Legalized Cat Killing


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Well Zzarchov, you can call whatever you want. BTW feline leukemia is not a STD. FIV is transmitted throught saliva and blood in male to male fights. Not through sexual intercourse in cats.
A farm out in the middle of the country is a vastly different location then a city, yes? So a feral cat in the country is going to not suffer the way a feral cat in the city suffers. I don't trap in the country. I trap in the city.

Then what you have is a Stray, raised by people and now abandoned. They also aren't what you can hunt under these new rules (you cant fire guns into the city)


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
hen what you have is a Stray, raised by people and now abandoned. They also aren't what you can hunt under these new rules

Some are strays. Some are feral. It's easy to tell the difference.


New Member
Feb 20, 2007
Halifax Councillors propose legal mass cat extermination

Forget the hunters, they can't compare to Halifax city council.

They passes an anti cat by-law that essentially made it illegal for them to be outside. Any cat found outside would be sent to a pound for euthanization. The odd thing was that these councillors did not look into funding the pound or enforcement of the by-law before passing it.

If the by-law they passed was actually enforced, 10's of thousands of cats would of been euthanized. Fortuntely they are so incompetent that the lack of a facility to kill the cats or any employees in place to hunt all the cats has prevented this mass slaughter from occuring so far.

Councillor David Hendsbee, Linda Mosher, Andrew Younger, Jim Smith and Krista Snow are still trying to make it a realty though ! Fortuntely they don't have as many lives as a cat, there's a municiple elction in October 2008.
More info on the cat-by law here fyf:


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
:roll: Even though this thread IS 3 years old, it's still valid.........unfortunately. Lots of talk and not much action when it comes to pet protection.....same as kids eh!:angry3:

A friend of ours had to quit the humane society, as she was coming home crying every night. Killing of dogs, cats, and rabbits finally got to her.



House Member
Jun 9, 2006
Hey Nugg how's it goin ya handsome devil!?

I'd hope that parents would SMARTEN UP! Just because toilet paper manufacturers use cute little kittens to sell arsewipe and "happiness" is a "warm puppy" there's got to be more intervention and prevention in parents giving their children pets that become too much of a burden and then are abandoned. Take the money being spent on useless and wasteful nonsense like the Mulroney/Shreiber bafflegab and to after the puppy mills and the cat suppliers who contribute to the problem.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I predict that stray pets will not be a problem this time next year. In light of that you should order my book-------Cooking Domestic Pets-----sandwich goldfish and canarys, pot roast kitty, retriever la orange, shepard pie, hamster pot pie all your favourite post depression dishes.
fish bowl gravey,


New Member
May 5, 2009
Why are cats more important than wildlife?

My girlfriend has a cat, and I like the little bugger. But she stays indoors, where cats belong. I'm a birder, I love having a birdfeeder and watching all the wildlife enjoy the yard. So why do cats owned by other people have a right to live and indiscriminately kill birds that visit my feeder? I'm at the point of just using a BB gun, since more humane measures have failed. Why is it ok for cat owners to let their cats roam around wherever they choose, leaving the burden of making my yard cat-proof to me? No other pet is granted this privilege, especially not one that is such a natural cold-blooded killer.

CAT LOVERS ARE NOT ANIMAL LOVERS, if they were, they wouldn't let their cats kill every small mammal, bird, and reptile they find. This double standard is ridiculous, and only because they are "cute" compared to other animals that we have no qualms controlling. I think loose cats should be fair game within reason, as long as any other varmint is allowed to be shot on site in the same manner.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
Put cats on a leash like dogs are, if you dont think thats humane then dont get a cat.... Housecats dont belong in the boreal forest of Canada, they only screw it up...

If you have a problem with a cat coming into your yard and killing song birds and there nests use a big mouse trap :)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Put cats on a leash like dogs are, if you dont think thats humane then dont get a cat.... Housecats dont belong in the boreal forest of Canada, they only screw it up...

If you have a problem with a cat coming into your yard and killing song birds and there nests use a big mouse trap :)

I hear they taste just like chicken. And their hides make good slipper liners.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Should I post in this thread????..........



Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
In 2 American states,the hunting of cats without collars is legal-providing much needed practice for the average hunter before he heads into the woods in search of the deer or moose. Several people here have trapped roaming cats and turned them over to the Animal Rescue League where they were euthanized.I'm neither for or against this idea,but just wondering if such a law would work here.

From what I could/could not find out, it's not legal anywhere in the US, but authorities in Wisconsin are considering making it legal to stalk and kill feral cats because they are growing in number and causing problems for communities. It is a horrible idea, and those who like it probably pulled wings off flys as children.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
From what I could/could not find out, it's not legal anywhere in the US, but authorities in Wisconsin are considering making it legal to stalk and kill feral cats because they are growing in number and causing problems for communities. It is a horrible idea, and those who like it probably pulled wings off flys as children.

God day Ironside, If they allow such atrocity to take place because they do not have the correct method in stopping the cats from reproducing especially in North America, that would be sooooooooooooo barbaric and counter to the popular belief for the preservation of life.


New Member
May 5, 2009
"It is a horrible idea, and those who like it probably pulled wings off flys as children"

So you are calling me cruel, just because I think about other animals besides pets? What hypocrisy. So you'd rather just say "F*** you" to all the meadowlarks, quail, and other ground nesting birds whose populations are being devastated, because cats are cute.

This is the problem with lovey dovey cat owners. Somehow the cat has been granted high status.

I repeat, cat lovers are not animal lovers. This is the core of this issue. Biology is never cute and cuddly when it comes to making hard decisions. But If you think fluffy is somehow a more noble animal that deserves protection granted to no comparable wild creatures (even when living wild), than you are a sick hypocrite.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
God day Ironside, If they allow such atrocity to take place because they do not have the correct method in stopping the cats from reproducing especially in North America, that would be sooooooooooooo barbaric and counter to the popular belief for the preservation of life.

Good day Socrates, That would be so right, so easy to get a animal fixed these days.


New Member
May 5, 2009
Why don't we also trap, neuter, and release other problem animals, like coyotes, or skunks? I know those animals never get the same courtesy when they are picked up by animal control.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
"It is a horrible idea, and those who like it probably pulled wings off flys as children"

So you are calling me cruel, just because I think about other animals besides pets? What hypocrisy. So you'd rather just say "F*** you" to all the meadowlarks, quail, and other ground nesting birds whose populations are being devastated, because cats are cute.

This is the problem with lovey dovey cat owners. Somehow the cat has been granted high status.

I repeat, cat lovers are not animal lovers. This is the core of this issue. Biology is never cute and cuddly when it comes to making hard decisions. But If you think fluffy is somehow a more noble animal that deserves protection granted to no comparable wild creatures (even when living wild), than you are a sick hypocrite.

To kill a cat in an effort to solve the problem is absurd and sooooooooooooooo intolerable. Following this short sided mindset lets kill all the wolfs, foxs, cougars, bears, who come close to society. To kill one to save the other when in fact both were put here for a reason, is like telling nature to go and f her self and we do it the vigilantly way any animal that gets in the way lets reduce it in numbers and only allow man with the small mine set take over and move in the animal habitat and claim that land to be man’s land taken from the animals....... That is demented my forum friend and some ones priorities are bent or broken.