Is Vegetarianism/Veganism The New Religion in N.A.


Jan 6, 2007
Karrie- I just don't like the tone of a few posts in the thread.

I've read through, and I really can't see which ones say anything other than that some vegetarians get really judgy and take their dietary choice to the point of the fanatic. Some. Unless you're part of that some, I don't see why it would bother you too much.

I've also seen meat eaters who are lunatics about meat and take their enjoyment of it to the grotesque, if it makes you feel better.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I've read through, and I really can't see which ones say anything other than that some vegetarians get really judgy and take their dietary choice to the point of the fanatic. Some. Unless you're part of that some, I don't see why it would bother you too much.

I've also seen meat eaters who are lunatics about meat and take their enjoyment of it to the grotesque, if it makes you feel better.

Steak Tar Tar: not that is grotesque. Or the eastern delicacy, live monkey brains! Gag me with a fork!!!8O


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I've read through, and I really can't see which ones say anything other than that some vegetarians get really judgy and take their dietary choice to the point of the fanatic. Some. Unless you're part of that some, I don't see why it would bother you too much.

I've also seen meat eaters who are lunatics about meat and take their enjoyment of it to the grotesque, if it makes you feel better.

Right on Karrie, you insight is amazing- now get over to the "Crucifiction" site, your wisdom and sagacity is needed over there.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
In response to the OP.

I think there's a misunderstanding. I tend towards veganism myself for compassionate reasons. Of course compassion is taught in all of the world's religions, so this compatibility between religion and veganism might give the impression of vegaism being a religion.

Another point to make is that since vegans form a minority in North America, they sometimes need to find ways to crawl out of awkward situations. Some resort to argument, others to humour.

For those wo resort to humour, especially on the internet, but sometimes with strangers, could potentially be misinterpreted.

As for health benefits, there is no hard proof yet that vegetarianism or veganism are healthier than meat-based diets, though it's pretty well unanimous that a balanced vegetarian or vegan diet is at least as healthy as a meat-based diet.

But we do need to be careful not to misread humour or other social coping strategies that vegans or vegetarians might resort to in awkward social circumstances, especially during holiday turkey dinners.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
And so long as they don't mind their salmon or eggplant bbq'ing next to my half dead cow... that's fine by me. LOL.

Half dead? Wow, you like your meat fresh, don't you! I remember a Canadian in China who was disgusted when she'd stuck her chopstick in a Japanese fish dish only to see the tail flick!I guess she'd hit a nerve ending.

Anyway, I bet we can hear a fair bit of mooing on that bbq!


Jan 6, 2007
Half dead? Wow, you like your meat fresh, don't you! I remember a Canadian in China who was disgusted when she'd stuck her chopstick in a Japanese fish dish only to see the tail flick!I guess she'd hit a nerve ending.

Anyway, I bet we can hear a fair bit of mooing on that bbq!

I've been having iron issues, and when they hit, I literally want fresh, carved off a still warm animal, meat. I've hit the point of some days just grilling my meat enough to make it warm in the middle so the juices run. I know that probably sounds revolting to anyone who doesn't eat meat on moral grounds or because it grosses them out, but, I can't help what my body craves.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Another practical point about vegetarians vs. meat eaters. If you've been a vegetarian for years, your nose does become more sensitive to meat (like a non-smoker smelling cigarette smoke I suppose).


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I've been having iron issues, and when they hit, I literally want fresh, carved off a still warm animal, meat. I've hit the point of some days just grilling my meat enough to make it warm in the middle so the juices run. I know that probably sounds revolting to anyone who doesn't eat meat on moral grounds or because it grosses them out, but, I can't help what my body craves.

Tell me about it. Most of the cows in my back yard are missing a few body parts. Why kill it when you can just amputate it? Keeps it fresher that way:p


Jan 6, 2007
Another practical point about vegetarians vs. meat eaters. If you've been a vegetarian for years, your nose does become more sensitive to meat (like a non-smoker smelling cigarette smoke I suppose).

People tend to be sensitive to any difference in diet. People who eat/cook a lot of fish tend to smell differently. People who eat/cook with more garlic than others tend to smell differently.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Here I thought he was just being funny and kind of taking a jab at the preachy vegans who judge and lecture 'meat eaters'. You vegetarians took it all a lot more seriously than I did. lol.

The response was interesting to say the least. Said1, despite not being a vegetarian (still eats chicken and fish), feels derogatory comments were directed at her. Speaking of "get a grip".

Then Mabudon completely misses the point and seems to think this is about what he/she puts in his/her mouth?

I read somewhere that meat consumption is linked to brain development. One of the main reasons man's brain began to develop so rapidly was his switch to an omnivorous diet. Could this have something to do with some people's inability to get the gist of the OP?

The point is not about what people eat but rather why people eat what they eat. If one doesn't eat red meat (or any food for that matter) because one doesn't like it, that just makes sense. Of course, claiming that one "doesn't like meat" is dishonest because there are just so many types of meat and so many different ways to prepare it. So, the point of the OP is that vegetarians/vegans are making their choices without regard for science and are instead, making these decisions based philosophical grounds. Simply put, these decisions are more in line with religious or spiritual thought. I do understand that questioning some peoples spiritual beliefs can cause hard feelings.


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
Yes guy, I am retarded cos I decided that eating factory-made meat was a bad idea somewhere around age 22, my brain stopped developing and now when some stupid asshat makes some flip generalization in the guise of "humour" (I think that is what I've been told I'm not getting here) I just don't "get" it.

I am by NO means a militant vegetarian. The OP was the exact same thing as some idiot posting "isn't it strange how men always wait til december 24th to buy their x-mas presents??". Stupid. It might as well have said something about japanese people and cameras or some such thing.

Point is, I decided to give up eating dead mammals for a few personal reasons. As for there being no known benefits- sure, that is true, as others have posted there is no reason why anyone eating a good diet can't be just as healthy as a different person eating a different yet good diet. HOWEVER if you look into logistics behind the production of meat animals there is plenty of irrefutable data that proves that the meat-centric diet of many north americans is totally unsustainable and environmentally dangerous.

I am not preaching, I just don't get it when someone smears a group who is not like them in an attempt to be "funny" OR "smart"


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I am not preaching,

Of course you are.

HOWEVER if you look into logistics behind the production of meat animals there is plenty of irrefutable data that proves that the meat-centric diet of many north americans is totally unsustainable and environmentally dangerous.

I rest my case. That is a good reason to change eating habits and animal husbandry practices but not a good reason to give up eating meat altogether. Could you perhaps support your religious views with something other than environmentalist propaganda and clap trap.


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
Okay here's a SIMPLE one for you- keep in mind that I am not getting paid so understand that I am not going to spell it all out for you. This is simply well understood and scientifically based tho I am not gonna quote papers.

Food value from the source is basically set up so that an organism gets about 10% of the actual value of whatever it is they consume. A simple example- if you had an underfed chicken and a bag of grain as all the food you had left, what would you do??

A stupid person might fatten the chicken by feeding it some of the grain. This would be folly- if you feed the chicken, 90% of the value of the food would be simply turned into chicken crap, with the chicken absorbing the remaining 10%. And it gets worse- when you eat the chicken, you will crap out 90% of the food value in it. So if you fed the chicken the entire bag of grain, you wasted 99% of the potential in it.

In the olden days it didn't matter so much, but with the scale of things now, the loss of energy/value is totally unsustainable. The plants take x amount of fertilizer, the animals "waste" 90% of the small % the plants got in the first place, then the end consumer gets a measly 1% of the value of the feed used on the animal in the first place. It is a system set up to manufacture waste....

Sure you can use animal feces as fertilizer, but overall most animal-feed crops are being wasted on animals from which it cannot be properly recovered.

And what religion is it gives you the need to make huge smears against people who aren't like you, then smugly "defend" them and expect those smeared to shut up?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Okay here's a SIMPLE one for you...

Yes, you certainly did keep it simple. Your ignorance of farming issues is not surprising. I can only assume you get most of your info from the vegetarian church's high priestess.

It was rather funny. Could you post some more?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Is Vegetarianism/Veganism The New Religion in N.A

.... and if you get your meat from skinks, it's cool because they grow body parts back. :D

You might be onto something Les. Though reptiles have a slower
growth rate than Mammals, they do utilize more of the food they
eat (alligators put on 1lb of meat for every 2lbs of food), bison
only put on 1lb for every 7lbs of feed, and cattle 1lb for every 50lb
of feed. 8O