Discovering insulin: mental masturbation.
Discovering insulin must have felt good, maybe he meant it as a good thing.:smile:
Discovering insulin: mental masturbation.
Nothing you have posted has any basis in "reality"...... individual cells do not have consciousness. There is no basis in "reality" for your assertions. Nothing more than superstition. Consciousness originates in the brain. It is documented and proven. Your assertions about cellular consciousness and heart intuition are nothing but gobbledy gook and fairey tales for 6 year olds.
I f a cell doesn't know it's a cell why does appear as a cell and act as a cell?
yer missin the point there junior samples.
Nuts. Logic is logic. There are two types, for sure, but they have nothing to do with geography. The types are inductive and deductive. Deductive is using a set of spedific data or a general principle to arrive at a specific conclusion. Inductive is using a number of proven facts to draw a general conclusion.
Of course, but then the logic turns to something else known as "interpretation" or something of that nature in which you can USE logic to arrive at an opinion or an interpretation, but it is sometimes flawed logic.Of course, but logic as you describe can only be used when describing the world objectively. As soon as subjectivity points its head, the rules of the game tend to change quickly enough.
Of course, but then the logic turns to something else known as "interpretation" or something of that nature in which you can USE logic to arrive at an opinion or an interpretation, but it is sometimes flawed logic.
Of course, but then the logic turns to something else known as "interpretation" or something of that nature in which you can USE logic to arrive at an opinion or an interpretation, but it is sometimes flawed logic.
Sometimes. It depends on wheth4er your data set is complete or you forgot something.Only sometimes? I don't think logic can be applied to subjective beliefs. Opinion is a subjective thing. We can agree that a rock is a rock, although native americans might have a very different idea what it is, but very few have an identical concept of what a god is.
If a cauliflower doesn't know it's a cauliflower why does it appear as a cauliflower and act as a vegetable?I f a cell doesn't know it's a cell why does appear as a cell and act as a cell?
Cool. I respect others in and for their beliefs. I won't knock someone for their
religious beliefs. I have my own...they're very different from most other peoples.
I don't care what others think about them, 'cuz they work for me, and I'm not
recruiting :lol: anyone. Anyway....
Good on you. I'm off to bed.
God isn't a logical thinker anyway is she?
Did you read the original post? I get the feeling you just grabbed one of your prewritten articles, did a little modifying and posted the same silly assertions. Now get in there, pick my argument apart, and defeat it if you can. Tell me your right and I'm wrong. (Even though that's what doing, while arguing that's not what your doing) Or are we both right, or are we both wrong? Or is right wrong? Or is wrong sometimes right? Is is right for you, or is only wrong to me?
If a cauliflower doesn't know it's a cauliflower why does it appear as a cauliflower and act as a vegetable?
So ... how does one know whose logic is flawed?
So ... how does one know whose logic is flawed?
Humans are flawed therefore their logic is flawed. If we weren't flawed we would be gods and goddesses and those that need an external deity to control their lives would not know what to do with themselves.