tower on tv as it happened so sorry for having an open mind when some suggests it was anything else,your hatred for the US really makes your argument lame as you keep pushing on the same points that get debunked repeatedly,now I'm religious according to you so it must be so.

I realize every forum has to have a resident foiler and maybe you have Tourettes syndrome which would explain the uncalled for insults.
Are you going to have a meltdown?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Well,I saw a plane hit the tower on tv as it happened so sorry for having an open mind when some suggests it was anything else,your hatred for the US really makes your argument lame as you keep pushing on the same points that get debunked repeatedly,now I'm religious according to you so it must be so.

I realize every forum has to have a resident foiler and maybe you have Tourettes syndrome which would explain the uncalled for insults.
Are you going to have a meltdown?

You saw one plane hit a tower, that's an asymetrical force which cannot under any circumstances ever imagined be responsible for a symetrical collapse. Your mind isn't open it's empty. You called for insults as I have pointed out to you. There is only one point worth consideration. It was most certainly an professional demolition job constituting an act of treason. You are either with them or against them.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
No,I've worked on a blasting crew and supervise one so I can tell **** from shinola my friend.
Unlike your friend the explosive's hobbyist,I have a ticket.;-)

Find me one person with a blasting ticket that says that was a controled demo,just one,explosive hobbyists writing books dont count.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I don't have to find you anything you don't have a case or an argument for a case. All you have is the official word which in these days of war and economic ruin are worthless. You can make a fool of yourself by explaining the physics if you like.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Your the one with the theory dude,I dont have to have a case but you have to prove yours and so far it's nothing but a theory.
So if your going to spout such nonsense,have some facts to back them up or dont even bother posting if you think peeps will just take your word as gospel because most of us saw a plane hit the tower live,you say it was something else so usually when a claim such as that is made it's backed up with some facts of some kind.

Ill wait for some and you better check your sources for credibility first because I've been down this road with foilers many times and know who you peeps use for your so called info,jheesh,and you call us sheep.